30 Years Have Passed Since the Prologue - Chapter 83

Chapter 83

When crossing the Krasilov-Drovian border, one of the silent Huscals approached Einar and asked, Brother, are you alright?

No matter how exhausted Ive been lately, would I be this tired? Einar replied with a smirk.

Not about that

Huscal glanced sideways at Einars arm. The forearm, now with dried blood, had crimson lines drawn across it.

If you had seen everything from the beginning to the end and only now have something to say. Oh well, I admit defeat.

Einar chuckled and shook his head. He had fallen behind in skills, overwhelmed only by sheer strength in the battle.

Theres no shame in sparring. He used to teach every detail from holding an axe to cutting down a person, but now, hes grown enough to challenge his skills.

In a one-on-one duel, I now find myself trailing by about half a step. If only he possessed half the current level of magic, Id be the one lying on the ground.

His eyes are sharp. Its a feeling he has sensed since old times but now honed sharper than before, likely refined by surviving the Seven Dragon. Impressive.

No, brother. Even if Petrovich was quick, he couldnt withstand your wrath, could he?

Simpleton. Thats my defeat.

Einar turned to his dull-witted brother, tongue clicking.

That rascal surely had a hidden move, didnt he? Just didnt use it until now. Overwhelmed me in the duel, claiming victory with full force. If thats not my defeat, what is? And, brother, didnt I tell you? That guy has a sharp eye.

Until the final strike, Ivans eyes didnt waver from the axe blade attacking him. So there wont be a next time. He wont fall for the same move twice.

If we spar again, it wont flow like today.

My blood is boiling.

In close-quarters combat against a formidable army, Einar boasted superiority over Maximilian.

But does he still hold such confidence now? Can he truly claim to be the strongest among all of humanity?

Einar chuckled. Seems like Ive aged, he thought.


As long as theres a record, a mans skill doesnt rust over time.

So, thats why I granted permission for the courtship.

Petrovich didnt seem interested in Ecdysis, though

I know. What matters isnt his feelings. Its the recognition of King Drovian. I wiped the slate clean first. Who dares to fish in troubled waters?

According to the letter, Ecdysis is undoubtedly fond of Ivan. And quite actively so.

And Ivan, the man who defeated the Seven Dragon, is an achiever unlike any other in humanity, excluding the warriors.

So, theres no lack of suitability as a prospective heir to Drovians throne.

Drovian values strength, Einar sensed. After his death, he was certain that his homeland would inevitably fracture.

Its not the intricacy of the social system; its a kingdom formed solely by one persons charisma. Without a robust force like Einar, there would be no way to restrain the ambitions within Drovian.

Therefore, his successor must be the strongest man in Drovian. Among his children, Ecdysis stood out, and if the man she chose happened to be so robust

Its reasonable to secure that in advance. Its the conclusion drawn by a father, a king, and a warrior of Drovian.

Therefore, Ivans feelings are not important.

About two more years until Ecdysis graduates? Good. Its a good time to retire. Now I can relax, tease my grandchildren, and enjoy some drinks.

Einar chuckled and quickened his pace.

If thats the case, there was much to prepare.

Chapter 82: The Kings Silence

The term dedicated bureaucrat is used as rarely as creatures like dragons or unicorns, meaning its almost impossible to find. (But it did exist.)

Therefore, Pavel, a dedicated Krasilov official (formerly part of the rebel forces until about half a month ago), was still stuck in this hospital room, managing his duties diligently.

He wasnt injured. If he were injured during a mission, he wouldnt be confined to a hospital bed; instead, hed be lying in Elizavetas office, demanding additional allowances.

In this hospital room, his superior was currently hospitalized. Thus, Pavels commitment wasnt just avoiding work or idleness but could be considered faithfully assisting his superior.

So, what did I say there? Come, Einar. Today my spear will taste the blood of a hero. Haha You shouldve seen Einars terrified expression at that time. (Pavel)

Um. (Ivan)

Want more apples? (Pavel)

Stop eating! I didnt carve that for you, you know! (Isabelle)

Then next time, write names on the apples. In this country, anything not explicitly owned is legally reclaimed by the state. (Pavel)

As a diligent public servant with the authority for active state reclamation, Pavel munched on the apple Isabelle had diligently carved.

And whats with the talk about heros blood! I was there too, you know? (Isabelle)

Me too! My father battled that creature that day. He could have been a martyr by now. (Ecdysis)

Dont use too difficult words. You look stupid. Its not a martyr, its just a death in the line of duty. (Isabelle)

Its the same thing! (Ecdysis)

Pavel looked at Ecdysis with pity and said, But arent you two supposed to be in school today? No classes today? (Pavel)

Didnt you drop out of college, uncle? (Isabelle)

Uh? (Pavel)

Suddenly, an academic debate here?

During our time, there wasnt even an institution called college? (There was.)

