1001 Ways To Be Romantic - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 54

1001 Ways to Be Romantic Part 54


The Friends of Love The Enemies of Love * Faith * Emotional withdrawal * Focus of attention * Nagging * Fun-loving attitude * Jealousy * Stay in touch with your feelings * Complexity of modern life * Kindness * Arrogance * Simplicity * Overly practical attitudes * Clarity of your life's priorities * Impatience * Sense of adventure * Guilt * Creative attitude * Stress * Patience * Selfishness * Tenderness * Lack of time * Empathy * Laziness * Goodwill * Boredom * Attentiveness * Lack of respect * Generosity * Stereotyped attitudes * Sense of Humor * Lack of role models * Commitment * Stinginess in general * A good therapist/counselor/pastor * Stinginess with time * Gifts that touch the heart * Stinginess with money * Good role models * Rigid attitudes * Listening with your heart * Apathy * Appreciation for life * Fear * Time-Quantity of time * Grudges * Time-Quality time * Resentment * Respect for your partner * Immaturity * Presents that symbolize * Thoughtlessness your love * Superior attitude * Playful attitude * Eye contact "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery Have a love affair-with your spouse!


961a Start simple. Run her a bath. Steaming hot. Full of bubbles.

961b Bath-and-Snack: bubble bath plus grapes, cheese, and crackers.

961c Bath-and-Music: bubble bath plus relaxing music. Featuring Enya's CD Watermark and George Winston's CD Autumn.

961d Bath-and-Bubbly: bubble bath plus champagne, two crystal champagne flutes, and you!

961e Bath-and-Book: bubble bath plus a book by her favorite author.

961f Steamy-Bath-and-Steamy-Eroticism: bubble bath plus an erotic book-in which you've highlighted the "steamy" passages. This bath includes a follow-up lovemaking session.

961g Bath-and-Relax: bubble bath for one-plus two hours of peace and quiet (while you take the kids out to McDonald's).


961h Bath-for-Two: Watch the movie Bull Durham. Watch for the romantic bath scene. Use it for inspiration. (Hint: Candles. Lots and lots of candles.) 961i Leaving-Work-Behind: Be waiting for him in the bathtub when he returns from work.

961j Message-in-a-Bottle: Write her a love letter or a poem. Roll it up and stick it in a bottle. Cork it. Float the bottle in the bathtub.

961k Bath-and-Sexual-Gymnastics: Test your agility-make love in the bathtub. If your tub is simply too small, spread towels on the floor and improvise!

9611 Bath-and-Products: Explore a wide variety of bath powders, lotions and potions. When you find one that she adores, get lots of it.

961m For a touch of class: European soaps and other bath luxuries imported by Katherine March International. Call 800-87-MARCH, or write 9286 S.W. 90th Street, Gainesville, Florida 32608-7246, or visit www. katherinemarch.com.


962 Be on the lookout for concepts and gifts that relate to your lover's interests. For example, if your partner loves Romeo and Juliet, or Shakespeare, or theater in general, here's an unusual and cool gift idea: "One Page Books" are large, beautifully-designed prints that contain the complete, unabridged text of many Shakespearean plays and sonnets. Each one is a fine art print that measures 32-inches by 45-inches. When framed they are dramatic conversation pieces. These works are currently available: Romeo and Juliet Macbeth Hamlet King Lear The Tempest Othello The Sonnets A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing Love's Labors Lost Twelfth Night The Merchant of Venice Visit the One Page Book Company at www.one pagebooks.com.

963 Attend a symphony. Get the program ahead of time, buy CDs of the symphonies to be performed, and listen to each of them three times. Even if you're not very familiar with classical music, this will greatly increase your enjoyment of the concert.

You do have an elegant fountain pen with which to write love notes and love letters, don't you?! A Mont Blanc pen will add an unparalleled touch of class to your act.



Take a massage class together. (Get a catalog from your local adult education center.) Give her a custom-made Love Coupon good for a professional massage. (Call local health clubs, chiropractor's offices, hotels, physical therapy clinics, and spas for referrals.) 965 Hug. Cuddle. Caress. Touch. Pat. Tap. Brush. Graze. Stroke. Snuggle.

966 Romantics are sensuous people. They understand the difference between sensuality and sexuality-and how they enhance one another. Here are fourteen specific ways to enhance the sensuality in your life together:

Chapter Theme Song:.

"Touch," Amerie A great resource:

Acupressure for Lovers: Secrets of Touch for Increasing Intimacy, by Michael Reed Gach, PhD

Ask your lover to tell you the most sensual thing you could do for him or her. And then do it!

Run your fingers gently through your lover's hair.

Focus on one of the five senses at a time.

Create a romantic mood at home through soft lighting.

Have great music playing in the background all the time at home.

Keep three bouquets of fragrant flowers in the house.

Focus on touching a different part of your partner's body each day.

Prepare an extra-special taste treat for your lover.

Include more sensuality in your lovemaking.

Slow down, make time, relax.

Over the next five weeks, get five small gifts that focus on each of the five senses.

Focus on the present moment; appreciate the "now."

Buy ten scented candles.

Give him a great shoulder massage as he watches TV tonight.

Buy a basketful of scented bath oils.


967 Make sure you find a way to do something romantic during a time when you're the most busy at work! A little planning will allow you to be romantic in the midst of your work day.

968 Utilize your partner's secretary and staff as your allies. They can be in valuable in helping you spring surprises on him or her. They'll know her schedule; where he's having lunch; and whether he or she has had an especially rough day. All are crucial bits of information you should know.

969 A hot trend in business is TQM-"Total Quality Management." One romantic manager was inspired to create what he also calls TQM-but it stands for "Total Quality Marriage." (Good one!) "Basically, you apply the best business techniques to your marriage," he explains. For example: How would you give good customer service to your partner?

How might you and your partner give each other yearly performance reviews?

Are each of you being well compensated emotionally?

Are you using good time management techniques to create more leisure time?

970 Create a "Gift & Card Drawer" in your desk at work. At all times your inventory should include: at least ten greeting cards, lots of Love Stamps, several "Trinket Gifts," a couple of real gifts, wrapping paper, and bows.

It's easy to be romantic when you've got all the time in the world. The challenge is to keep expressing your love even during your busy and difficult times.


971 View romance as "adult play."

Some people (especially men) tend to view romance as a serious and difficult activity. Nothing could be further from the truth! True romance is easy because it's simply an expression of what's already inside you: your feelings of love, caring and passion for your partner.

Many couples have confided to me that this single concept has turned their "nice-but-boring" relationship into a fun and passionate love affair.

"In our play, we reveal what kind of people we are."

-Ovid "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

-George Bernard Shaw The concept of adult play is a reminder to loosen up, be creative, and remember the fun and passion you had early in your relationship. Adults need to relearn how to play-something that came naturally to all of us as children. Many ideas in this book are essentially exercises in playing.

972 Send a taxi to pick him up after work. Have the taxi driver hand him a sealed envelope. The note inside says, "All work and no play makes you a dull boy-so come and play!" Prepay the cab fare (including tip!), and instruct the driver to take him to a local hotel. Have another sealed envelope waiting for him at the front desk. (You decide what kind of note to write!) Be waiting for him in the honeymoon suite with chilled champagne and a warm bed.


Finger-paint together.

Finger-paint each other's bodies!

974 Use your kids' toys as romantic tools. Crayons are great for writing short notes. Play-Doh is great for sculpting messages and symbols. Legos are great for spelling out messages or leaving a trail through the house from the front door to your bedroom, where you're waiting for a little fun-and-games of your own.