One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 294

Chapter 294

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Chapter 294

Chapter 294: Sleeping

Mu Yazhe?

Mu Yazhe raised his head and looked .

At the entrance of the study room, he saw Yun Shishi holding a heavy pile of laundry . Yun Shishi saw the drawings in his hands, so she strictly warned him: You shouldnt touch anything inside this study room, or else Youyou will be angry!

This study room was Youyous little world . Yun Shishi occasionally went inside, but only to sweep the floor . She didnt touch anything inside .

Mu Yazhe put down the drawings and walked out of the study room . Afterward, he went towards the bedroom, as if he was trying to discover a new dimension .

Yun Shishi, who was standing on the side, had black lines on her face .

Mu Yazhe was like an aristocrat visiting a slum .

However, she didnt think much about it . She took her clothes into the bathroom and washed them .

Mu Yazhe continued exploring the bedroom .

Inside, there was a single bed with light blue bedding sheet . The color revealed a childlike taste and warmth .

Youyou not only like the color blue but also likes simplicity . So, there were no patterns on the bed sheet and pillows . It looks very simple .

On the side of the bed, there was a table filled with all kinds of book . Books such as fables, comics, and fairy tales . Mu Yazhe finally found a trace of childs innocence .

While sitting down slowly on the bed, Mu Yazhe couldnt help but imagine the scene where Youyou was leaning on the bed and lazily reading a comic book .

All these books were recommended by the school to the parents . So, Yun Shishi specially made a trip to the bookstore and purchased several sets . Then, she put them on the bedside . Every night before sleeping, she took advantage of time where Yun Tianyou was lying on the bed, to read him a story .

Yun Tianyou has no interest in these childish books . He feels bored with the story . However, he likes to listen to his mommys voice .

Yun Shishis voice sounds very gentle . As if her soft and sweet voice belongs to a refine ancient woman . Yun Tianyou was the happiest person in the world during this time .

In this small space, there was a trace of life and tranquil warmth .

Although the room was a bit small . And the single bed was not spacious enough . Mu Yazhe still lay down on the bed . He folded his arms, but he still couldnt freely fit his body .

However, on the blanket, there was this unique fragrance of a child and Yun Shishi .

This scent smells unique, its not an elegant or gorgeous scent, but rather, refreshing .

So for a moment, Mu Yazhes heart felt calm .

When Yun Shishi enter the bedroom, she saw Mu Yazhe lying on the bed and sleeping .

Yun Shishi couldnt help but smile in this scene . Whos the person said that he has always been very energetic earlier?

Yun Shishi went close to the bed and crouched down . Then, she watched closely the man who was sleeping .

The man with closed eyes has a dim shadow on his sharp-edge facial feature .

His narrow eyes and thick eyelashes look beautiful and charming .

Yun Shishi raised an eyebrow in astonishment . She could still remember Youyous face when he was just born . His narrow eyes and thick eyelashes look very delicate . So, it seems he inherited those traits to this man .

His nose bridge was beautifully curved . As if it belongs to a sculpture .

Especially, his thin lips, it looks very sexy . Sexy lips that most women wanted to kiss . But when he smiles, it has a trace of arrogance and enchanting curve .