608 Some hiding places for little love notes, Post-Its, and small gifts: Under the pillow In the glove compartment In the medicine cabinet In the refrigerator Inside a book she's reading In her checkbook In his shirt pocket In her wallet In his briefcase In her purse In a pizza box Under his dinner plate In his sock drawer In his daily planner In the trunk of her car In his eyeglasses case 609 Truly mischievous romantics go to great lengths to hide gifts and notes. Herewith are some suggestions from the more off-the-wall students of my Romance Classes: Carefully open various product packages, insert the item, and carefully reseal the package. Favorite targets include cereal boxes, soup cans, ice cream cartons, bags of M&M's, candy bars, soda cans, and, of course, boxes of Cracker Jacks!
Notes have appeared frozen in ice cubes, floating in punch bowls, hidden among bouquets and tied to balloons.
Little gifts have been delivered via Federal Express.
You'll have as much fun as your partner will.
"Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters."
-William Curry 610 Want some suggestions for notes, gifts, and trinkets to hide? Again, from Romance Class participants: Friendship rings Earrings Comic strips Hockey tickets Love Coupons Invitations to dinner Theater tickets Valentine conversation hearts
611a 1. Give it a twist: Start with something basic, then give it a creative twist.
2. Change your routine: Shaking up your routine often leads to new ideas.
3. Consider every crazy idea that pops into your head: You won't use them all, but the process expands your thinking.
4. Give yourself a deadline: Sometimes working under pressure works!
5. Learn from your mistakes: Mistakes aren't really mistakes if they lead you somewhere useful.
6. Go with your strengths: Do what comes naturally, go with the flow.
7. Go counter to your natural strengths: Try something different.
8. Tap into your unconscious mind: There's a lot going on beneath the surface.
9. Challenge the assumptions: Don't assume you know it all!
10. Imagine how someone else would do it: How would Einstein create new ideas? Mozart? Walt Disney?
11. Use different "models" of thinking: Think organically; think like a cat; think like a millionaire.
12. Reframe the question: The question might be, "How can I be more loving?" Or it might be, "How can I be more spontaneous?"
13. Listen to your intuition/sixth sense/inner voice: Whatever you choose to call it, use it!
611b 14. Admit that you're dissatisfied with the status quo: It will inspire you to find solutions.
15. Don't go it alone: Brainstorm romantic ideas with a group of friends.
16. Use random ideas to stimulate different avenues of thinking: Don't get locked into one mode of thinking!
17. Change your perspective: 1) See the big picture, or 2) Look at the details.
18. Borrow (then customize) ideas: Borrow ideas from movies, books, products, other couples.
19. Face your fears: What's holding you back from being more creative? More loving? More spontaneous? More fun-loving?
20. Draw pictures, doodle, make diagrams: Use the visual, graphic side of your brain.
21. Try on a different persona: Think like a kid; think like a member of the opposite sex; think like your partner.
22. Withhold judgment: Generate lots and lots of ideas before you begin evaluating.
23. Have fun: Don't take it so seriously, play with ideas, be wacky.
Start with a classic romantic idea then "give it a twist."
612 Even if you're not newlyweds-especially if you're not newlyweds-visit www.world-party. com. It's the online guide to festivals and parties all over the world.
613 Combine your interest in bicycling with your passion for wine! Tour the California wine country by bike. Pedal at your own pace, and stop at as many as thirty-five wineries. These two firms offer five-day guided bicycle tours through the Napa Valley and Sonoma County: Backroads Bicycle Touring, 800-462-2848, and www.backroads.com Vermont Bicycle Touring, 800-245-3868, and www.vbt.com 614.
Tour a vineyard. Or two.
Visit a vineyard in every state that produces wine-all forty-two of them!
615 A plain old vacation is not the same thing as a "second honeymoon"! There's a feeling of magic and romance around a second honeymoon. How do you create one?
You start planning about a year in advance (so the anticipation builds). You buy her a stack of bride magazines (that's where all the honeymoon destination ads are). You send travel brochures to him in the mail (with your personal notes and comments written in). You buy special clothes. If you do this right, it'll really spice up your life-for a year or more!
