Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 860

Chapter 860

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"Yes, but with Duke Miller and the strong sky knights, even two eighth-order monsters should not be a problem!"

"So, everyone, stop blocking, let's advance to the city!"

Narant nodded apologetically, hoping not to frighten the nobles.

However, with the strength of the alliance team, it should not be a problem if there are only less than 100,000 dark creatures outside the city.

The nobles looked at Narant with complicated eyes, and murmured for a moment without knowing what to say.

As a result, everyone could only retreat toward the city, and let Narant take a look at the situation in the city later.

Now that the dark creatures outside the city are more ferocious than those in the city, they naturally have no reason to flee.

Inside and outside the city are all dead, but the city can at least rely on the city wall to fight the beasts.

Seeing the nobles retreating into the city, Narant also rushed into the city with his men.

Just after passing through the deep city gate, Narant realized something was wrong.

"Everyone... haven't you cleaned up the city?"

Narant watched that there were guards fighting with the dark creatures not far away, and there were faint roars of fighting and roars from all over the city, which seemed to be different from what he originally imagined.

"Baron Narant, we were besieged in this duke city a few days ago... and just now, the duke city just happened to be breached by dark creatures!"

"Breakthrough by dark creatures..." Narant's head buzzed, he never expected such a result anyway.

Doesn't that mean that he is throwing himself into a snare?


At this moment, a familiar call from Narant came from not far ahead.

"Stella!" Narant's expression immediately became surprised when he saw Stella.

"Why are you here, Narant!"

Stella's face was mixed with worry and joy.

Clearly Narant came at a bad time.

"I was chased by dark creatures, so I wanted to join you, but I didn't expect..."

Narant was rather helpless.

But in the blink of an eye, seeing the worried look in Stella's eyes, Narant said again: "However, the current situation is not too bad."

"Those dark creatures are just a little troublesome for me. I originally wanted to use everyone's strength to solve it easily, but since this is the situation, I can only do more!"

"Yeah!" Stella heard Narant's words, and didn't say anything else, just solemnly hummed.

However, to the ears of others, Narant is definitely a big talk.

It was an army of tens of thousands of death knights, and there were also two eighth-order gray bone dragons and more than ten dark pythons.

"Baron Narant, are all the dark creatures that went to the back a few days ago chasing you?"

At this time, President Theodore finally spoke.

He left the city wall relatively late, so he saw the direction where the Narant team was coming.

I didn't know who the team was before, and how did they come from behind the Duke City.

But now he found out that it was Narant, which made him very puzzled.

"Uh, President Theodore, yes, I did come from behind the Duke City, and those dark creatures just arrived here to chase me!" Nalanda nodded and recognized it.

"How is this possible, Baron Narant, aren't you still on the edge of the land of death? Why did you run to the hinterland of the land of death all of a sudden?"

"Yes, and a few days ago, the number of dark creatures going to the back of the Duke City should add up to seventy or eighty thousand..."

Although Narant has nodded his head in recognition, many representatives of the nobles feel unbelievable.

"Everyone, who said that I have been on the edge of the land of death, in fact, I have long been near this Duke City."

"It's just that everyone hadn't arrived at that time, so I thought about going deeper into the distance. After all, the gathering place of dark creatures is full of earth spirits!"

"I just didn't expect that my movement in the back should be too loud, so these dark creatures began to chase and kill me!"

"Baron Narant, how much noise did you make to make the Pope send half of the dark creatures to hunt you down a few days ago!"

Everyone was speechless and looked at Narant strangely.

It was originally thought that Narant would have been paddling on the edge of the Dead Land all the time.

But people are still swimming back from the rear.

This made the three views of the nobles who originally felt that Narant was weak were severely impacted.

"Baron Narant, you really shouldn't come to Duke City!" President Theodore sighed at this time.

"I don't blame you for attracting more dark creatures. In fact, no matter how many dark creatures come, it doesn't make much difference to us, it's just how many people can escape."

"It's just that Narant, your original team is complete, but now that you have entered the city, if you want to escape at that time, you may have to suffer a great loss!"

"President Theodore, why are we fleeing, those high-level dark creatures are still blocked from the city."

"And the city is just some low-level dark creatures!"

"Our alliance team has more than 200,000 people, and is fully capable of fighting these dark creatures to the death!"

Narant did not agree with Theodore's words.

"Hey, Narant, you don't know that Prince Elric and Magister Carlisle have led the team out of the city to escape!"

"Without the magician, coupled with the drop in morale caused by their escape, the guards' will to fight is already weak!"

Theodore shook his head again.

"So those two guys wanted to be deserters!"

Only then did Narant figure out that the guards of Eric and the Bach Empire were not the brave ones he had imagined.

It was actually about to escape.

However, can these guys escape now?

"Quick, enter the city!"

At this moment, there was a panting exclamation behind Narant and the others.

I saw that Prince Eric fled into the city gate with a face full of embarrassment under the **** of several Bach Empire knights.

And next to Eric was Carlisle and others.

Obviously, the eighth-order gray-bone earth dragon and a group of seventh-order dark pythons blocked their possibility of breaking through.

And let these guys drink a pot hard.

"Narant, you bastard!"

After Eric and Carlisle escaped into the city, when they saw Narant, they immediately scolded in anger.

"Eric, please keep your mouth clean!" Narant responded coldly, not used to his habit.

"Narant, do you know how many knights you have killed in our Bach Empire?" Eric was naturally unable to calm his anger, and continued to question fiercely.

Because Narant's judgment was wrong, naturally no other coalition troops went to support the Bach Empire's team.

In this way, Eric and the others were beaten by the dark creature, and naturally lost a lot of manpower.

If it weren't for the fact that they were not far from the city gate, the loss would have been even greater.

