Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 679

Chapter 679

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Of course, in addition to seeing the horror of the Wrath of Glory, everyone also saw a very strange battlefield scene.

Previously, the three thousand paladins were aggressive as if they were going to crush Narant.

But now, because of the bombardment of the wrath of glory, the three thousand paladins turned to avoid Narant.

One by one, for fear that the wrath of glory on the carriage would be thrown by their side, they began to avoid them.

And this guy Narant is also very bad. He even changed the previous straight line attack, chasing three thousand Paladins like a wolf catching sheep, constantly driving and colliding.

For a time, the spectacular scene of a carriage chasing thousands of people on the battlefield made everyone dumbfounded.

"This... is this still a Paladin?"

"When...of course it is...and they're all silver knights..."

"It's not that the Paladin is too weak, but that Baron Narant is too strong!"

The small nobles and guards of the Northern Principality were dumbfounded.

In the past, the 3,000 Paladins were the strongest knights in the Glory Continent, and even the Royal Knights couldn't compare. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

After all, the Paladins had 3,000 silver knights, and although there were tens of thousands of royal knights, there were only 1,000 real extraordinary knights.

And most of them are bronze knights.

But now Narant is so powerful that he directly hangs three thousand Paladins.

"Haha! Baron Narant is mighty!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

Compared to the uproar in the Northern Principality, everyone in Feidi City immediately cheered for Narant.

The Count Feidi cheered the loudest, and he didn't care whether he would lose the name of the Count.

Even today the war still cannot be won, but seeing the soldiers and horses of the church being played like this, it is satisfying and angry.

"My lord, there are only five Rage of Glory left."

After playing and chasing the three thousand paladins for a while, Vivian reported the new situation to Narant.

It turned out that with the previous crazy bombing, there were only six large jars left in the carriage.

Five of the six jars were the only remaining Glory Wrath.

The other one was another secret arrangement made by Narant to rescue Stella.

"Okay, my lord knows, you two sit tight!"

Narant knew it was time to get down to business.

He then directly controlled the silver-horned rhino to turn around, no longer chasing after the three thousand paladins, but heading straight for the red-clothed archbishop and others.

"No, he's coming towards us!"

Seeing the direction of the luxurious carriage, the nobles of the Northern Principality who stayed with the red-clothed archbishop immediately exclaimed.

They have already seen the power of the wrath of glory, I am afraid that except for a few golden knight nobles, if the rest of the people are affected, it will not feel good.

At this moment, Narant on the carriage made an extremely provocative move, got out of the carriage directly, and stood in front of the carriage where it was originally reserved for the driver.

While Narant was standing in the front position, he was holding the swarthy rage of glory in his hands.

"Archbishop, what should we do now?" Seeing this, the new king Charlings immediately resigned. Although he successfully became a king, he was not a golden knight.

"Your Majesty Charlins, please rest assured, this Narrant is seeking his own death. You are responsible for taking care of the captives of the Onyx Principality. This Narrant is handed over to our church!" The red-clothed archbishop stared gloomily at the carriage ahead.

He has now made up his mind that Narant must stay, life or death.

And he didn't take advantage of the fact that he executed the great nobles of the Onyx Principality for this reason.

He could see that Narant wanted to rescue these people.

Therefore, in order to ensure that Narant does not escape, let these people die temporarily.

As for whether he can deal with Narant, the red-clothed archbishop never thought about it again.

"Okay, Archbishop!" King Charlings immediately relaxed when he heard the words, and was happy to see the church deal with Narant.

He immediately took a group of nobles to detain Bernard and others in the prison car again, and then moved slightly away from the Cardinal Archbishop and others.

The red-clothed archbishop remained motionless, standing behind a group of demon beast cavalry.

"Church bastards, I'm here!" Narant roared when he saw the church staff who were waiting for him.

When it was only a hundred meters away from the church, Narant directly ignited the wrath of glory in his hand and threw it out at the church.


There is no doubt about Narant's arm strength. After being thrown away, the wrath of glory crossed an arc in the air, and then fell directly in front of a group of beast knights.