Rekindle the way you felt as newlyweds by reserving the honeymoon suite at a hotel or resort. Be sure to put the "Do not Disturb" sign to good use!
What's the difference between a vacation and a honeymoon?
616 When vacationing together, always take along a couple of little surprise gifts. It's inexpensive, gives you something to look forward to, lets you gift-wrap ahead of time, and allows you to surprise your lover at a moment's notice.
617 All kinds of travel tips and current information are available from special newsletters about specific destinations and topics. Here are two: La Belle France: The Sophisticated Guide to France. An eight-page monthly newsletter. A yearly subscription is $98. Call 800-225-7825 or visit www. lbfrance.com.
Golf Odyssey: The Guide for Discriminating Golfers. Twelve issues a year at just $97. Call 800-550-2286 or visit www.golfodyssey.com/newsletter.html.
618 Imagine your own "Fantasy Vacation." What's your lover's idea of the Perfect, Ultimate, Wonderful, Fantasy Vacation? Let your imaginations run wild. Keep the dream alive over the years by collecting brochures, posters and books on your Fantasy Vacation location.
With the proper planning, a little creativity, a little time, a realistic savings plan and true dedication to your vision, you can make your Fantasy Vacation come true.
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore
619 Fill his car with balloons. Red ones.
620 When was the last time you went out parking? (For most of us, it was way back in high school.) Rediscover the sexual rush, the thrill of being caught, the just-plain fun of parking! Find the local "Lovers Lane" in your town, fill the back seat of your car with pillows, and make a date for late Friday night!
FYI: It takes 217 balloons to fill a Honda Accord.
621 Hang a pair of your panties on his rearview mirror.
622 Hide little one-line notes all over his car: on the sun visor, in the glove compartment, in the ash tray, in the trunk, under the hood, on the mirror, on the seat belt.
623 Wash and vacuum her car until it sparkles like new.
Go for a drive in a classic VW "Love Bug."
624 Sports fans love sports memorabilia. Pennants, posters, T-shirts and caps from favorite teams, signed photographs, and signed balls all make great gifts. And of course, there's always season tickets!
625 For your baseball fanatic: Have a local graphic artist create a custom baseball card featuring your partner. Write your own humorous "Vital Statistics," have his or her photo scanned in, and paste it onto cardboard. (Present it to your partner by slipping it carefully into an "unopened" package of baseball cards!) 626 While he's watching sports on TV, bring him peanuts and popcorn, beer, and ice cream bars. When it comes to sports fanatics, the only reasonable philosophy to adopt is, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
The Lockhorns, Copyright 1994 by Hoest Enterprises, Inc. Reprinted with permission of King Features Syndicate.
627 Choose a bottle of wine for its romantic label. I recently bought a bottle of Il Cuore Cabernet Sauvignon 1996. The label is a colorful, geometric rendering of heart shapes. The back label explains: "The original artwork for Il Cuore was created by Dan Rizzie, whose bold cubistic works are in the permanent collections of both the Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in New York." The label also explains that Il Cuore is Italian for "the heart." Thanks to Aficionado Cellars in Graton, Sonoma County, California. Call 888-751-WINE, or visit www.aficionadocellars.com.
628 It's romantic-but commonplace-to eat dinner by candlelight. So here's a change of pace: Eat breakfast by candlelight.
629 Prepare love food for your partner on special occasions or when he or she needs a boost. Love food is "comfort food" served with an extra helping of love. Comfort food is a highly individual thing. It might be hot oatmeal with brown sugar, served late at night. It might be a cup of hot cocoa served on a cold winter afternoon. It might be two scoops of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Does your lover know what your comfort food is? Do you know his or hers?
Slow down! Every meal doesn't need to be "romantic," but every meal can be an opportunity to talk and connect.
630 Make a toast to one another every time you hold a wine glass. Make eye contact. Take turns making the toast. Whisper it.