Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 675

Chapter 675

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At this moment, the beast knight next to the cage of the carriage laughed after listening to Bernard's consolation.

Because of Narant, half of their teammates died. Now that Bernard and Stella cared about Narant, they were naturally relieved.

"Bastard!" Bernard gnashed his teeth immediately after hearing the words, although he knew that Narant might really be dead, but now he had to comfort Stella first, lest she would be too sad if she couldn't accept it for a while.

Sure enough, after hearing the joking words of the beast knight, Stella finally became more carried on her back, and finally fainted.

"You bastards, we are also human races, why do you take refuge in dark creatures? What can dark creatures give you? Don't you have wives, children and parents?"

King Culver couldn't see it from the side, and immediately questioned the beast knight.

"Hehe, what can you get? You ignorant hillbillies, do you know the existence of eternal life?"

"In addition, the Holy Continent has been divided up by nobles like you, where is there any room for us to survive? Why can you live a luxurious and rich life, while we have to live humblely!"

"If that's the case, then it's better to let you all be destroyed, and we can get immortality!" After hearing this, the Demon Knight said fiercely.

However, at this moment, Bishop Ike, who heard the movement, rushed over, and immediately gave an order to the beast knight, blocking the mouths of the king and the counts who were still trying to speak.

This is to worry that the king and the earls will leak the secrets of the church later.

"Don't worry, because the Archbishop has issued an order, and you will be dealt with in a while, so it won't take long for you to meet that Narant!" Before leaving, Bishop Ike also jokingly left a sentence To everyone in the Duchy of Onyx.

When everyone heard the words, their expressions were different. King Culver's eyes widened with anger, while Count Lakoff was ashen, with a little unwillingness.

In this way, the prison cart continued to move forward under the heavy siege of the army.

At this moment, a few inconspicuous little bees flew out from under the carriage, and then went straight towards the mountain forest to the east.

Even if the bee knights and the nobles of the northern principality saw an insect as long as a bee, they would not take it to heart.

And it was these humble bees that brought Narant back the results he least wanted to hear.

"What? The church will execute the king and a group of earls later?" Narant's expression changed drastically, and he almost couldn't help scolding.

If that's the case, how could he rescue him?

Not to mention whether the small nobles could arrive before this time, even if they did.

It seems like they are still hitting the stone with the egg, right?

"My lord, the bee said so, and now Miss Stella and the king have been escorted to the outside of Feidi!"

Shirley replied weakly.

"Xue Li, you did a good job, continue to monitor the church's every move for the adults!" Seeing the expression on Little Loli's face, Narant knew that he might scare her like this.

Taking a deep breath, eased his mood, and then instructed Xue Li in a calm tone.

"Yes, my lord!" Xue Li immediately responded when she heard the words.

On the other hand, Narant climbed directly to the tallest tree on the top of the mountain with the telescope, and then took out the telescope and looked at the team of the church in the distance.

Soon, the team of the Church and the Northern Principality stopped two miles away from Feidi City.

However, in the two teams, hundreds of people finally broke away from the team and continued towards Feidi City with the prison cart.

At the beginning, Earl Ferdy in Ferdy City was very puzzled about the motives of the Church and the Northern Principality, but when he saw the very familiar figures in those prison cars, he took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"Lord Count, what's the matter with you?" All of Count Feidi's subordinates were startled.

They are not golden knights, so it is impossible to see the identity of the prisoners in the prison car at this moment.

"How is this possible, how is it possible?" Earl Ferdy didn't answer, he directly shook off the support of his subordinates, and then quickly lay on top of the wall, murmuring in disbelief, staring straight at The prison car.

"Haha, Count Ferdy, have we met again?"

It didn't take long for the team that broke away from the northern principality and the church coalition to finally approach the city wall more than 300 meters away.

And this detached team was led by the new king of the northern principality and the archbishop of the church.

After the king of the Northern Principality stopped his horse, he smiled at Count Feidi.

Although the new king is more than half younger than Earl Ferdie, but with the blessing of the throne, he still has a full sense of superiority when facing Count Ferdie, the golden earl.

However, in the face of the greetings from the new king of the Northern Principality, Count Feidi turned a deaf ear, still staring blankly at the people in the prison cart.

"Haha, Count Feidi, you are very rude, but now you have seen that the king and counts of your Onyx Principality have all been captured by us!"

"I think you should also know now that your resistance is useless. The Archbishop and I are going to give you one last chance. As long as you open the door and surrender, then I will guarantee the safety of your family!"

Regarding the attitude of Earl Feidi, the king of the Northern Principality, who felt that victory was in sight at this moment, did not care, but raised his head slightly, stood on the war horse and began to persuade Earl Feidi to surrender.

"You want me to surrender, Charlins, how many castles you have destroyed along the way, do you think I will believe your nonsense? If you think of taking my castle and my city, then unless you walk on My corpse!" Faced with persuading to surrender, Count Ferdy finally reacted.

However, his attitude was extremely firm, and the most important thing was the church's method of destroying the castle, which made him guess what would happen if he surrendered.

Moreover, these days of resistance, they have also killed tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers of the Northern Principality.

Such hatred, even if we surrender, I am afraid it will not end well.

"Really? Count Ferdy, you don't want to surrender, but what about your subordinates?" Charlings, the new king of the Northern Principality, was not surprised at all.

Finally, he turned his gaze to the little nobles and guards beside Count Ferdy.

"Everyone, do you really have to resist fearlessly? Look, this is the king of your Onyx Principality and the other four counts. They have been captured by us, and your Onyx Principality has fallen!"

Having said that, King Charings showed the captured counts of the Northern Principality in front of everyone.

"What, the king and other counts have been captured!"

"Well...it seems true, that's His Majesty the King...that's Earl Rakoff...that's Earl Bernard!"

"Oh my God, don't we have no reinforcements now!"

As the king of the Onyx Principality and a group of counts were displayed~www.mtlnovel.com~ the little nobles and guards on the city wall exploded in an instant.

The faces of those were pale, and the original morale also fell like a cliff.

If it wasn't for Count Ferdy still standing on the city wall, I'm afraid many people would turn around and prepare to flee.

Although they were trapped in a tight siege a few days ago, there is still hope for reinforcements.

But now that all the other counts have been captured, they are helpless.

With a city facing a principality, how could there be hope?