Thanks to the iron protective shell that was changed later, the Fury of Glory was still intact even at a distance of 100 meters, and the leads on it were also burning.

After five or six seconds at most, the wrath of this glory can be completely exploded.

"Ah, aren't the people in the church afraid?"

"Yeah, why didn't they hide?"

When the Wrath of Glory fell in front of the Demon Knights and the others, the people in the Northern Principality who were watching in the distance exclaimed.

Because these beast knights did not even frown in the face of this glorious wrath, even though they were only four or five meters apart, none of them took a step back.

"Earth Wall Technique!"

However, in the next moment, everyone knew what the confidence of the beast knights was.

Hearing that the red-clothed archbishop suddenly gave a soft drink, an earthen wall more than three meters tall and half a meter thick suddenly appeared in front of a group of beast knights, completely isolating the wrath of glory.


Moments after the earth wall appeared, the Wrath of Glory finally burned out, and then a loud noise that shook the world erupted.

After the explosion, everyone looked around, but found that the wrath of the glory that blasted the three thousand paladins to the ground, was completely blocked by the earth wall.

"Intermediate Earth Wall Technique!"

Narant in the distance also saw this scene.

Although it is still a little helpless, it is also expected.

This red-clothed archbishop is a high-level magician, and there must be a lot of defensive spells.

The earth wall technique is divided into primary earth wall, intermediate earth wall, and advanced earth wall.

The red-clothed archbishop just released the advanced earth wall technique, so the wrath of glory, which can shatter even stones at close range, did not hurt the earth wall in the slightest.

"Look at how fast you release magic, or I throw it away fast!" Narant was not tired, and immediately rekindled a rage of glory.

Then he threw it towards the Demon Knight again.

As for the carriage, he didn't dare to go forward after approaching more than 80 meters, so the red-clothed archbishop must have a lot of magic waiting for him.

Besides, he came here to save people, not really to kill people.

Next, Narant started to circle around the red-clothed archbishop and a group of beast knights.

While going around in circles, he kept throwing the wrath of glory towards the Demon Knights.

Boom boom boom!

Next, there was another roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth outside the city of Feidi.

However, the successive explosions of the wrath of glory, although looking terrifying, could not help the Knights of Warcraft at all.

Because every time Narant threw Glory Fury, it would be blocked by the intermediate earth wall technique released by the red-clothed archbishop before it exploded.

"That red-clothed archbishop is so strong that he can even know such a magical spell!"

"Yeah, I heard that it is called a magician. It's too powerful. Such a dangerous rage of glory has no effect in front of him!"

A group of nobles from the Northern Principality watched as if they were watching a free fireworks show.

At the same time, he was deeply shocked by the strength of the red-clothed archbishop.

And the gloom on the face of the red-clothed archbishop finally receded a little at this moment.

This little country aristocrat actually caused his subordinates to suffer heavy losses, which is to slap him in the face in public.

But now he finally saved a little face and let out a bad breath.

"Boy, how many black jars do you have, throw them out! Otherwise, I'll do it!" The red-clothed archbishop sneered and sneered at Narant on the carriage in the distance.

"You old bastard, you wait for me!" Narant heard that, not to be outdone, and gestured towards the carriage.

"My lord, this is the last one, and this Glory Wrath is the one that you have explained without a lead!"

Seeing this, Vivian immediately handed over the only "Rage of Glory" left on the carriage to Narant, and at the same time reminded her lord.

"Well, my lord knows!" Narant nodded, and then took over the last 'Rage of Glory'.

After grabbing the Wrath of Glory in his hands, Narant pretended to light it with a torch.

"Let's go!"

After doing this, Narant threw the Wrath of Glory out without hesitation.

And this time it was stronger than the previous ones.

The most important thing is that the direction has changed.

"Ah! Why was it thrown at us!"

The last piece of Glory that Narant threw out was not towards the original church and the others, but flew to the king of the Northern Principality and others farther away.

Although they were more than 300 meters away, with Narant's arm strength, it was not difficult to throw the jar 300 meters away.

When a group of nobles from the Northern Principality saw this, they were startled and began to flee.

