A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible - Part 20

Part 20

1. Rebuilding the temporal wall.

2. Rebuilding the civil wall.

3. Rebuilding the religious wall.

III. _Leading Chapters:_

3. A list of the wall builders.

12. The dedication of the wall.

13. How a Mayor enforced the Sabbath law.

IV. _Striking Phrases:_

4:6: "The people had a mind to work."

8:10: "The joy of the Lord is your strength."

V. _Questions:_

1. Name Nehemiah's position and its duties.

2. Locate Shushan.

3. Measure the distance from Shushan to Jerusalem.

4. Name eight cla.s.ses of people who aided in rebuilding the wall.

5. Name any three gates mentioned and note their location on Bible map of the city of Jerusalem. Map No. 10.

6. Describe in brief the kinds of gatherings that occurred at the city gates. Give examples from Bible history. Read articles in Bible Dictionary on "Gates" and "Walls." Record references.

7. Name three hindrances to the rebuilding of the wall. Chapter 4.

8. Name four wise plans of Nehemiah as general.

9. Mention the ways in Chapters 5 and 6 in which Nehemiah proved his intense patriotism.

10. In what length of time was the wall completed?

11. Name four things covenanted by the people. Chapter 10.

12. Name three leading features in the dedication of the wall.

13. Record and locate the ejaculatory prayers of the book. Name a lesson therefrom.

14. Name five leading qualities of Nehemiah, giving an example from his life to ill.u.s.trate each.

15. Name four striking lessons for Christian activity gleaned from the book.



_Prophecy Number One: Chapter 1:1-15._

1. To whom spoken.

2. Name the reason a.s.signed by the people for not rebuilding.

3. Name four reasons given by the prophet why the people should rebuild.

4. State the result of the prophet's appeal.

_Prophecy Number Two: Chapter 2:1-9._

1. To whom spoken.

2. State the evident feeling of those who had seen the former house. See verse 3, also Ezra 3:12.

3. Name the three promises of Jehovah calculated to remove this sting of disappointment.

_Prophecy Number Three: Chapter 2:10-19._

1. State moral condition of the people.

2. Name the three causes of material loss.

3. State the promise.

_Prophecy Number Four: Chapter 2:20-23._

1. To whom spoken.

2. Name the two prophecies in your own words.


1. What word indicates the small number who had returned?

2. Commit words, with location, of a striking verse, 2:8.

3. In how many days did they begin to work after the first appeal was made?

4. What length of time do the four prophecies cover?