Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 694

Chapter 694

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Time turned to the next morning.

"My lord, my lord!" Narant had just woken up when he heard an urgent call from outside the house.

"Lilia, what's the matter?" Now the population of Narant Territory, except for the barbarians, has all come to this holy city.

So at this moment, it is Lilia, the little maid who is responsible for taking care of his daily life.

"Sir, the sky outside suddenly turned blood red!" Lilia said.

"It turned blood red? Death is coming!" Narant didn't expect to feel that it was only yesterday that the death was not coming so fast.

Never thought that today would really come.

Moreover, he can indeed vaguely hear the noise outside.

At the moment, Narant didn't delay, let Lilia come in and dress him up, and then went out of the room after washing casually.

And when he walked outside, he saw that the sky today was obviously different from the past.

Although the sky a few days ago was also faintly reddish, it was not as blood red as today, as if it were a deep hell. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

At the moment, Narant quickly went to Bernard's house, only to learn that Bernard had gone to the city wall with a group of counts and King Culver.

Narant immediately went to the city wall without stopping.

"Narant, you are here!"

"Yes, Lord Count, I came immediately after being woken up by the maid!" Narant nodded.

"Well, death is coming!" Bernard nodded silently, and then said with infinite emotion.

Looking around, the sky as far as the eye can see has turned blood red, and there is endless death in the air slowly spreading towards the ground.

At this moment, it is already a shout, and it is obvious that people can't calm down about such a scene like the end of the world.

"Lord Count, one day we will get rid of the dead energy and retake our land!" Narant could feel Bernard's melancholy.

Although all the population and important materials in the territory have been transferred.

But as the saying goes, the golden den and the silver den are not as good as their own dog kennel. Now that they have to leave their hometown, everyone can face it calmly.

And Narant has already thought about it. After the Sacred Continent settles down, he will find a way to slowly hide back to the land of the Glory Continent.

What a dark creature, what a dead air.

In the eyes of others, it is very difficult to deal with, but Narant has sacred thorns, which can just restrain death.

At that time, let Bessie work hard to cultivate the sacred thorns, and he will fill the entire glory land with sacred thorns.

In addition, he Narant kills dark creatures but has energy point rewards.

Some time ago, he thought that the number of dark creatures was too small for him to spend.

But if the Glory Continent is occupied by dark creatures, does he need to worry about it in the future?

"Hehe, Narant boy, Stella really did not see the wrong person. In addition to courage and intelligence, your will is also the strongest among the young people. I sometimes really doubt, how can a rude like Andrew be born. You are such an excellent heir!" Bernard smiled at Narant when he heard the words, his eyes full of approval.

"By the way, Narant, His Majesty the King just told you to find him!" At this moment, Bernard suddenly remembered what it was, and pointed to King Culver not far away, signaling Narant to go. .

"Huh?" Narant nodded and walked directly towards King Culver.

"Your Majesty the King!"

"Narant, you are here!" At this moment, King Culver also had a bit of sadness on his face, and when he saw Narant, he patted his shoulder softly.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you have something to ask me?"

"Well, yes, Narant! This time our Onyx Principality can survive as a church, all because of your heroic rescue!"

"It's a pity that the Holy Continent has become like this now, otherwise I will give you a large piece of fief as a reward anyway."

"However, now that the fief is gone, the honor that should be given to you is still needed, although I don't know if this honor will be useful in the future!"

Saying that, King Culver took out a golden badge from his arms.

On top of the badge, there is a majestic knight standing on the top of the mountain, and behind the top of the mountain, there are rays of light reflecting out, making the knight even more powerful and dazzling.

"This is the Light of the Knights?" Narant asked subconsciously.

"That's right, Narant, as I said, you are the light of the knights of our Onyx Principality. Although I am afraid that the title of the Onyx Principality will cease to exist in the near future, I also hope that this Onyx Principality will be the first of its kind. And the last Knight's Light badge to be awarded to you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the King!" Narant did not refuse, not because he was greedy for such a little gold.

And he can see the sincerity of King Culver, and he can accept this badge, which can be regarded as a wish for King Culver to fulfill!

"No need to thank you, Narant, you deserve it! I'm very optimistic about you, and I believe you can still rise even if you reach the Holy Continent."

"Even, when you get there, you can truly show your excellence!" King Culver said with relief.

"You nobles, you can start to evacuate now. At most, death will cover the earth in the evening!"

And just as the conversation between the two fell, a gorgeous figure came down to the city wall surrounded by many armored knights.

It was Prince Eric.

"Okay, Your Highness Eric!"

When the nobles heard the words, they nodded.

Immediately, Prince Eric took the lead out of the Holy City with his team, and the great nobles followed closely behind.

Narant also followed behind the counts with his own team.

As for the future, it is the flow of people who can't play.

Fortunately, although there is only one passage leading to the Sacred Continent, it is also a forest corridor that is dozens of miles wide. No matter how many people there are, they can pass through in an orderly manner.

As for some trees or uneven places on the road, as early as a few days ago, under the leadership of the Knights of the Bach Empire, the extraordinary knights under the command of the great nobles were cleared.

This is not only for the convenience of the team, but also to clear the monsters hidden in the forest.

"Narant, are there really so short, but so strong? And they all want to drink?"

On the way forward ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Narant and Stella walked side by side.

And because the matter of the Sacred Continent was now spreading among all the nobles of the Glory Continent, Narant began to tell Stella what he knew about the Sacred Continent.

One side is to pass the boring journey, and the other side is to see the adoration and surprise of this tulip flower.

Sure enough, when she heard the existence of the dwarf, Stella's beautiful face showed a surprised look.

He looked at him with those bright sapphire blue eyes and asked.

"Yes, that dwarf is not much taller than Shirley's little girl, but that arm is half a circle thicker than my thigh. They like and spirits the most, and the stronger they are, the more they like it!"