Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 673

Chapter 673

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Because no matter how high the level of a magician is, he has a fatal weakness, that is, his body will not be as strong as a knight.

Therefore, if you can use any spell to hit the magician at one time, no matter how high his level is, it will be useless.

It's just that the magician knows that his body is the weakness of getting bigger.

Therefore, in addition to attacking spells, the most important thing is to practice defensive spells.

For example, there are countless fire shields, ice shields, earth shields, etc., and it is really difficult to sneak attack on them.

However, Narant found a trace of inspiration in this encyclopedia of magic spells.

In this encyclopedia of magic spells, an unproven spell faction is recorded.

There is even a note on the tree: the attribute of this magic spell has not been confirmed, it is extracted from an ancient tomb, it is ok to try it lightly, but don't indulge in it and waste your practice!

And this unproven spell faction, the name is space magic!

The number of spells of space magic is not many, and even the lower the strength, the fewer spells.

And there are only two primary magics.

One of them is teleportation, which allows the magician to teleport within 100 meters.

The second is teleportation, which is to teleport a certain object to other places instantly, and the range depends on the amount of mental power.

Obviously, this space magic is more unpredictable than any other magic.


In Narant's view, this is simply a skill against the sky. Whether it is used to attack or save lives, it is the existence of the bottom of the box.

It's a pity that Narant couldn't even complete the training steps when he looked at them.

The complex patterns that need to be drawn and the magic power that needs to be mobilized at the same time are simply more difficult than intermediate magic.

So, he finally focused on the slightly simpler magic of teleporting objects.

The name of this magic is teleportation, and the pattern he needs to outline with mental power is several times simpler than teleportation.

The mental power that needs to be injected also depends on the size of the object to be transmitted.

Therefore, Narant has been trying to cultivate for the past two days, and the experimental object of transmission is just a piece of toast the size of an egg.

But even so, he has not yet succeeded once.

You must know that he practiced fireball and fire shield, which are also junior magicians.

In this way, after sitting down with his knees crossed, Narant began to concentrate on his practice.

Gradually the sky began to darken, and Narant was as motionless as a tree stump.

And all the subordinates are performing their duties, and seeing that their adults are so attentive, they dare not come to disturb them.

The time turned to dawn on the second day.

"Teleport to me!" At this silent dawn, Narant suddenly opened his eyes, and finally gave a low voice.

And with his low drink, his mind finally drew a complete outline, and the magic matrix was sent out of the body.


In the blink of an eye, the piece of white bread in front of Narant suddenly disappeared from the ground in front of him.

What's even more amazing is that in a split second, this piece of white bread appeared in the air dozens of meters away.

And the white bread that appeared again seemed to have lost its restraint, and then fell to the ground in a free fall.

And a war horse that was resting beside it was startled by the sudden movement, and immediately neighed.

"What's going on?" Quick next to the warhorse stood up alertly, looked around, and finally locked on the white bread on the ground.

"Strange, why is there white bread here?" Ike touched his head and picked up the white bread.

Seeing that the guards in charge of the surrounding are all on duty, and there is nothing unusual, this is a little reassuring.

"Haha! It's finally done!"

When Quick was confused, Narant said that he stood up from the ground, his face full of surprise.

After three days of hard training, he finally succeeded.

And this space magic really deserves to be unproven magic, even the existence of him who has received nine years of compulsory education has been outlined for three days before he finally succeeded in cultivation.

What's more, this world is extremely difficult to even practice fireball, and geometry doesn't know what indigenous people can figure out.

Outlining complex geometric patterns in my mind out of thin air is as difficult as letting a person with no drawing skills draw a sketch of a person on white paper.

And the similarity of the sketch must reach 100% imagination.

And for Narant to succeed in cultivation, in addition to the knowledge of his previous life, the powerful spiritual power brought to him by the fruit of intelligence, plus his unforgettable specialties, contributed to all this.

"Narant, you made the movement just now, what are you doing?" Just when Narant was satisfied, there was a little bear's voice in his ear.

Although Narant's previous magic seemed to be silent, the special magic fluctuation still attracted the attention of the nearby bear.

"Little Bear, I was just practicing magic, did you sense it?"

"Magic? Why haven't I felt this kind of magic in my memory. It's not fire, nor is it wood, wind, or earth!" Little Bear was even more puzzled.

"It's really not these four attributes, but the space attribute, have you heard of Xiong Xiong?"

"Space attribute, how is this possible?" Little Bear was like seeing a ghost.

"Why is it impossible, bear bear, you are optimistic!" There is no need for Narant to hide it from bear bear.

Immediately begin to cast teleportation magic again.

Five or six seconds later, a pebble in front of Narant and Little Bear suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared more than ten meters away in an instant.

"It turned out to be true? Narant, you are not transformed from a dragon, are you?" Little Bear's eyes widened.

"why would you say so?"

"Because, in my heritage memory, only giant dragons can use space magic, and they are also special space dragons!" Little Bear was suspicious.

"Little Bear, have you ever seen such a weak dragon?" Narant was holding hands.

"I haven't seen it before! Space dragons are powerful even among the dragons!" Little Bear was amazed, "Narant, you are really a magical human being."

"At first I thought you were just an ordinary human noble, but the longer you get along, the more special you become!"

"It's obviously weak, but it can leapfrog battles. It's said that humans can't cultivate vindictiveness and magic together, but you can, and you can also release space magic!"

"Haha, Little Bear, thank you for the compliment, you will find that I am even more unique in the future!" Narant was also very useful to be praised by a high-level Warcraft.

Next, the sky gradually brightened, and Narant was taking a good shower now, and then had breakfast.

Just after breakfast was over, Xun Ying, who was in charge of patrolling in the rear, flew back, saying that the small nobles of the Agate Principality had already arrived more than 20 miles away, and they believed that they would arrive soon.

The reason why the small nobles arrived so quickly is because they used rafts to cross the river and came straight towards Feidi City, so the time is not much slower than Narant and the others~www.mtlnovel.com~ Come here it is good! "

Although only a group of small nobles came, it gave Narant hope to rescue Stella and others.

After the two sides converge, they can look for opportunities and wait for the opportunity.

For example, when the northern principality and the church attack the city of Feidi, for example, wait until it gets dark tonight.

However, in life, unsatisfactory things happen nine times out of ten.

Narant's plan was good, but the reality exceeded his expectations.