1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading - Part 21

Part 21

202. _What Consonants are often incorrectly dropped?_ The final consonants.

203. _How may distinct Articulation be acquired?_ By continued practice of the elementary sounds.

204. _What are the most prominent Elements of all words?_ The vowels.

205. _Which sounds should be practiced first?_ The vowels; as they are the most easily uttered.

206. _Can the sounds of the Consonants be given alone?_ They can by practice.

207. _What is the source of the greatest defect in Articulation?_ Improper sounding of the consonants.

208. _What kind of Inflection is generally given to words of great emphasis?_ The falling; unless the sentiment requires the rising.

209. _When is the Inflection of a question changed from the falling to the rising?_ When it is repeated or made emphatic.

210. _In the introductory part of a sentence, where the sense is incomplete, what inflection is used?_ Unless great emphasis is required, the rising should be used.

211. _The names of persons addressed in formal speech require what inflection?_ The falling should always be used in such cases.

212. _General statements require what inflection?_ The falling.

213. _For the sake of harmony, what principle should govern the reader?_ When a sentence ends with the falling inflection, the rising should precede it.

214. _When sentences commence with verbs, what inflection is required?_ Mostly the rising.

215. _What is meant by an Echo in reading?_ Interrogative exclamations, where the question is repeated.

216. _Give an example of Echo._ What's the trouble? What's the trouble? trouble enough.

217. _What inflection should be given to members of sentences connected disjunctively?_ First member, the rising; second member, the falling.

218. _When several Emphatic words or members come together, how should they be inflected?_ The most emphatic, the falling; and the others the rising.

219. _What is a Simple Series in reading?_ A series of particulars that is composed of single words.

220. _What is meant by a Compound Series?_ One that is composed of clauses is called compound.

221. _What determines Accent?_ The usage of our best speakers and writers of the present.

222. _To whom does it belong to determine and record such usage?_ The Lexicographers.

223. _Are there any cases in which we can trace the reason for the accent?_ There are; in discriminating accent where it is used to determine the parts of speech.

224. _Do we ever have two sets of Ant.i.theses in the same sentence?_ We do; as each member may contain an ant.i.thesis.

225. _Give an example._ John was hurt; William escaped.

226. _How many sets of Ant.i.theses may be used in one sentence?_ Often three; but seldom more.

227. _Should there be any difference in the tone of voice used in reading verse and prose?_ There should be a difference.

228. _What different style ought to be used?_ The monotone and rising inflection are more frequently used in verse than in prose.

229. _What is the greatest difficulty met with in reading or declaiming poetic selections?_ In giving it that measured flow which distinguishes it from prose, without falling into a continued monotone.

230. _What is a good method to break up this habit?_ Reduce the selection to prose, and deliver it in an earnest, conversational style.

231. _Why should there be a short pause at the end of each line of poetry, even where the sense does not require it?_ In order that the measure of the poem may be more perceptible to the ear.

232. _What is it that const.i.tutes the melody of a poem?_ The pauses and accents chiefly.

233. _What rule should govern the reader in the use of pauses and accents?_ Use variety, and not make them too prominent.

234. _What tone of voice should be used in reading a Simile in poetry?_ The simile should be read in a lower tone than the rest of the pa.s.sage.

235. _What, with regard to the voice, is an important object to every speaker and reader?_ The important object is to have a full, even tone of voice.

236. _What key of the voice should be most diligently improved?_ The natural key, or that which is used most.

237. _What is meant by the natural key or pitch?_ That which is peculiar to the individual, and in which he can use most easily to himself, and most agreeably to others.

238. _How can the natural tone of voice be strengthened?_ By reading and speaking as loud as possible, without suffering the voice to rise into a higher key.

239. _What is the best method of strengthening the natural key?_ By speaking and reading strong, animated pa.s.sages in a small room.

240. _How may low tones be acquired?_ By continued practice in a lower key than the natural.

241. _How may a high key be acquired?_ In the same manner as a low key; by pitching the voice first a little higher than the natural, and mastering that thoroughly, then still higher and higher.

242. _What is meant by Rotundity of the voice?_ That peculiar form of tone which the Romans called "Ore rotundo,"

which signifies "Round mouth."

243. _In what kind of sentences is the Rotundity of the voice exemplified?_ In the hailing of vessels, and is used especially by sailors and officers.

244. _Which is the most difficult: to raise the voice to a higher pitch, or to bring it to a lower?_ The lowering of the voice is more difficult, and requires great care and practice.

245. _What is a common fault with most public speakers?_ To run the voice into too high a key, and thus weary the hearers.

246. _What is a good rule by which to govern the voice?_ To start on a key lower than the natural, and thus avoid running too high.

247. _What are the princ.i.p.al styles of different reading selections?_ Descriptive, Narrative, Senatorial, Moral, Didactic, Dramatic, and Amusing.

248. _What tone of voice should be used in reading a Descriptive selection?_ The ordinary, natural tone, with a careful use of emphasis.

249. _What tone of voice is best adapted to the reading of a Narration?_ The conversational tone, with as little reference to the printed page as possible.

250. _What style is the best adapted to Senatorial reading?_ An imitative style and tone, being careful in the use of the emphatic pause.

251. _What tone is best adapted to the reading of Moral and Religious selections?_ Low and moderate tone, expressing feeling and sentiment, being careful not to read too fast.