1. Name and explain the two object lessons in 18:1-6 and in 24.
2. Name five things the prophet in his letter commanded the captives in Babylon to do.
3. Name the strangely-worded statement regarding Jehovah in 25:4.
4. Give the prophecy of the return in 29:10.
XIV. _Items of Special Interest:_
Select fifteen.
XV. _Individual Finds:_
Chapters 1, 13, 22, 36, 38.
I. _Author._
II. _Name._ "A Funeral Dirge."
III. _Literary Form._ See Dictionary.
IV. _General Contents._ See Dictionary.
V. _Outline of Contents:_
1. The Wail of a Widow. Chapter 1.
2. The Picture of Jerusalem's Calamity. Chapters 2 to 4.
3. A Prayer. Chapter 5.
VI. _Questions:_
1. Give two figures of speech in Chapter 1 that describe Jerusalem's distress.
2. Select six consecutive words in 1:9 that declare the greatness of her fall.
3. Select six expressions in Chapters 1 and 2 that indicate the decline in religion.
4. Select six expressions in Chapters 4 and 5 that indicate the severity of the famine.
5. Select six expressions in Chapter 5 that indicate the terrors of the siege and the severity of the ruin.
6. Name the two requests in the Prayer chapter.
7. Explain the truth contained in 3:27.
I. _Outline:_
1. 1 to 6. History.
2. 7 to 12. Prophecy.
II. Name three things known of Daniel when brought a captive. 1:3 and 4.
III. _Leading Narratives._
Recite, but record only t.i.tles and references.
1. Chapter 1. Daniel and Drink.
2. Chapter 2. Daniel and the Dream.
3. Chapter 5. Daniel and the Handwriting.
4. Chapter 6. Daniel and the Lion's Den
IV. _Chart of Two Chief Visions of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Chapters 2 and 7.
+----------------------+----------------------+------------------------+ | PART OF IMAGE | NAME OF BEAST | NAME OF COUNTRY | +----------------------+----------------------+------------------------+ | | | | |1 | | | | | | | |2 | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | | | +----------------------+----------------------+------------------------+
V. Draw full-page map, outlining with dotted lines the four countries of above chart at time of their worldwide dominion. Locate the capitals, record the conqueror in each under the capital, together with date.
VI. _Difficult Prophecy of the Messiah:_ 9:24-27.
VII. _Daniel's Prayer:_ 9:1-19.
1. With what acts is his prayer accompanied?
2. With what Old Testament books is he evidently acquainted?
3. What is the burden of his prayer?
4. Name the three leading requests.
5. Name the basis of his plea.
VIII. _Three Leading Lessons:_