Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 676

Chapter 676

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"Haha, Feidi, take a look, look at your subordinates, are you really willing to let them die in vain?" This is what the Northern Principality and the Church wanted to show the people of the Onyx Principality.

Seeing this, King Charlings immediately sneered.

"If you are timid, you can leave now! I just want to tell you that the Northern Principality and the Church are not good things. Even if you surrender, I am afraid that you will not be spared!"

Count Ferdy naturally saw the reactions of his subordinates.

It's just that he is really unwilling to surrender, because he knows that even if he surrenders, he will not be able to survive, and he is even more unwilling to give up the family that has been more than a hundred years old.

Therefore, he immediately opened his mouth to the subordinates in a deep voice.

Although the morale of the subordinates was low, after hearing the words, they felt that what Count Ferdie said was indeed reasonable. In addition, most of the vassals were loyal to Count Ferdie, but their previous timidity had subsided a lot.

"Count Feidi, it seems that you are not at the end, and you are still holding on to luck, so now I will let you see what despair is!"

Count Ferdy's attitude was also beyond the expectations of the Church and the Northern Principality.

And they have long been prepared for the final blow to collapse the big and small nobles in the city.

After speaking, the new king of the Northern Principality looked at the red-clothed archbishop.

The red-clothed archbishop silently nodded towards Bishop Ike.

Immediately, a group of beast knights approached the prison carriage and pulled everyone from the Onyx Principality off the carriage.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing this scene, Earl Feidi on the city wall immediately shouted angrily.

"Everyone, now I'll give you one last chance to think. If you don't surrender after a while, then the king and counts of your Onyx Principality will be your fate!"

Charlings did not answer directly, but the situation was already obvious.

The church is about to execute the king of the Onyx Principality and a group of great nobles.

These great nobles are all golden knights, and as long as they remain for one day, it is a great instability factor.

Therefore, an early execution can reassure the Church and the Northern Principality. More importantly, the execution can also deter the nobles in Feidi City.

"Bastard, really do it directly!"

Even from a few miles away, Narant relied on the telescope to vaguely see what was going on under Feidi.

And as the little bees kept returning, he also got a general idea of the conversation under the city wall.

At this moment, he couldn't sit still any longer.

He couldn't just watch Stella and Bernard die.

"My lord, the other vassals are still more than ten miles away!" When Narant hurried down to the ground, Xue Li immediately reported.

"Can't wait!" It would take at least tens of minutes for Andrew and others to arrive at a distance of more than ten miles.

But there won't be so much time left on the city wall.

"Sir, let's go to battle then!" Quick and the others saw that their adults were so anxious, and they were not afraid to come forward to fight.

"No, you still stay here!" Narant directly rejected everyone's invitation to fight.

"This... sire, are you ready to..."

"I'm going to go alone, you wait for my father and the others to come!" Narant said.

"My lord, this is too dangerous, let's fight with your lord, and your subordinates will swear allegiance to your lord!" Immediately, Narant's subordinates became anxious.

"Quiet, this is an order!" Narant didn't have time to delay, and shouted loudly to stop everyone.

Immediately, they swept across the faces of the lucky daughters and the guards, "Your Excellency's safety, you know that you are not going to die!"

"And if you follow, it will make me worry about your safety!"

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to react, Narant looked at the big stone.

"Big stone, are the things you prepared ready for you?"

"My lord, it's ready. Twenty pieces of Wrath of Glory are all loaded!"

"Very good! Put it all on the carriage for me!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After a while, the big stone led the people to load all the twenty pieces of Glory Fury onto the carriage.

Fortunately, the carriage was spacious enough, and even though it became extremely crowded with twenty pieces of Wrath of Glory, there was still room for Narant to settle down.

"Master, why don't you let your subordinates go with you!" At this time, everyone finally knew what their master was going to do.

Vivian immediately requested to speak out.

Before Narant refused, Catherine said again: "Sir, let us follow, Vivian and I can help you set the fire!"

"Okay! Then you two get in the car! Everyone else is waiting there. Shirley, the carriage can't sit anymore, so you are not allowed to follow. Other vassals of our Onyx Principality are coming, and you need to be responsible for your guidance!"

Narant thought for a moment, and Catherine was right. If she and Vivian were responsible for helping him set the fire, then he could better rescue Stella and the others.

And Shirley saw that her grown-up actually brought Sister Vivian and Sister Catherine, and wanted to follow.

Seeing this, Narant didn't give her a chance at all, and directly blocked it back.

"Okay, my lord!" Xue Li held her mouth shut. Although she was a little aggrieved, she could only nod her head obediently when she heard that she also had a task left behind.

Immediately, Narant didn't say more. After Vivian and Catherine boarded the carriage, they directly directed the silver-horned rhino to go down the mountain.

"Charlins, you father-killer usurper, you will not die. Even if you annex our Onyx Principality, you will not escape the destruction of the church in the end. You are dancing with the wolves of the grassland!"

Count Ferdy on the city wall saw that the king and a group of counts had been suppressed, and behind them were already standing executioners with giant axes in their hands.

"Haha, Feidi, you don't have to worry about it! Our northern principality and the church are helping each other. After unifying the Lerongguang Continent, the entire continent will be even more prosperous!"

King Charlings did not take Count Ferdy's curses at all.

Although King Culver, Bernard and others knew that the time of death was coming, they were not afraid, but looked at Charlins with compassion.

How proud he is now, how miserable the death will be in the near future.

"Everyone is ready!" At this moment, the voice of Bishop Ike's order came. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Following his order, a number of executioners who were guest-starring monster knights stood up to King Culver and King Culver. Behind a group of counts.

At this time, Bernard raised his head, not paying attention to the giant axe that was about to fall behind him, but looked at Stella beside him.

It's a pity that everyone's mouths have been blocked and they can't open their mouths at all. He can only look at Stella with loving eyes, and only hopes to see more of his palm at this last moment.

At this moment, Stella was also not afraid of the impending death, feeling her father's eyes, and even turned her head and smiled slightly at Bernard.

There was a hint of poignancy in the smile.