Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 977

Chapter 977

Nalante once again affirmed that what Stella said was the plan he had always prepared in his heart.

Although he originally wanted to wait this time to take Stella back to the territory, and then hold a grand wedding after all the walls of Stormwind City were completed.

But since the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, he wasn't going to delay any longer.

As long as Stella is willing, where is Nalante holding a wedding?

Although this may cause the wedding to become a bit rudimentary.

But as long as the object of marriage is his beloved, Nalante will not care.

The only thing to worry about is Stella.

However, Narante's worries are obviously superfluous.

Stella is not a superficial woman, how could she care about any scenes.

"I won't feel wronged!"

Stella immediately shook her head excitedly.

"Nalante, I am willing to hold a wedding in this sacred city, no matter how simple the wedding is!"

"Okay, Stella, then it's settled!"

After getting Stella's answer, Narante no longer hesitated.

At the moment, Narante left Stella's manor after continuing to discuss the process and date of the wedding with Stella.

"Ah, my lord, are you going to hold a wedding with Sister Stella?"

On the return carriage, Nalante informed the lucky daughters that he and Stella were going to hold a wedding.

Immediately, Shirley and little Lolita stared at Nalante with her big round eyes in disbelief.

And Vivian and the other women were also surprised.

Although I know that my lord and Miss Stella will definitely be together.

But I didn't expect the wedding of the two to be so sudden.

"That's right, your sister Stella has been waiting for me for so long, and now that the threat of dark creatures has been lifted, it's almost time for the wedding!"

Nalan nodded, but did not tell the girls the specific reason.

In order to prevent the girls from worrying about themselves.

"But...my lord, why don't you hold a wedding in Stormwind City!"

Little Lolita broke the casserole and asked the bottom line. Hearing this, she tilted her head and asked curiously.

But the next moment, the sensible Vivienne grabbed her and blocked her mouth.

"Xue Li, my lord must have a reason for doing this!"

It has to be said that the big sister Vivienne still knows her adults very well.

Since my adults refused to say it, it was because they didn't want them to know.

Otherwise, my adults will inform myself and others as soon as possible.

"Okay!" The little girl Shirley could only nod aggrievedly.

"My lord, congratulations on your upcoming wedding with Miss Stella!"

"My lord, Shirley also congratulates you on your upcoming wedding with Sister Stella!"

After not exploring the reason, a group of lucky women immediately sent their blessings.

"By the way, my lord, when are you going to hold the wedding? Do you want Shirley to help you?"

"Help is definitely needed. When the time comes, the adults will need you to help buy a lot of things!"

"As for the time, my lord has decided to hold it in a week!"

Narante felt that the matter of holding the wedding must be sooner rather than later.

Now that a decision has been made, it must be completed as quickly as possible.

And the speed of one week was compressed to the limit by Nalante.

In addition to preparing for the wedding, the more important thing is to wait for the arrival of Bernard and Narante's own cheap father.

Although the Black Rock Plain is some distance away from the Sacred City, it should be possible to get there as soon as the notification is in place and let them come quickly.

"Okay, my lord, Shirley must help you prepare for the wedding, and if you want to buy any delicious food, let Shirley do it!"

Shirley, little loli, has already imagined the scene of opening her belly to eat delicious food.

Afterwards, the carriage returned directly to Narante's residence.

After returning, Narante began to write the envelope, and then let Swift Eagle deliver it to Bernard overnight.

In addition, Narante also sent a letter to Duke Miller.

After all, Duke Miller can be regarded as his closest elder in the Holy Continent, so he should inform him no matter what.

As for the others, Narante wanted to inform some old friends from Glory Continent.

It's a pity that the distance is too far, so Nalante will not bother them.

Although in this way, my wedding may be a little rough.

There won't be many people there, but that's okay.

It is the same when those closest to you can come and witness.

After the letter was delivered, Narante took a short rest.

The second day is where the preparation really begins.

