30 Years Have Passed Since the Prologue - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: These Orphans Need a Director

Eventually, Ivan raised his hand first.

This gesture signaled his cautious approach to revealing information. His primary concern was rescuing Priscilla, who was being held hostage. It wasnt merely about Priscillas life; Ivan lacked the confidence to defeat Enrique.

I heard youre nurturing a disciple.


Enrique smirked deeply and tilted her head.

Ivan briefly tightened his grip on the axe handle, then relaxed.

That expressionwhen a monsters in a bad mood.

Go on.

And now, youre planning to enroll her at St. Jans Academy.

Hmm and?

Someone was worried. If by any chance theres an injury, it could be a great loss for the nation.

Ivan implied several things:

Elizaveta is concerned about your disciple and urged me to protect her.

Thats what Ive been doing lately. You know? Elizabeths nature.

But if you dont get this Can I think youre on Aleksandrs side?

But to Enrique, Ivans words might sound like this:

Ive already identified your disciples identity, location, and personal details.

I received a handsome sum.

If theres an injury itll be regrettable, isnt it? So please behave well.

Daring to threaten your own master!!

Who gave the orders? Alexander? Is that scoundrel trying to ditch me in the end?

No, this scoundrel as well!!

If I were tasked to kill him, I would have refused or at least given a heads up!

But this scoundrel threatened me using my disciple without any hesitation.

What kind of ungrateful wolf have I raised?

I mean, if the surviving disciples from the last war are only people like him, what on earth

Enrique nodded, wearing a smiling face.

Hmmm. Understood.

Glad to hear that. See? Its not as big a deal as you think.

Hmm Not a big deal, you say?


Short answers exchanged in a chilling atmosphere.

Nevertheless, Ivan felt somewhat relieved. Despite Enrique seeming a bit off, she seemed to comprehend the current situation well.

Well, then its resolved now, isnt it?

Having warned to this extent, even if the tutorial proceeds, Enriques disciple wont fall into significant danger. Enrique will protect her.


Priscillas kidnapping had been a surprise, but Ivan had gained more than he bargained for.

Now, only three of the protagonists remained for the tutorial, and the one with the shortest time left had another two weeks.

Lucia!! Lucia! Come in!!

Yes, Master!

With a bright voice, someone opened and entered the reception room.

She was a late-teen woman with shiny dark brown hair.

Enrique looked at Ivan, as if testing, then smiled.

Come, greet. Hes your senior brother.

Ive heard a lot about you, Senior Petrovich! Master always said to follow your path.

No, dont praise him. This brats cheeky.

Enrique grinned forcibly, pressing his lips together.

A human?

Yes? Yes. Of course?

Of course? Do you know your masters race?

My master is human!

Lucia spoke confidently, chest puffed out.

Although Master lives with a slightly unique diet, she cherishes me and protects this country, a true hero! If you ask what race is, Id say humanity, Senior Petrovich!


Ivan was unknowingly impressed.

After the war with demons, the United Kingdom held an extremely hostile stance towards otherkin and ainkin races.

Its natural. Most citizens walking the streets here have lost immediate relatives to demons. (Elves are excluded. Despite being part of the United Kingdom, they are shunned due to their detestable nature.)

Amidst this, open-mindedness that doesnt base species on the race itself was a mindset seen on 21st-century Earth, not this damned Otherworld!

(TN: You see, were actually the same human species. Theres nothing called race in biology. Modern science regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(human_categorization)])

Enrique, hearing this fresh response (extremely progressive by this worlds standards), had a more relaxed expression.

Well, see. Ive taught everything. It might take time to acquire, but the learning part is done. If theres a hero party in the next era, this girl will be suitable.

Certainly, thats how itll be. Being able to roam under the sun, shell fit better in a hero party.

Moreover, that statement: Ive taught everything, but acquisition will take time, was giving Ivan some assurance.

Is she talking about a skill tree?

In typical games, characters acquire skills automatically along with leveling up.

Quite weird, isnt it? Suddenly something pops into your head while on an adventure or doing something.

But this game seemed to be like that.

Though learned, lacks experience and mastery is the right term to describe this girl.

Ivan nodded.

A proud disciple. Better than me, better than us. Shes precious to me in my later years, so Ivan Ill not let you harm her.


So sudden?

Ivan trembled and placed his hand on the axe handle again.

Enrique alone is challenging, but in a 2 vs. 1 situation including his disciple, and with a prisoner inside Enriques dungeon, how could he be sure of victory?

Ivan cautiously looked at her hand.

Ill ask using our memories as collateral. Stay away from this (assassins) world. This is my territory.

Enrique spoke with genuine earnestness.

Running an assassination organization in this city only requires myself. Dont earn money through dirty means in the citys alleys. Wasnt that why you retired?

Alexander is an unbelievable guy. Better align with Elizavetas principles if dipping into politics.

Expressing that with great urgency.

