General Reading D. Cupitt, The Sea of Faith: Christianity in Change The Sea of Faith: Christianity in Change (London, 1984), is a concise statement of this important theologian's historical reflection on the Enlightenment and its significance for Christianity, paralleled in its radical questioning and historical a.n.a.lysis by P. Kennedy, (London, 1984), is a concise statement of this important theologian's historical reflection on the Enlightenment and its significance for Christianity, paralleled in its radical questioning and historical a.n.a.lysis by P. Kennedy, A Modern Introduction to Theology: New Questions for Old Beliefs A Modern Introduction to Theology: New Questions for Old Beliefs (London, 2006). A more sober but highly useful historical account is D. Rosman, (London, 2006). A more sober but highly useful historical account is D. Rosman, The Evolution of the English Churches 1500-2000 The Evolution of the English Churches 1500-2000 (Cambridge, 2003), and a wide sweep of a central topic is N. Atkin and F. Tallett, (Cambridge, 2003), and a wide sweep of a central topic is N. Atkin and F. Tallett, Priests, Prelates and People: A History of European Catholicism since 1750 Priests, Prelates and People: A History of European Catholicism since 1750 (London, 2003). A counter-theme of some importance is dealt with by D. Nash, (London, 2003). A counter-theme of some importance is dealt with by D. Nash, Blasphemy in Modern Britain 1789-present Blasphemy in Modern Britain 1789-present (Aldershot, 1999). (Aldershot, 1999).
21: Enlightenment: Ally or Enemy? (1492- 1815) There is a lack of any short introduction to the religion of the period, but a superb collection of essays is to be found in S. J. Brown and T. Tackett (eds.), The Cambridge History of Christianity 7: Enlightenment, Reawakening and Revolution 1660-1815 The Cambridge History of Christianity 7: Enlightenment, Reawakening and Revolution 1660-1815 (Cambridge, 2006). J. I. Israel, (Cambridge, 2006). J. I. Israel, Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650- 1750 Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650- 1750 (Oxford, 2001), offers a superb reinterpretation of the origins of the Enlightenment which has won much approval. O. Chadwick, (Oxford, 2001), offers a superb reinterpretation of the origins of the Enlightenment which has won much approval. O. Chadwick, The Popes and European Revolution The Popes and European Revolution (Oxford, 1981), is perhaps Chadwick's most remarkable and original book; there is nothing else like it, although D. Beales, (Oxford, 1981), is perhaps Chadwick's most remarkable and original book; there is nothing else like it, although D. Beales, Prosperity and Plunder: European Catholic Monasteries in the Age of Revolution, 1650-1815 Prosperity and Plunder: European Catholic Monasteries in the Age of Revolution, 1650-1815 (Cambridge, 2003), is a richly enjoyable and equally original treatment of one aspect of the same subject, beautifully ill.u.s.trated. J. McManners, (Cambridge, 2003), is a richly enjoyable and equally original treatment of one aspect of the same subject, beautifully ill.u.s.trated. J. McManners, Church and Society in Eighteenth-century France Church and Society in Eighteenth-century France (2 vols., Oxford, 1998), is unequalled in its treatment. Of the vast literature on the French Revolution, D. Andress, (2 vols., Oxford, 1998), is unequalled in its treatment. Of the vast literature on the French Revolution, D. Andress, The French Revolution and the People The French Revolution and the People (London, 2004), is one of the most interesting recent considerations. (London, 2004), is one of the most interesting recent considerations.
