A Celtic Psaltery - Part 8

Part 8

Casket of the Mysteries!

Holy Maid, pure Queen of Heaven, Intercession for us make, That each hardened heart's transgression May be pardoned for Thy sake.

Bent in loving pity o'er us, Through the Holy Spirit's power, Pray the King of Angels for us In Thy Visitation hour.

Branch of Jesse's tree whose blossoms Scent the heavenly hazel wood, Pray for me for full purgation Of my bosom's turpitude.

Mary, crown of splendour glowing, Dear destroyer of Eve's ill, n.o.ble torch of Love far-showing, Fruitful stock of G.o.d's good will;

Heavenly Virgin, Maid transcendent, Yea! He willed that Thou shouldst be His fair Ark of Life Resplendent, His pure Queen of Chast.i.ty.

Mother of all good, to free me, Interceding at my side, Pray Thy First-Born to redeem me, When the Judgment books are wide;

Star of knowledge, rare and n.o.ble, Tree of many-blossoming sprays, Lamp to light our night of trouble, Sun to cheer our weary days;

Ladder to the Heavenly Highway, Whither every Saint ascends, Be a safeguard still, till my way In Thy glorious Kingdom ends!

Covert fair of sweet protection, Chosen for a Monarch's rest, Hostel for nine months' refection Of a n.o.ble Infant Guest;

Glorious Heavenly Porch, whereunder, So the day-star sinks his head, G.o.d's Own Son--O saving wonder!

Jesus was incarnated;

For the fair Babe's sake conceived In Thy womb and brought to birth, For the Blest Child's sake, received Now as King of Heaven and Earth;

For His Rood's sake! starker, steeper Hath no other Cross been set, For His Tomb's sake! darker, deeper There hath been no burial yet;

By His Blessed Resurrection, When He triumphed o'er the tomb, By The Church of His affection 'During till the Day of Doom,

Safeguard our unblest behaviour, Till behind Death's blinding veil, Face to face, we see our Saviour.

This our prayer is: Hail! All Hail!


(By Maelisu ua Brochain, a writer of religious poetry both in Irish and Latin who died in 1051. Mael-Isu means "the tonsured of Jesus.")

Angel and Saint, O Michael of the oracles, O Michael of great miracles, Bear to the Lord my plaint!

Hear my request!

Ask of the great, forgiving G.o.d, To lift this vast and grievous load Of sin from off my breast.

Why, Michael, tarry My fervent prayer with upward wing Unto the King, the great High King Of Heaven and Earth, to carry?

Unto my soul Bring help, bring comfort, yea bring power To win release, in death's black hour, From sin, distress, and dole.

Till, as devoutly My fading eyes seek Heaven's dim height, To meet me with thy myriads bright, Do thou adventure stoutly.

Captain of hosts, Against earth's wicked, crooked clan To aid me lead thy battle van And quell their cruel boasts.

Archangel glorious, Disdain not now thy suppliant urgent, But over every sin insurgent Set me at last victorious.

Thou art my choosing!

That with my body, soul, and spirit Eternal life I may inherit, Thine aid be not refusing.

In my sore need O thou of Anti-Christ the slayer, Triumphant victor, to my prayer Give heed, O now give heed!


O Holy Spirit, hasten to us!

Move round about us, in us, through us!

All our deadened souls' desires Inflame anew with heavenly fires!

Yea! let each heart become a hostel Of Thy bright Presence Pentecostal, Whose power from pestilence and slaughter Shall shield us still by land and water.

From bosom sins, seducing devils, From h.e.l.l with all its hundred evils, For Jesus' only sake and merit, Preserve us, Thou Almighty Spirit!


(From the Early Irish)

I am Eve, great Adam's wife, 'Twas my guilt took Jesus' life.

Since of Heaven I robbed my race, On His Cross was my true place.

In His Paradise, G.o.d placed me, Then a wicked choice disgraced me.

At the counsel of the Devil, My pure hand I stained with evil;

For I put it forth and plucked, Then the deadly apple sucked.

Long as woman looks on day, Shall she walk in folly's way.

Winter's withering icy woe, Whelming wave and smothering snow, h.e.l.l to fright and death to grieve-- Had been never, but for Eve!