Since it is a wedding, the venue must naturally be arranged in place.

Nalante simply chose the golden manor in this sacred city.

That is, the manor where there was a line of wine-buying queues outside the door when we passed by that day.

This golden manor is one of the best high-end manors in the sacred city.

The manor covers a very large area, so there are many areas and venues in the manor, which are used to hold banquets and other activities for guests.

Nalante directly set up a manor area with the highest grade.

The area of this manor is very wide, enough to accommodate hundreds of people dining at the same time.

And this is also the dining area, in addition to that, there is a separate garden lawn, which is the best place to hold high-class banquets.

And such a best place could not be rented by a little-known nobleman like Nalante.

But after the loan of hiding his identity was rejected, Nalante simply revealed his name and background.

After all, the wedding day cannot be hidden.

The director of the other manor learned that Nalante was actually the lord of the Stormland and the owner of the wine.

The original tone of refusing without hesitation immediately took a 180-degree turn.

Not only was he very respectful to Narante, but he immediately promised to lease the venue to Narante.

And also willing to do the best service for Nalante.

In this way, the place was finally leased.

However, the rental price is also expensive.

Originally, 10,000 gold coins were needed for the use fee of this site, but it can be seen that Nalante is the lord of the Storm Lord.

The other party offered a discount and only needed 8,888 gold coins.

Although more than 8,000 gold coins are nothing to Narante now.

But you have to know that if you change to Glory Continent, this is half the body of an earl and aristocrat.

But now it is only exchanged for the right to use a site for one or two days.

But then again, although the price is a bit expensive, the service is still worth the money.

This golden manor can help to arrange the venue for free, and can also help purchase various ingredients, or provide free servants and attendants to help.

In this way, this saves most of Narant's troubles. ,

Nalante actually took this into consideration, so he didn't choose to hold the wedding in Stella's Manor.

After all, it takes a lot of hands to help and clean up, both before and after the wedding.

After the venue was arranged and the invitations were sent out, Narante was free.

He handed over other trivial matters to a group of lucky women, Chef Rose and others.

But when Narante started to prepare for the wedding, the turmoil caused by him had just begun.

A large number of orcs gathered outside the city, and after a day of fermentation, this matter has become known to everyone.

After returning, the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom had people summon a group of representatives who had been to the Holy Land God Kingdom.

Then an urgent meeting was called to find out who was attacking the orcs for no reason.

However, it turned out that none of the kingdoms of God admitted that they had waited for someone to intercept and kill the orcs.

There are more than ten kingdoms of God who came to the Holy Continent some time ago, and at least six of them dispatched dragon knights.

In this way, without anyone voluntarily admitting it, this matter became confusing.

After several consultations, no one in the Kingdom of God got a result.

In this way, this matter can only be put on hold temporarily, and it will be postponed for a few days to see if there are other changes.

But the time turned and soon came the day when the Divine Kingdom of the Io Continent held a meeting with the countries of the Holy Continent.

Early this morning, all the principalities and imperial kings of the Holy Continent came to the Holy Alliance Parliament Building.

However, when they came to the square outside the building, the kings did not immediately enter the building, because the people from the Kingdom of God had not yet arrived.

As the host... or more realistically, as the weak side, they need to wait for the countermeasures to be brought.

After all, in the situation where others are stronger than me, we still need to have the awareness that we should have.

It's just that as the rising sun climbed higher and higher, all the kings of the holy continent frowned.

"What's going on, why haven't all the people from the Divine Kingdom of Io Continent come yet?"

"Yeah, isn't it scheduled to hold a meeting today? We've all been here for more than an hour, but they don't even have a single person."

"Yeah, this is too much!"

Although all the kings are full of fighting spirit, there are not many weak ones in their own strength.

But standing like this for more than an hour was something they hadn't experienced in a long time.

As a result, voices of dissatisfaction gradually spread in the field.