22: Europe Re-enchanted or Disenchanted? (1815- 1914) An absorbing survey of European religion, perhaps a little kind to Roman Catholicism, at least by omission, is M. Burleigh, Earthly Powers: The Conflict between Religion and Politics from the French Revolution to the Great War Earthly Powers: The Conflict between Religion and Politics from the French Revolution to the Great War (London, 2005). The Oxford History of the Christian Church series serves the period well with O. Chadwick, (London, 2005). The Oxford History of the Christian Church series serves the period well with O. Chadwick, A History of the Popes 1830-1914 A History of the Popes 1830-1914 (Oxford, 1998), and N. Hope, (Oxford, 1998), and N. Hope, German and Scandinavian Protestantism, 1700- 1918 German and Scandinavian Protestantism, 1700- 1918 (Oxford, 1995). A fine life of one who appears far more important in retrospect than he seemed at the time is J. Garff, (Oxford, 1995). A fine life of one who appears far more important in retrospect than he seemed at the time is J. Garff, Sren Kierkegaard: A Biography Sren Kierkegaard: A Biography (Princeton, 2005), and one who was immediately recognized as exceptional is superbly portrayed in J. Browne, (Princeton, 2005), and one who was immediately recognized as exceptional is superbly portrayed in J. Browne, Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (2 vols., London, 1995, 2002). Of the literature on Marian devotion in the nineteenth century, D. Blackbourn, (2 vols., London, 1995, 2002). Of the literature on Marian devotion in the nineteenth century, D. Blackbourn, Marpingen: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Bismarckian Germany Marpingen: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Bismarckian Germany (Oxford, 1993), is perhaps the most important case study of an extraordinary phenomenon in European society. J. McManners, (Oxford, 1993), is perhaps the most important case study of an extraordinary phenomenon in European society. J. McManners, Church and State in France 1870- 1914 Church and State in France 1870- 1914 (London, 1972), is a concise survey of a deeply riven era of French politics, whose fruits are to be sampled more seriously than a comic novel might normally promise in G. Chevallier, (London, 1972), is a concise survey of a deeply riven era of French politics, whose fruits are to be sampled more seriously than a comic novel might normally promise in G. Chevallier, Clochemerle-les-Bains Clochemerle-les-Bains, whose French original of 1934 has various English translations. M. Angold (ed.), The Cambridge History of Christianity 5: Eastern Christianity The Cambridge History of Christianity 5: Eastern Christianity (Cambridge, 2006) is a sure guide to the travails and growing ascendancy of Orthodoxy during the period. (Cambridge, 2006) is a sure guide to the travails and growing ascendancy of Orthodoxy during the period.
O. Chadwick, The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge, 1975), is a fine survey, while on a more restricted subject, O. Chadwick, (Cambridge, 1975), is a fine survey, while on a more restricted subject, O. Chadwick, The Victorian Church The Victorian Church (2 vols., 2nd edn, London, 1970-72), is written with such lightness of touch that one hardly notices its two-volume size. Other dimensions of English religion are well served by F. Knight, (2 vols., 2nd edn, London, 1970-72), is written with such lightness of touch that one hardly notices its two-volume size. Other dimensions of English religion are well served by F. Knight, The Church in the Nineteenth Century The Church in the Nineteenth Century (London, 2008), and British theology is serviceably introduced by B. M. G. Reardon, (London, 2008), and British theology is serviceably introduced by B. M. G. Reardon, Religious Thought in the Victorian Age Religious Thought in the Victorian Age (London, 1980); background doc.u.ments are usefully gathered in A. O. J. c.o.c.kshut, (London, 1980); background doc.u.ments are usefully gathered in A. O. J. c.o.c.kshut, Religious Controversies of the Nineteenth Century: Selected Doc.u.ments Religious Controversies of the Nineteenth Century: Selected Doc.u.ments (London, 1966). One of the most balanced accounts of the Oxford Movement and its consequences, by a primate of the allied Swedish Lutheran Church, is still Y. Brilioth, (London, 1966). One of the most balanced accounts of the Oxford Movement and its consequences, by a primate of the allied Swedish Lutheran Church, is still Y. Brilioth, The Anglican Revival: Studies in the Oxford Movement The Anglican Revival: Studies in the Oxford Movement (London, 1933). The character of nineteenth-century Anglicanism is beautifully traced in the works of D. Newsome, (London, 1933). The character of nineteenth-century Anglicanism is beautifully traced in the works of D. Newsome, G.o.dliness and Good Learning: Four Studies on a Victorian Ideal G.o.dliness and Good Learning: Four Studies on a Victorian Ideal (London, 1961), on the impact of religion on education, and his (London, 1961), on the impact of religion on education, and his The Parting of Friends: A Study of the Wilberforces and Henry Manning The Parting of Friends: A Study of the Wilberforces and Henry Manning (London, 1966). Newsome also wrote an illuminating dual biography of (London, 1966). Newsome also wrote an illuminating dual biography of The Convert Cardinals: John Henry Newman and Henry Edward Manning The Convert Cardinals: John Henry Newman and Henry Edward Manning (London, 1993), though the standard biography of Newman is still I. Ker, (London, 1993), though the standard biography of Newman is still I. Ker, John Henry Newman John Henry Newman (Oxford, 1988). (Oxford, 1988).