Ah, so its come to this.

Ivan stood up, gripping the axe handle firmly.

Did Enrique, in the end, side with Alexander?

Dealing with members of a hero party was undoubtedly overtime, but it was an unavoidable task.

What did Alexander offer in return? People? Blood? Land?


If youre still in a pact with the Krasilov royal family, then Ill also use our memories as collateral. Where do your loyalties lie?


After staring at Ivans eyes for a while, Enrique, sweating coldly, opened his mouth.

You you joined hands with Alexander, right?

What are you talking about? Ive never met that guy with a smiling face.

Me neither.


A brief silence fell.

So, um you gathered orphans and taught them assassination techniques?

Our orphanage follows a regular educational curriculum.

Then what about her, she was trained in the art of ambush!

That was the effort of the students. They trained hard in various aspects to find employment after graduation.

Wasnt it you who taught them?


Silence fell again for a moment.

So, it was just a teen-year-old orphan kid who was walking around?

And we just kidnapped her without reason, made him angry, and as a result, threatened me?

Wait a minute.

Why do you mention my disciple? Why does her name suddenly come from your mouth?

Elizaveta asked me to escort you under cover of darkness because there are a lot of Hero Party kids in this years freshman class. Did you not hear?

No! That brat! Why would she ask you? Im alive and well! Shes treating me like Im trash!

Enrique shouted, and then collapsed onto the couch.

This is seriously driving me nuts. Its always like this when I talk to you. Why is fate so fair? It wouldve been nice if you had some tact. Thats the only thing lacking from you.

Thats not true!

Where did the pre-modern ghost come up with this nonsense to someone who graduated from a 21st-century essay education?

As Inner Kim Sunwoo erupted with anger, then was subdued by Ivan, falling silent again.

Hey, see? This is your senior brother really is. When a person spits out words like scraps, conversation doesnt align. Truly.

Uh um.

Lucia, who suddenly overstated and then immediately faded in the reception rooms atmosphere, looked bewildered.

You two really get along well!

Not really.

What are you saying!

With a laugh, Lucia cautiously closed the door and hurried out.

After a brief silence, Enrique, holding a cup of tea, spoke.

Shall I bring another tea?

Its fine.

It had cooled down, but it still tasted good. Ivan, originally from a country where they drank iced espresso, didnt mind the temperature of the coffee.

The meeting with a prospective parent of a student at St. Jans Academy was a success.


Frighteningly, Priscilla rushed in and hugged tightly.

Ivan cautiously gestured and patted her shoulder before gently pulling away.

Dont seek employment in deserted places in the future.

Yes, yes! It was really, really scary!!

Its okay now. Dont worry.

He took out a handkerchief from his embrace and wiped Priscillas cheek before moving on.

From the reception room, past Enriques dungeon, through the underground passage, back to the surface.

Exiting the alley and walking straight down the street.

After a long walk without any conversation, the footsteps suddenly stopped.



Um, just curious, really just curious.

Under the glimmering lamppost, Priscilla gripped her skirt and spoke.

Will you really leave?


After preparations are made and the new semester at St. Jans Academy officially begins, he inevitably had to leave the orphanage.

As a new guardian to protect the hero partys children.

About three years. It wasnt a long time for him.

But not for the orphans.

For those who had lived their entire lives as war orphans, this newly found sanctuary couldnt be lost.

Its a barely created family, a hard-earned sleeping place, and our home.

The viewpoint of the orphans, who had always been abandoned, was merely two short years, but this orphanage was their last stronghold where they didnt want to be cast away anymore.

Priscilla, with a voice mixed with tears, stumbled over her words.

Please dont go. Sir, *sob*. If you disappear, well be *sob*


Ivan took off his coat and wrapped it around Priscillas shoulders.

He fell silent for a moment.

He couldnt recall comforting a child, not even a young girl! Even delving into old Kim Sunwoos memories was the same. Kim Sunwoo was a monster who spent his days writing 5,700-character hate comments while reading webtoons and web novels.

After that, it goes without saying. Having dedicated over half of his life to military service, Ivan couldnt easily recall how to speak to someone in a manner other than with an axe or a bullet.

Dont worry. Ill visit often.

Where where are you going?

This much should be fine to say. Shes almost like my child, and its not particularly classified information.

Ivan replied, stuttering in Priscillas tears.

Saint Jans Academy.

Youll definitely come back, right?

Not anything soon, nor leaving for life.

The efforts and attachment invested in the orphanage. The orphanage was nothing less than a home to him. The directors office was his only sanctuary in his heart.

He made a firm determination, tapped Priscillas shoulder a couple of times, and turned away.


Saint Jans Academy. Ive heard the entrance exam is difficult Its in November next year

Basilicia Orphanage.

Currently, every inhabitant is deeply engrossed in preparing for the entrance exams to Saint Jans Academy!

(TN: What a bucket mouth)