One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief's Good Wife - Chapter 293

Chapter 293

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Chapter 293

Chapter 293: Warm home

After pushing the door, a warm apartment house was revealed .

Mu Yazhe walked in after Yun Shishi . But, as he stepped, he feltspaceinside was extremely narrow . His face immediately revealed a dissatisfied look .

This apartment is too small .

However, for Yun Shishi and Youyou, it can be said that this apartment was quite spacious . Compared to the second-hand apartment house of the Yun Family, this apartment has two bedrooms, one study room, and a ten square meters living room . So for them, they are living verycomfortably .

It was only Mu Yazhe, whose a tall man, felt that this apartment was extraordinarily cramped .

Standing in such a small place, Mu Yazhe felt very restrained .

Yun Shishi entered Youyous room and hurriedly prepared his change of clothes .

The rough texture of the hospital clothes can irritate the childs tender skin . So, sleeping with it was not practical . Although Youyou didnt complain, Yun Shishi noticed in a glance, that his wrist has rashes . Her heart immediately felt distressed because of this .

Although the clothes she bought for Youyou were not expensive, they were specially selected according to their fine texture . Youyous constitutional health was weak, so she was very careful with every detail about him .

While waiting, Mu Yazhe curiously visited every corner of the small apartment .

He started on the left side, where a small bathroom that looks like a fish tank was placed . Mu Yazhe walked in with a frown and almost hit the wall above the door .

The space inside was too small . Beside the toilet, there was an old washing machine and a grooming station . As he walked inside, his knee hit the washing machine .

Mu Yazhe tightly frowns his eyebrows . He was extremely displeased, so he loses interest .

The reason why Mu Yazhe compared this bathroom to a fish tank, was because there was a wall type aquarium in the guest hall of the Mu Familys villa . So, it can be said that their aquarium was indeed much larger than this bathroom .

People live much worse than a fish?

Mu Yazhe went to the kitchen next . However, the first thing he noticed was the two bear aprons that were hanging on the wall . One small and one big . This scene looks very warm in his eyes . On the door, there was a pinned to do list paper . Out of the seven days in a week, Youyou took care of their meals for five days . While Yun Shishi was responsible for the meal every Saturday and Sunday . Mu Yazhe couldnt help but feel interested in this .

It turned out that his little son knows how to cook .

A six-year-old kid can cook? I wonder what kind of dish he can make .

On the right side, there were two bedrooms and a study room .

As he walked into the study room, Mu Yazhe was very surprised .

Inside, there was a fax machine, a printer, a mahogany desk, and a high-end computer . The mahogany desk has a safe locked . On top of it, there was a pencil case and a stack of drawings . Everything was well-organized .

What he didnt know was that everything in the study room was arranged by Youyou . So, it looks like his small office .

In peacetime, Youyou takes care of himself . Yun Shishi never interferes with his activities .

Mu Yazhe looked at the drawings on the table . As he curiously looks at them, Mu Yazhe couldnt help but choke .

These stack of drawings are toy designs?

Each design was meticulously drawn and look very unique . So obviously, it was made by an excellent and professional designer .

Mu Yazhe felt somewhat uncertain:Why is there such professional drawing designs on that Little guys table?