A Blessed Daughter - Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 New Partners

"Let me tell you, I admire those who can serve the country and the people. I have always yearned for those heroes who can fight on the battlefield! When I was a child, my grandfather often told me those hero stories. At that time, I wanted to be myself It will be great if you can go to the battlefield in the future!"

Xie Ying began to tell Wei Ruo about her ideals.

Following Xie Ying's mouth, she said with regret and helplessness: "It's a pity that I am a girl. I only realized after I grew up that there are many things that girls can't do. Let alone going to the battlefield. Every door has a bunch of rules."

Wei Ruo let out a "puchi" laugh. This Miss Xie family is really interesting, she is indeed different from ordinary boudoir girls!

"What are you laughing at?" Xie Ying asked.

"I'm not laughing, I'm surprised! I agree with you. If I want to cultivate the land in the south of the city, I have to get my parents' permission, otherwise I can't go out easily. Even if my parents agree, I have to go out every time I go out." Take the nanny at home."

"But you still did a great job. I heard from my mother that after you succeed in this move, you can help the people in the city and let more people eat. The credit and the soldiers who guard the border and defend the country are the same!"

Xie Ying admires such a person the most!

"If you like, you can also participate." Wei Ruo suggested.

"Can I do it too?" Xie Ying asked suspiciously.

"Of course, there is still a lot of open space in the south of the city to grow things."

"But isn't the wasteland in the south of the city mainly cultivated by farmers without land?" Xie Ying asked.

"Most of the wasteland in the south of the city was handed over to landless farmers and unemployed fishermen, but because their farming costs were very limited, they were given places with better terrain, close to official roads or water sources, or places with relatively flat terrain. Places with more complex terrain have not been allocated."

"Can crops be grown in places with complex terrain?" Xie Ying asked.

"Yes, but it is not suitable for planting crops like rice, because the labor cost and maintenance cost are too high. We can grow bamboo, fungi, and various fruits and vegetables, and even medicinal materials."

Wei Ruo looked at Xie Ying who was listening seriously, and an idea had already been brewed in his mind.

Wei Ruo continued to say to Xie Ying: "If you are really interested, we can partner."

"Partnership?" Xie Ying looked at Wei Ruo curiously.

"You are not good at farming, and although I am good at doing these things, I have limited freedom and limited time in the Wei family, and there are limited people under my command. If we cooperate, we can learn from each other's strengths and make up for our weaknesses. The money we earn is based on How about the proportion of effort?"

"Although I don't like growing things, I think what you said is very interesting!" Xie Ying was full of interest.

Xie Ying grew up spoiled by her grandparents and parents. She has no shortage of money to spend on weekdays, but she is full of novelties about earning money by herself.

Especially now that she has a different view on planting.

"Then what do you think we should grow?" Xie Ying asked.

"You can plant some medicinal materials. Because of the war, the consumption of medicinal materials is very high. The price of medicinal materials in the city has always been high. After we plant medicinal materials and sell them, we can make money. If the army needs them, we can provide them at cost prices to ensure that the army There will be no shortage of life-saving medicine." Wei Ruo suggested.

"That's great! You can make money and help the soldiers!" Xie Ying became more interested and even eager to try.

"If you agree, you will not only have to talk to the county government, but also send people to work in the fields. There are many things to be busy." Wei Ruo reminded.

"That's what you need to say? I'm not kidding with you! I, Xie Ying, will make it bigger if I want to! You wait, I will talk to my mother in a while! If my mother disagrees, I will Write a letter and tell my grandfather!" Xie Ying replied domineeringly.

Xie Ying is serious.

"In addition, I have another condition. When we cooperate to do these things, you need to keep it secret for me. You can't tell outsiders, and you can't tell anyone in my family." Wei Ruo said.

"Why? I won't talk about outsiders, why can't your own family members?" Xie Ying asked puzzled.

"What if my younger sister wants to participate after my family members know?" Wei Ruo asked.

"No, I don't like her. She is too troublesome, she seems to fall down when the wind blows, and she always looks at me with a very weak look. I just ignored her before, and she felt wronged as if I beat her It's like a meal." Xie Ying refused decisively.

"But once someone finds out and my family gives me an order, it's hard for me to refuse." Wei Ruo continued to explain.

"It's better to keep it a secret. It's good to keep it a secret. It's a mystery. When I talk to my mother later, I will tell her to keep it a secret!" Xie Ying said.

"Okay, you first get the consent of your family, and then we discuss how to proceed." Wei Ruo said.

Cooperating with Xie Ying has many advantages for Wei Ruo. First, Xie Ying's temperament is very suitable for her appetite; second, Xie Ying has background and ability, and meets the requirements to be her partner; The most important point is that she can avoid the Wei family.

Before the development of wasteland in the south of the city required an official background, she had to get in touch with the government through the Wei family.

Now she can use Xie Ying to reclaim a piece of land bypassing the Wei family, and she can also increase an extra part of her income.

Xie Ying is usually lazy. Once she encounters something she wants to do, she doesn't like to procrastinate. During the lunch break, she went to Mrs. Xie to express her thoughts.

Ms. Xie thinks this is a good thing. Everyone has seen the achievements made by Miss Wei. It is beneficial and harmless for her daughter to follow Miss Wei to do something meaningful.

And this matter is not a big deal to the Xie family, she doesn't even need to take money from Xie's family, but just take some money from her own dowry to buy for her daughter.

Seeing that Mrs. Xie agreed, Xie Ying was very happy.

"Thank you mother!" Xie Ying hugged Madam Xie and kissed her on the cheek.

"You little monkey, my mother told you that since you want to do it, you have to do it like Miss Wei's and make some achievements. Don't run away halfway through it." Mrs. Xie urged.

Mrs. Xie doesn't care about Yin Zi, but just hopes that her daughter can develop good habits.

"Mother, don't worry, when did I run away? I despise the behavior of running away the most!"

"You also said that you didn't run away. Last year in the capital, I took you on a flower boat tour. When it was time to go out, you lied there and said you had a stomachache and refused to go." Mrs. Xie said.

"Then...that's different..."

"Okay, okay, this time I choose to trust you. Also, your brother will come to Xingshan County in a few days, and you can ask him to help you if you have anything to do." Mrs. Xie said with a smile .

(end of this chapter)