Mocking Pavels unjust expression, Ecdysis puffed up her chest and confidently exclaimed, Its okay to have a self-declared holiday in the first year! (Ecdysis)

Isnt your tuition expensive? (Pavel)

Our people pay for that. And Im a royalty too! (Ecdysis)

Wow, really? I wont comment much since I belonged to the Krasilov rebel forces. If I were part of the Drovian rebel forces, today would mark the beginning of the revolution. (Pavel)

Drovian doesnt have anything akin to rebel forces, you know? Challenging royal authority is legal from the start! (Ecdysis)

Ivan tilted his head upon hearing that. There was someone until recently, he thought.

Certainly, challenging authority in Drovians cultural context is legal. Although its a rare occurrence now, given Einar is the current king, challenging royal authority with Einar is the surest way for Drovian warriors to meet their demise.

A blood eagle might have a chance of surviving. But under Einars axe, theres no chance at all.

Hmm. (Ivan)

Recalling the axe blade, his chest tightened. If it had gone a bit deeper, it would have pierced through the ribs, exploding the heart in a single blow.

Indeed, should he be called a warrior of the Heros Party?

Ivan had to admit his own arrogance. He thought it could be imitated just by seeing it, like Einars other techniques.

It wasnt. The mastery pushed to the extreme is no different from magic. Its an area structurally impossible for others to replicate, impossible to pass down to others.

A creation molded solely from his own experience, a culmination of life.

The strike that cleaved through mountains and created cracks in the fortress of a million troops. It couldnt be imitated just by understanding posture, flow of magic, and distribution of strength.

So its regrettable. He keenly felt the reason why he was just a reserve in the first place.

Those the Heros Party had to face were no less than god-like strong beings. Only those who could forge strikes that applied to such beings could claim the qualification to stand in the same rank as a hero.

Ivan barely touched that level, but imitation can never surpass the original. Ivan let out a bitter smile as he opened his mouth.

Timing! (Isabelle)


At that moment, a piece of apple was bitten in his mouth.

Looking up, he saw Isabelle, who was smiling brightly.

Fast, isnt it? Impressive? (Isabelle)

Yes, it is. When did you learn this? (Ivan)

I kept trying! Ill keep doing it in the future too! Hows the growth of your disciple? Proud, right? (Isabelle)

Disciple? (Ivan)

If you taught, youre the master! No nonsense now! (Isabelle)

Seems like he reached the realm of superhuman. The speed just now was a talent impossible without nerve acceleration reactions.

Ivan finished chewing the apple and chuckled.

Youve put in the effort. (Ivan)

Yes! (Isabelle)

Isabelle, having lost the bet, cheerfully exclaimed.

The fingers she secretly concealed wriggled energetically. She couldnt hide her joy. It was because she had hidden this skill to reveal it first when she mastered it.

And one more thing.

He said Ivans soul got tainted.

He claimed to have lost desire.

No, that was wrong. Einar might not have lied, but at least there was something he didnt know.

Uncle, surely cried back then.

There were memories of shedding tears while eating a sinister dish.

There were times when he faintly smiled while looking at her.

In times of reminiscence and even faint moments of anger, there were emotions. That mans emotions werent fading away. Even if the color had faded into a pale gray, Uncle still had the remains of emotions.

That was enough.


She vowed never to face the same fate as her father.

With that determination, she learned the skill over the past few days. Despite attending Uncles classes every day, going to school during the day, and intensively training until dawn.

With the mindset of throwing even a straw into the fading embers of the faint desire that man holds.

So, since my father approved, right? (Ecdysis)

This kid is quite audacious. What does a grown maiden want to achieve with this? (Isabelle)

Wow, really acting like an old man. (Ecdysis)

If you get hit by an old man, it hurts just the same. (Isabelle)

As she promised not to let it be taken away, Isabelle tightly grasped her victorious hand.

Theres still one more thing.

Uncle. (Isabelle))

Hmm. (Ivan)

When its all done. When youre discharged. How about coming to our house to eat kimchi?


Determined and upright. A culmination of life, solely forging his own experiences.

Heros secret techniques. Learning traditional cooking.

In the realm of acquiring knowledge, theres no one superior to a hero.

Since the festival, Isabelle had prepared the ultimate move created with Yuri.

I made a stew with that. It should be tastier than what you had last time. (Isabelle)

Ignoring Ecdysis, who was pretending to gag, Isabelle smiled slyly.

Ivan nodded slowly with a stern expression.

My judgment is strict. (Ivan)

As much as you want. (Isabelle)

More reasons to leave the hospital.

Perhaps there are still good parts in this world.

Ivan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Maximilian, you achieved many things, but

Among the things you left behind, perhaps your daughter is the most splendid.

Well-raised, he thought.

Ivan left a brief reflection.

It was late summer.