"President Theodore, what's going on with those people from the Kingdom of God, didn't you agree to start the meeting this morning?"

At this time, even several imperial kings frowned slightly.

"I don't know either. Yesterday I asked the people from the Kingdom of God to confirm whether I need to arrange a convoy to meet them, but they refused! Indeed

"Shows that they themselves will come!"

Obviously President Theodore didn't know what was wrong with the Kingdom of God.

Ho **** ho!

However, just as everyone was roaring more and more intensely, finally a few sounds came from the air.

Following the roar, there were seven or eight giant dragons flying up from the city not far away.

The dragon circled in the air before heading towards the parliament building.

Seeing this scene, the voices of the kings stopped abruptly.

They all looked at the giant dragons rushing towards them with fear on their faces.

This is a giant dragon, and usually even one of them alone can make a group of kings who only have sky knights feel oppressive.

Now there are seven or eight giant dragons soaring in the sky at the same time. This is definitely no longer just a sense of oppression, but a sense of crisis.

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Soon, those giant dragons came to the square in front of the parliament building, and then lined up and landed in front of a group of nobles.

After the giant dragons landed on the ground, they stared at the kings with their oppressive eyes.

All the kings were watched by so many dragons at close range, and they all took a few steps back subconsciously.


"Haha, sorry for the kings of the Holy Continent, we are late!"

And at this moment, another flying boat flew from behind the giant dragon, which was the one that the Son of the Sun God Kingdom was riding on.

Before the flying boat approached, the laughing sound of the holy son came over.

The kings of the Holy Continent immediately looked up after hearing the words, only to see that the Holy Son was not the only one on the flying boat today.

There were many well-dressed men and women standing around him.

These people are the high priests or representatives of other kingdoms of God.

Needless to say, at this moment, all the kingdoms of God came so late but so neatly.

That was obviously done on purpose.

In addition, let a group of dragon knights clear the way, which shows that it is to give the kings of the sacred continent a blow.

"Master Shengzi, you are welcome. We have just arrived not long ago. In addition, you are welcome to come to the Holy Continent!"

A group of kings felt the opponent's full means, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Even Theodore, the president, needs to stand up and greet people with a smile.

"Well, President Theodore, don't you know that the principalities and imperial kings of your holy continent are all here?"

Facing Theodore's enthusiasm as if nothing had happened, the Holy Son was very satisfied.

He was the first to fly from the flying boat to the ground, and then asked President Theodore.

"Your Excellency Son, the kings or lords of all empires, duchies, and forces in the Holy Continent have arrived."

"Very well, let's go in then!"

"Your Excellency, Son, and everyone, please!"

After speaking, Theodore led everyone into the conference building.

And the kings of the Holy Continent followed after these people from the Kingdom of God entered.

However, worries, dissatisfaction and various complex expressions were clearly visible on the faces of the kings.

At this moment, Nalante is also among the kings, but he is very low-key today and it is not obvious.

Looking at the arrogant Son of God in front of him, Nalante Qinhxue swept away without any disturbance, and followed him silently.

Soon, a group of kings and representatives of the Kingdom of God came to the largest conference hall in the building.

In the conference hall this time, a group of priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God sat on a high platform.

And all the kings of the Holy Continent sat on the ordinary seats around them. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After everyone was seated, the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom stood up from the most important position, and then spoke with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You kings, I think you already know the reason for this meeting!"

"Then I won't repeat anything else. What I want to tell you now is that this opportunity is a real gift for you!"

"Because compared to our Io continent, this sacred continent is simply a piece of expensive land."

"The difference between the two is like the difference between a mountain of gold and a mountain of iron."

"As a human race, we who are bathed at the feet of the great gods see such a situation, and are very willing to help the people of the same race in the Holy Continent."

"However, because the Kingdom of God also has the rules and regulations of the Kingdom of God, although we can help you for free."

"But it also requires you to meet some requirements!"