A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Part 8

Part 8


V. 1451 B.C. to 1427 B.C., making twenty-four years.

VI. 1. Preparations to enter Canaan. 1 to 5.

2. The Three Campaigns of Conquest. 6 to 12.

3. The Division of the Land. 13 to 22.

4. Joshua's Farewell Speeches. 23, 24.

VII. 1:6 in part: "Thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land."

VIII. Our Possessions Equal Our Conquests. (See Hurlbut's Bible Atlas, page 53.)

IX. 1:8.

24:15 in part: "Choose you this day whom ye will serve."

X. 1. The Two Commissions.


3 and 4. Israel at Jordan.


7 and 8.

12. The Thirty-one Kings Smitten.

XI. Joshua, Rahab, Caleb, Achan, Eleazar.

XII. 1. The Wide Influence of One Sin.

2. The Lord Fights the Believer's Battles.

NOTE.--Let the teacher question as to the basis of these leading lessons, also explain the thought, and render the same practical in every-day life.

XIII. (a) Symbol. None.

(b) Type. Joshua. See derivation of word Jesus, also Matt. 1:21.

Note two likenesses between Jesus and Joshua.

(c) a.n.a.logy. None.

(d) Prophecy. None.

XIV. _Questions:_

1. In Joshua's commission, name the three promises of G.o.d. 1:1 to 1:5.

2. In what verses of the Bible does the word "success" occur? See concordance.

3. Name the three conditions of "_good_" success in 1:8. State difference between "good" success and "great" success.

4. Name the two occurrences in 8:32 to 8:35 and state the reason therefor.

5. How, and by whom, and where was the land divided among the tribes?

See 14:1 and 2 and 19:51.

6. What was the lot of Levi? 13:33. (Psa. 16:5.)

7. What four things would the heathen nations become if not driven out?


8. What strong statement does Joshua make in 23:14?

NOTE.--If the time permits, let the teacher add several questions, especially about the battles.

XV. _Items of Special Interest._

Select ten.

XVI. _Individual Finds._

Chapters 2, 10, 22.


_Pictorial Device._

Originate one, or omit.




V. 1427 B.C. to 1095 B.C., making 332 years.

VI. The Rule of Thirteen Judges, containing Six Bondages of Israel, and Their Six Deliverances.