23: To Make the World Protestant (1700- 1914) In addition to the surveys of particular regions listed above under 'General Reading for All Christian History', the essayists of S. Gilley and B. Stanley (eds.), The Cambridge History of Christianity 8: World Christianities c. 1815-c. 1914 The Cambridge History of Christianity 8: World Christianities c. 1815-c. 1914 (Cambridge, 2006), should be eagerly consulted. The greatest of world empires of the period is presented in B. Stanley, (Cambridge, 2006), should be eagerly consulted. The greatest of world empires of the period is presented in B. Stanley, The Bible and the Flag: Protestant Missions and British Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries The Bible and the Flag: Protestant Missions and British Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Leicester, 1990), A. Porter, (Leicester, 1990), A. Porter, Religion versus Empire? British Protestant Missionaries and Overseas Expansion, 1700-1914 Religion versus Empire? British Protestant Missionaries and Overseas Expansion, 1700-1914 (Manchester, 2004), and J. c.o.x, (Manchester, 2004), and J. c.o.x, The British Missionary Enterprise since 1700 The British Missionary Enterprise since 1700 (New York and London, 2008). A theme tangled with that story and Britain's American offshoot is magisterially discussed in both D. B. Davis, (New York and London, 2008). A theme tangled with that story and Britain's American offshoot is magisterially discussed in both D. B. Davis, Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World (Oxford, 2006), and C. Kidd, (Oxford, 2006), and C. Kidd, The Forging of Races: Race and Scripture in the Protestant Atlantic World, 1600-2000 The Forging of Races: Race and Scripture in the Protestant Atlantic World, 1600-2000 (Cambridge, 2006). I. Breward, (Cambridge, 2006). I. Breward, A History of the Churches in Australasia A History of the Churches in Australasia (Oxford, 2001), is judicious and comprehensive. (Oxford, 2001), is judicious and comprehensive.
24: Not Peace but a Sword (1914- 1960) J. Morris, The Church in the Modern Age The Church in the Modern Age (London, 2007), provides excellent shapes for the period, expanded by the essays in H. McLeod (ed.), (London, 2007), provides excellent shapes for the period, expanded by the essays in H. McLeod (ed.), The Cambridge History of Christianity 9: World Christianities c. 1914-c. 2000 The Cambridge History of Christianity 9: World Christianities c. 1914-c. 2000 (Cambridge, 2006). The best guide to Western theology over the last century is P. Kennedy, (Cambridge, 2006). The best guide to Western theology over the last century is P. Kennedy, Twentieth Century Theologians: A New Introduction Twentieth Century Theologians: A New Introduction (London, 2009). Admirable in its clarification of much that is complicated is A. Anderson, (London, 2009). Admirable in its clarification of much that is complicated is A. Anderson, An Introduction to Pentecostalism An Introduction to Pentecostalism (Cambridge, 2004), although it lacks the panache of G. Wacker, (Cambridge, 2004), although it lacks the panache of G. Wacker, Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture (Cambridge, MA, 2001). A. Hastings, (Cambridge, MA, 2001). A. Hastings, A History of English Christianity 1920-1990 A History of English Christianity 1920-1990 (3rd edn, London, 1991), is both reflective and hugely entertaining. W. Dalrymple, (3rd edn, London, 1991), is both reflective and hugely entertaining. W. Dalrymple, From the Holy Mountain From the Holy Mountain (London, 1997), is (in addition to being fine travel literature) a sobering account of the agony of Christianity in the Middle East over the last century. (London, 1997), is (in addition to being fine travel literature) a sobering account of the agony of Christianity in the Middle East over the last century.
