Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 693

Chapter 693

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Narant held down the excited little loli and ordered.

If Narant wanted to contact Rolle before, it would be very difficult.

But now, if Little Lolita can ride on Little Huihui, there is a high probability of success.

After all, Xiao Huihui couldn't communicate, and he couldn't find Rolle at all.

But Little Lolita is a human, and it is very easy to find the Blue Shield Empire or the Holy Academy.

Although there is a certain risk, Narant has already thought about it and is ready to let the little bears go with him.

This speed may be slower, but at least it can ensure the safety of the little loli.

Returning to the camp, Narant directly found Bernard and asked him to transfer a few craftsmen to himself, and then began to arrange the safeguards needed to forge the flight of the little loli.

There are still a lot of things he is going to forge for Little Loli this time.

For example, I need a small and comfortable wooden chair, and then I can use animal leather to fix it on the small gray back for Shirley to ride.

The other is Little Loli's warm and windproof suit, which includes a leather flight suit, leather gloves, and a goggles. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

The lens of this goggles, Narant has already thought about it, and directly uses high-quality gray crystal as the lens.

Fortunately, Bernard and the others went out with craftsmen who were very complete, whether it was a mason, a carpenter, a leatherworker, or a blacksmith.

So, Narant easily borrowed someone.

When Narant just finished explaining the matter, the king sent someone to go to the prince Eric again.

This time, the conversation between the two parties became smoother. When the great nobles agreed to the conditions, the Prince Eric became sworn to make sure that the nobles would go to the Holy Continent than stay in the remote Glory Continent. The future is brighter.

In the next few days, a group of earls dispatched personnel to prepare for the migration.

Because of the long distance, all the nobles turned to Narant for help, because everyone knew that Narant had a swift eagle.

And the speed of the fast eagle is several times faster than that of the messenger. In such a situation of life and death, a few more people can leave every minute.

At that time, the administrative officials in the territory will arrange things in advance, and the children they send back will be able to bring people with them after they arrive.

Now that the castle is gone, the land is gone, the gold coins will be exhausted in the future, and the only wealth is probably the population.

Narant was also very generous, helping all the counts for free and sending them a message back.

Even in the Northern Principality, Narant lent a Swift Eagle so that Isabella could quickly send the news back.

During this period, in addition to sending a message back, Shirley Little Lolita had already set off, at noon on the second day after Little Huihui became a monster.

Because the craftsmen worked all night to build the suits needed for flight at the fastest speed, Narant directly let Little Loli leave with Little Bear.

This time, Little Loli will first fly to Storm Territory, pass Narant's letter to Thomas, and then go to the dwarves to find out the exact location of the Blue Shield Empire.

Then they will go directly to find Rolle, and then hand over the letter that Narant had written in advance to him.

Of course, before Shirley set off, Narant told Little Loli repeatedly.

Whether or not this subpoena succeeds, her safety must come first.

In this way, time has come to a month later.

At this time, a group of ant-like crowds and teams began to gather in the north.

Because the Onyx Principality and the Northern Principality belong to the same grasshopper on the same rope, these teams can directly traverse the Northern Principality and do not need to detour to the northwest.

Although this convenient condition allows the people of the Onyx Principality to reach the north more quickly, the journey is really long, and there are still many old and weak people who fall down on the road for various reasons.

Faced with such a scene, although the nobles couldn't bear the time crunch, they had no better way.

Even when they used the Swift Eagle to send a message back, they had already indicated that all carpenters would be able to make carriages in a short period of time, day and night.

In addition to carrying goods, these carriages were also considered to a large extent for the women, children and children of the serfs in their territories, and they wanted to avoid reducing the population due to the road as much as possible.

With the gathering of serfs, the northern holy city that originally belonged to the church has gathered a dense population, and there is no limit to the population.

Fortunately, dividing the world also has the benefits of dividing the world.

That is, the vast majority of the population from top to bottom has people to manage and maintain order, because they all have their own lords.

These populations are wealth to the lords, and they will definitely be taken care of.

As for the freedmen, they seemed comfortable in the past, but this time it was more difficult than the serfs. Whether they were on the road or encountered difficulties on the road, they had to solve it by themselves.

Fortunately, the commoners in this world are very hard-working, and they also carry sufficient rations, so the situation of population reduction has not occurred on a large scale.

"Fortunately, the God of Glory blesses us and gave us a month!"

The walls of the holy city have now been replaced with the flag of the Bach Empire.

Narant, on the other hand, looked up at the sky with a group of counts.

According to the original estimate, it would be half a month as soon as possible, and a month or two as slow as death.

And now it's just one month, almost the vast majority of the population has arrived at the foot of the holy city, which makes all the nobles breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, if the death energy really comes in half a month, then the entire Glory Continent can evacuate less than half of the population, especially the population of the Agate Principality farther north.

"Yeah, according to the current situation, I'm afraid death will come at any time in these two days!"

At this moment, the sky of the Glory Continent is no longer blue sky and white clouds, but has been replaced by a dark red.

This scene, as if countless bonfires were lit on the ground, let the black smoke and firelight set off the entire sky.

And according to the commanders of the Bach Empire's armies, the sky of this color represents that the Death Qi is close to this continent.

When it is coming, the whole sky will become red, like a blood-colored sky.

And the earth will be filled with gray death energy~www.mtlnovel.com~ With the death air covering, all the plants and creatures on the earth will gradually wither and die.

And a small part of them may mutate, be infected by dead energy, and become dark creatures or plants.

"I hope Shirley Little Lolita can complete the task I gave you!" Hearing the sighs of the earls, Narant was thinking about Little Lolita.

Because they will set off tomorrow, if the other empires of the Holy Alliance cannot intercept the team before they enter the Bach Empire, then his mission may only end in failure.

After all, after entering the Bach Empire, this piece of meat is considered to be swallowed by the Bach Empire, and it is impossible for them to spit it out again.