"Boy, do you think you can leave people like this? There are at least three golden knights over there, and your so-called rage of glory can't hurt them at all."

The red-clothed archbishop also noticed the situation, but the sneer on his face was even more serious.

The reason why he was so relieved to hand over the captives to the people of the Northern Principality was because King Charings also followed several great earls, all of whom were golden knights.

Although this wrath of glory still has some damage to the silver knight, it has no effect on the golden knight.

"Really? Old bastard, don't cry later!" Narant smiled the same, how could he not count the great nobles of the Northern Principality.


And at this moment, the last Glory Fury finally flew into the crowd of the Northern Principality.

However, this time, the state of Rage of Glory was different after it landed, and it shattered with a bang.

"What's the matter, it's broken? Haha, this Narant is too proud!"

After seeing this, King Charles, who was guarded by a golden knight, immediately laughed.

"Wait, Your Majesty, what do you think that is?"

However, just as King Charlings was making a joke, a nobleman was shocked.

Because there seems to be a furry, gray thing in the wrath of the broken glory.

"Looks like a... little bear?"

A group of nobles looked intently, and finally saw that something was drilled out of the clay pot after the opening was broken.

For a while, the nobles of the Northern Principality hadn't reacted, and they even looked at each other and didn't understand what Narant had done so much to throw over a bear.


However, the next moment, the little bear changed. ,

After only listening to its roar, large strands of crimson flames shot up and down all over the body.

"Ah! It...it...it's a flaming giant bear!" At this moment, a noble who reacted quickly exclaimed, and stuttered and said the identity of the little bear with a frightened face.

The nobleman participated in the search for Narant last time, and was fortunate to see the scene of Little Bear transforming, so he recognized it immediately.

"Lie...flaming giant bear!" The other nobles were all stunned when they heard the words.


At this time, Little Bear's body also began to grow extremely large as the flames rose, and in just a few breaths, it returned to a fighting state of more than ten meters high.

"No, run away!"


Facing the flaming giant bear, even a few golden knight nobles did not have the slightest will to fight, and fled in an instant.

They also heard a lot about the deeds that the flaming giant bear wiped out half of the army of demon beasts a few days ago.

Fortunately, after the flaming giant changed back to its fighting form, instead of chasing the nobles of the northern principality who were fleeing for their lives, they quickly went to several prison cars that were already guarded by each of them.

"Bastard, go and stop it!" The red-clothed archbishop did not expect Narant to be so cunning, to confuse him by putting the flaming giant bear in the clay pot.

And the previous perseverance to throw the wrath of glory at them, I am afraid it is to reduce his vigilance.

"Haha, old bastard, stop chasing, I will save you first!"

However, Narant acted earlier than the church members, and was already rushing towards the prison cart in a carriage.

Soon, he came to the prison car.

The carriage stopped, and Narant and the two lucky girls quickly jumped out of the car and began to save people.

At this moment, the prison cart had been smashed to shreds by the little bears. Narant came to Stella in three steps and took two steps, and took off the cloth strip from her mouth.

"Narant!" Stella's eyes had long been filled with crystal tears, and when she was able to speak, she called out to Narant with great excitement.

"Okay, I'm here, it's safe!" Narant immediately wiped the tears from Stella's face and kissed her forehead.

"Go to the carriage, we have to leave immediately!"

After the kiss, he didn't bother to tell each other about the bowel cleansing, and immediately put Stella, who had not been unbound, on the carriage.

Then came the counts and kings.

After everything was done, Narant got on the carriage again, ready to start fleeing.

"Little Bear, go!"

After that, the two silver-horned rhinos began to run wildly.

"Chase, chase me, absolutely can't let them run away!" The red-clothed archbishop was already vomiting blood.

Unexpectedly, he was really rescued by Narant single-handedly~www.mtlnovel.com~ and the other nobles of the northern principality were also stunned to see all this.

Today's rescue, in their opinion, is as exciting as any knight biography.

Even crazier and more unimaginable than those fictional knight biographies.

Boom! Boom!

Under the desperate order of the red-clothed archbishop, the three thousand holy knights and the army of demon beasts, who had already regrouped, immediately began chasing after Narant.