"Prince Eric, please speak clearly, the culprit who killed your Bach Empire is a dark creature!"

"In addition, I heard that you, Prince Eric, fled in spite of other teams in the alliance, and that's why you caused all this, so all the deaths and injuries of your subordinates will be counted on your head!"

Narant shook his head.


Bang bang bang!

But just when Prince Eric wanted to continue to say something, there was a huge crashing sound outside the city gate.

It turned out that the eighth-order ashes ground dragon had chased the cavalry of the Bach Empire to the outside of the city gate.

At this moment, it is slamming against the city wall frantically.

"Everyone, this critical moment is not the time to deal with personal grievances. Since a group of dark creatures has come to block the gate, the matter of breaking through is definitely impossible for the time being."

"So, now our top priority is to defend the city as much as possible, so that there is a chance to survive!"

President Theodore immediately spoke up when he saw this.

"But President Theodore, the city is now full of death knights and middle and high-level dark creatures..." A group of nobles actually wanted to defend the Duke City.

However, the walls on both sides were broken open.

Those middle and low-level dark creatures have long since invaded the city.

Therefore, this duke city is now full of holes.

"Everyone, the death knights in this city can be handed over to me!"

"You just need to go to the city wall to deal with the big guys of the Ash Bone Earth Dragon."

At this time, Narant spoke immediately.

Death knight or something, it's simply his favorite.

And the reason why he was chased this way was just because he was worried about the ashes earth dragon.

In this way, there is no such terrifying big guy in the city now, so it is the best time for Narant to harvest energy points.

"Hehe, you ignorant kid, do you really think death knights are so easy to deal with?"

"If it wasn't for you, we would have successfully broken through today!"

Eric couldn't help sneering when he heard Narant's confident words.


"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, idiot!" Narant rolled his eyes at him.


Although Eric didn't understand what a fool meant, he knew from Narant's tone that this was definitely not a compliment.

"Okay, since Baron Narant has such confidence, then trouble Baron Narant!"

"In addition, there are so many dark creatures in the city that Baron Narant can't handle it alone. The Duchy of Haibei and the Duchy of Lot are also responsible for defending against the dark creatures in the city together!"

Theodore interrupted the quarrel when he saw that several people were fighting again.

If it were in the past, he would definitely not dare to refute Eric, the great prince of the Bach Empire, in such a way.

But since Eric fled and encouraged everyone to break out with him, Theodore despised this bright-looking, but timid and incompetent prince of the empire in his heart.

As for Narant, although he led the dark creatures that were chasing him to the Duke City.

But in fact, if these dark creatures did not appear, they would also be surrounded by the city.

So, there really is no difference.

And Narant, with such a weak, er, team, was able to stir up the rear of the dead land, such courage, Theodore absolutely applauded.

"Okay, President Theodore!"

The nobles had no way out at the moment, and they all obeyed the orders.

At this moment, Prince Eric and Carlisle could only go towards the city wall with black faces and unwillingness.

"President Theodore, will Stella still fight with me?"

At this time, Narant suddenly pleaded with Theodore, who had not left.

"Okay, I hope you can protect the safety of the Prophet Goddess, Narant. If there is really no way to save the final situation, then quickly come over to join a group of nobles and try to break out!"

"The life of the goddess is much more important than ours!"

Theodore hesitated for a moment, but had no objection.

At such a moment, there is definitely no need to restrict Stella's freedom.


Narant naturally cherishes his fiancee more than anyone else.

"Go, Stella!"

Immediately, Narant immediately took Stella towards the main road in the city.

As they moved forward, Narant and the others immediately encountered the death knights and other dark creatures charging from all directions.

"Everyone, start fighting!"

Narant didn't bother, and gave an order directly.

"Your Excellency has an order, start fighting!"

"Legion of Magicians, release the shield!"


"Wolf Knights, charge!"

"Tulip Knights, charge!"

The next moment, Narant's subordinates rushed out one after another, rushing towards the dark creatures that came in.

But Stella was stunned when she saw this scene.

"Legion of Magicians? Narant, you..."

"Hey, Stella, I also have my own magician army. That idiot Carlisle thought that after leaving their Sacred Magic Academy, there would be no other magicians!" Narant, the magician army, at this moment This is the first time he has been exposed to the public in the Alliance.

Even Stella is seeing it for the first time, so I am very surprised~www.mtlnovel.com~ Narant, you are still as strange as ever! "Stella's beautiful eyes stared at Narant, and found that her fiance was still as magical as before.

"Ah, it's a magician, how can there be so many such young magicians?"

"Yes, those boys and girls are no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, how can they have so much magic!"

"More importantly, these magicians are still under the orders of Baron Narant!"

"That's right, doesn't it mean that the Holy Magic Academy does not allow any magician to work for Narant?"

Compared to Stella's calm reaction, the rest of the soldiers and nobles who saw Narant, who suddenly had hundreds of more magicians, were unsure.

In this sacred continent, every magician is precious.

And everyone knew about the festival between Narant and Carlisle.

At this moment, there are hundreds of magicians in Narant's team of only a few hundred people, which simply makes their jaws drop.

And Eric and Carlisle, who had just climbed halfway up the stairs of the city wall, also saw the movement here.

"This...how is this possible?" Carlisle was more shocked than everyone else.

This scene is as surprising as a small African country in a previous life suddenly possessed nuclear weapons.

"Baron Narant... It's really amazing!"

When Theodore saw this scene, he murmured.

He now finally knows why Narant has the strength to provoke a group of dark creatures to chase and kill him from the back of the Duke City.

And other nobles who had no trouble with Narant also looked at Narant with envy at the moment.

Because they all know that this magician is obviously not provided to Narant by the Holy Magic Academy.