25: Culture Wars (1960-present) H. McLeod, The Religious Crisis of the 1960s The Religious Crisis of the 1960s (Oxford, 2007), examines the cultural shift which sparked a turbulent half-century, from the point of view of one historian who remembers being there. As events unfold, it is difficult to provide reading which will keep pace with them, but the early twenty-first century saw a 'battle of the books' which put discussions about Christianity and religion in general back in the public sphere to a degree they have not been in some while. Developing a line of essentially anthropological thought, the biologist Richard Dawkins argues in (Oxford, 2007), examines the cultural shift which sparked a turbulent half-century, from the point of view of one historian who remembers being there. As events unfold, it is difficult to provide reading which will keep pace with them, but the early twenty-first century saw a 'battle of the books' which put discussions about Christianity and religion in general back in the public sphere to a degree they have not been in some while. Developing a line of essentially anthropological thought, the biologist Richard Dawkins argues in The G.o.d Delusion The G.o.d Delusion (London, 2006) that there is no longer any need for G.o.d and no 'evidence' to support religious belief; the professional polemicist Christopher Hitchens produced a polemical follow-on in (London, 2006) that there is no longer any need for G.o.d and no 'evidence' to support religious belief; the professional polemicist Christopher Hitchens produced a polemical follow-on in G.o.d is not Great: The Case against Religion G.o.d is not Great: The Case against Religion (London, 2007). Against this, A. Wooldridge, (London, 2007). Against this, A. Wooldridge, G.o.d is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith is Changing the World G.o.d is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith is Changing the World (London, 2009), makes the point that Christianity is resurgent almost everywhere except 'old Europe' and that there may already be more Christians in China than any other country in the world. In a number of subtle and impressive studies, particularly (London, 2009), makes the point that Christianity is resurgent almost everywhere except 'old Europe' and that there may already be more Christians in China than any other country in the world. In a number of subtle and impressive studies, particularly Black Ma.s.s: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia Black Ma.s.s: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (London, 2007), the philosopher John Gray has argued that whatever the level of overt Christian observance in the old world, Christianity has had a decisive influence in shaping secular movements from the Enlightenment to Communism. (London, 2007), the philosopher John Gray has argued that whatever the level of overt Christian observance in the old world, Christianity has had a decisive influence in shaping secular movements from the Enlightenment to Communism.
A sobering a.n.a.lysis of the recent US story is M. Northcott, An Angel Directs the Storm: Apocalyptic Religion and American Empire An Angel Directs the Storm: Apocalyptic Religion and American Empire (London, 2004). M. A. Sells, (London, 2004). M. A. Sells, The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1996), unflinchingly examines a conflict of the period whose roots and course form one of the most shaming indictments of European religious divisions. One work from Britain's leading expert on Soviet religion which captures the moment of change in Eastern Europe as it happened is M. Bourdeaux, (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1996), unflinchingly examines a conflict of the period whose roots and course form one of the most shaming indictments of European religious divisions. One work from Britain's leading expert on Soviet religion which captures the moment of change in Eastern Europe as it happened is M. Bourdeaux, Gorbachev, Glasnost and the Gospel Gorbachev, Glasnost and the Gospel (London, 1990). J. Cornwell, (London, 1990). J. Cornwell, Breaking Faith: The Pope, the People and the Fate of Catholicism Breaking Faith: The Pope, the People and the Fate of Catholicism (London, 2001), expresses many of the tensions felt in the worldwide Catholic Church. The council which helped to spark them is given a more upbeat a.n.a.lysis by the essayists of R. F. Bulman and F. J. Parrella (eds.), (London, 2001), expresses many of the tensions felt in the worldwide Catholic Church. The council which helped to spark them is given a more upbeat a.n.a.lysis by the essayists of R. F. Bulman and F. J. Parrella (eds.), From Trent to Vatican II: Historical and Theological Investigations From Trent to Vatican II: Historical and Theological Investigations (Oxford, 2006). One controversial form of Roman Catholicism can be sampled in A. T. Hennelly (ed.), (Oxford, 2006). One controversial form of Roman Catholicism can be sampled in A. T. Hennelly (ed.), Liberation Theology: A Doc.u.mentary History Liberation Theology: A Doc.u.mentary History (Maryknoll, 1990). W. Hollenweger, (Maryknoll, 1990). W. Hollenweger, Pentecostalism: Origins and Developments Worldwide Pentecostalism: Origins and Developments Worldwide (Peabody, MA, 1997), is an impressive survey by the scholar who pioneered serious study of the worldwide movement which has nurtured his own faith, and the essayists of T. O. Ranger (ed.), (Peabody, MA, 1997), is an impressive survey by the scholar who pioneered serious study of the worldwide movement which has nurtured his own faith, and the essayists of T. O. Ranger (ed.), Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa (Oxford, 2008), hint at a possible positive nexus between Christianity and politics in a so-far persistently troubled continent. (Oxford, 2008), hint at a possible positive nexus between Christianity and politics in a so-far persistently troubled continent.