Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 695

Chapter 695

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"Moreover, they are natural blacksmiths and can forge all kinds of magical weapons and equipment!"

"When I reach the Holy Land, I'll take you to the Forge Castle when I have time. Those dwarves are quite friendly!"

Narrant nodded contentedly.

"Narant, did you get that carriage and the rapier you gave me from the dwarves!"

"Uh... yes, it was only then..."

Narant then remembered that he had lied to Stella, and used an excuse to cover up the matter of the carriage and the rapier.

Unexpectedly, Stella's brain was so bright, and she immediately guessed the possibility.

Fortunately, Stella did not intend to pursue it. She smiled and said affectionately: "Narant, you don't need to explain, you have your secrets and plans, I can understand!"


If a woman is like this, what can her husband ask for?

Narant nodded vigorously, "It is said that there are elves in the Holy Continent. Those elves are all handsome men and beautiful women. When we are strong enough in the future, let's go to see and see, okay?"

"Yeah!" This time it was Stella's turn to nod her head vigorously.

In this way, time passed day by day on the way.

And from the Glory Continent to the Holy Continent, as Old White said at the time, it is a very long journey.

Narant and others followed the team of the Bach Empire for more than a month, but still did not see the edge of the forest.

Fortunately, because they were large enough and the force in the team was sufficient, there was no danger on the way.

With such a huge team, even ordinary high-level monsters would choose to retreat after seeing them.

During this journey, Narant was quite comfortable.

Because he and his fiance finally had the time to cultivate their feelings together day and night.

Although he is often in the public eye, he cannot make deviant actions,

But once it got dark, he dragged Stella to a remote tree, and he was still able to kiss Fang Ze with his cheeky skills.

Of course, his excuse for inviting Stella to climb the tree was very high, and that was to admire the moon.

Although Stella suffered her first loss, she no longer believed in Narant's nonsense about admiring the moon.

But every time Narant sat shyly with him on the branches of the tree crown, and then sat against his shoulders.

On the other hand, Narant will only launch his offensive when his love is strong, transforming into a hungry wolf under the moon, teasing the delicate tulip flowers with a flushed face.

Of course, although Narant was in a hurry, there was no breakthrough in the bottom line of the last layer.

Because he absolutely must give enough respect to a beauty like Stella.

It's not something that needs to be done after marriage.

But it can't be in this unobstructed wilderness, after all, this is too wrong for the tulip flower.

Narant's plan was to wait until the Holy Continent, find a beautiful manor, and then give Stella an unforgettable night.

At noon that day, the marching team stopped again to prepare for lunch.

At this time, Prince Eric of the Bach Empire suddenly summoned a large number of nobles.

Soon, Narant and others received news that the prince was going to start looking for the goddess, and hoped that all the great nobles would cooperate.

When Narant heard the words, his heart suddenly tightened.

The counts did not know what the so-called goddesses were, but he did, because these goddesses were his heart.

Along the way, Narant was actually worried about this.

Because of the overheard news that was relayed from the bee last time, Narant knew that the main purpose of this Prince Eric's visit to the Holy Land was to find the goddess.

The second is to want to gain benefits in the Glory Continent.

Originally, he hadn't seen this Prince Eric for the past two months. Narant thought that this matter would not be mentioned again until he arrived at the Bach Empire.

But who would have guessed that Prince Eric suddenly mentioned it when he was on the road now, which made Narant feel a hint of danger.

Immediately, Narant immediately went to find the girls of Vivian, and told them to put on the clothes of serfs and blacken their faces and hands to mix into the ranks of serfs, which was a little reassuring.

If you want to see a few women mixed in with the crowd, it shouldn't be so easy to find them among the tens of millions of people.

After arranging everything, Narant sat down again on the open space of his camp and had lunch.

There was also Stella who was having lunch with him, and now Stella was wearing a veil.

She was no longer wearing the beautiful long dress she used to wear, but a rather simple silk dress. In the past, only the daughter of a young vassal would wear such a silk dress that was not too rustic, but definitely not luxurious enough.

As for why Stella was dressed like this, it was also related to that Prince Eric.

Isabella's situation these days, has spread throughout the team

That Prince Eric would pester Princess Isabella all day long when he was on his way, causing Princess Isabella to be very troubled, but he couldn't refuse directly and sternly.

Fortunately, this Prince Eric also knew that the first priority was to bring the people from the Glory Continent back to the Empire, so it was useless, so that Isabella could hide with a gentle excuse every time.

Of course, all nobles know that this situation is probably only temporary.

Once the team really reaches the territory of the Nabach Empire, I am afraid that this Prince Eric can do whatever he wants.

And although Narant heard the news, although he felt resentful for Princess Isabella, he couldn't help her until there was no absolute strength to fight against her.

Therefore, now he can put the safety of Stella in the first place, and by disguising Stella, not only can he avoid being noticed by Prince Eric, but he can also hide another identity Stella may have. .

However, how did Narant know that he thought he could hide Stella with the help of the number of people.

But the reason why Prince Eric dragged on for so long to bring up the search for the Goddess is because he received external assistance.

Just as Narant and Stella were about to finish their lunch sweetly, Quick suddenly ran over.

"Sir~www.mtlnovel.com~ Prince Eric is here, and the direction seems to be our camp!"

"How come to our camp?" Narant frowned suddenly, his team was not close to the Bach Empire camp, and now the countermeasures came directly to him, which made him smell a hint of danger.

In the end, Narant spoke directly to Stella and let him get into the ordinary wooden carriage beside him.

Not long after Stella entered the carriage, Prince Eric came to his camp with a group of demon knights.

And all the great nobles of the Onyx Principality and the Northern Principality also followed behind.

At this moment, Bernard has frowned, and there is a faint worry between his brows.