Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 642

Chapter 642

Boom! Boom!

"Stella, Natasha, withdraw quickly!" The scene turned and came to the edge of the forest.

As the two silver-horned giant rhinos ran wild, Narant and others finally heard the movement.

Seeing that there were still more than ten low-level monsters in the field, he couldn't care less and greeted Stella and Natasha.

The fifth and sixth-order monsters are enough to threaten everyone present except Narant.

And even if Narant is not life-threatening, it is probably difficult to deal with. If he encounters the sixth-order, he can only use thirty-six strategies as the best strategy.

The two women heard the words, and after quickly eliminating the monsters in front of them, Dia came to Narant.

"Baron Narant, is it really a fifth- or sixth-rank intermediate-level demon beast?" Natasha was still a little unbelievable.

Sixth-order monster!

It is really rare in the Glory Continent, equivalent to the ninth-level or even dragon-like existence of the Holy Continent.

As for the fifth-order monsters, it is only possible to see the remote wilderness or large forest.

"I'm afraid yes, as for whether it is the fifth or sixth order, it is difficult to judge for the time being!"

"Baron Narant, can we defeat it with the help of us? I heard that even a golden knight is very dangerous when encountering a sixth-order beast, and although the fifth-order is weaker, even the golden knight must be careful in dealing with it!" Na Tasha was worried.

"I don't know about this for the time being, or else, Stella, Miss Natasha, you return to the castle! If you really can't beat the monsters later, I'll run away!"

Fortunately, Little Bear had deliberately suppressed his roar before, otherwise Narant would have turned his head and left immediately without saying a word.

"Narant, let's go together now!" Natasha said nervously, but subconsciously pulled Lanalante's arm.

In his eyes, Narant is the most important thing. As for the territory, it won't be lost anyway. It's better to come back and clean up after the beast is gone.

"Narant, if we evacuate now, these beasts will definitely not dare to leave the forest too far. When we return to the castle, I will write to my father and ask him to help eliminate this hidden danger!" Stella may be Because he was worried about Narant, he didn't care about Natasha's actions at the moment, but spoke words of consolation like Natasha's.

"Stella, Miss Natasha, my safety is yours. Even if I can't beat it, I have the confidence to escape, so you go first!"

"In any case, I am also the lord of the Storm Territory. It is impossible to flee without seeing the enemy's face. This will make me face the territorial people in the future!"

"Then, I'm not leaving either. Although I'm just a noble lady, I can't leave my teammates behind!" Although Natasha was nervous, she immediately expressed her stance.

"Narant, then I'll stay here with you!" Stella followed closely.

"You..." Narant suddenly had two big heads, but just when he was about to say something, the movement in front of him had come to the edge of the forest.

Whoa! Whoa!

With the sound of two violent branches plucking, two huge figures appeared in front of Narant and the others.

"Hey, two Tier 5 silver-horned rhinos!" Narant suddenly gasped.

Although this silver-horned rhinoceros is only Tier 5, in Narant's eyes, it is not much different from Tier 6 monsters.

The main reason is that this silver-horned rhino is not only extremely powerful, but also the leather on its entire body is extremely tough, which is no worse than a sixth-order monster.

Now there are two full ends, and it is definitely a difficult role.

Earlier, he thought about whether he could rely on his own magic and martial arts, and then use the fireball technique.

Now it seems that there is no need to think about it. The silver-horned rhino's combat power is not particularly strong, but the defense power is really abnormal, and even the spells released increase the defense power.

So even if the fireball hit the silver-horned rhinoceros, it would definitely not be able to seriously injure either one, let alone two.

"Stella, Natasha, be careful! Everyone, retreat immediately!"

After the two silver-horned rhinos rushed out of the forest, they first stopped for a moment, as if they were scanning the audience, and then when they saw Narant and the two daughters, they charged again without hesitation, heading straight for the three of them. .

From Narant's point of view, these fifth-order monsters also know how to capture the thief and the king first. Knowing that the three of them are the strongest, they will solve the three of them first.

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This made Narant both nervous and fortunate. Fortunately, he rushed towards him, otherwise his subordinates would be finished.

I was nervous that there were two daughters beside me, I was afraid that the two daughters would be injured.

Immediately, Narant directly opened his bow from left to right and pushed it on the chests of the two women.

Not to mention, the airbag feels really uncomfortable.

Especially Stella's, this was the second time Narant squeezed it blatantly, after the artificial respiration.

Ahem, it's a tense time, you can't desert.

"Narant!" Before the two girls could react, they were pushed away by Narant. Seeing that he was still standing, she suddenly exclaimed anxiously.

And Narant is naturally not that stupid, he is going to open his fire shield to block this blow.

Before it was too late to explain, Narant immediately took out his staff from the space ring.




"Uh...what does that mean?"

Narant was holding a staff in his hand and was ready to use it. When he was about to use the magic stored in the staff, there was a scene in front of him that surprised him.

I saw that the two silver-horned rhinos were still aggressive a moment ago, as if they were about to step through everything in front of them.

But when it was less than five or six meters away from Narant, the two hill-like rhinos fell to the ground with a thud.

The forelegs as thick as elephant legs, and Narant wondered how they could kneel so easily.

Even after kneeling down, because the speed of the two beasts was too fast, scratches more than one meter long slid deep on the ground.


After the two silver-horned rhinos knelt on the ground, they whimpered at Narant, but their eyes were secretly squinting at the little bear who was sneaking out of the forest.

Little Bears previously only explained that they surrendered to the strongest male human race wearing silver-white armor.

They were looking at Little Bear and asking themselves whether the kneeling object was correct.

The two rhinos breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the little bears over there and nodded without a trace.

At this moment, everyone in the field was staring at all this in amazement. They were even more shocked than Narant. Such a powerful beast, as soon as he ran out of the forest, he knelt down to his lord.

Quake was a little stunned and asked Narant: "Big... my lord, this... what's going on?"

"How do I know!" Narant rolled his eyes.

"Narant, he seems to be surrendering to you!" Stella has returned to Narant's side.

"Yes, Baron Narant, did you know them before? They knelt down as if to show their submission to you!" Natasha echoed with surprise.

"I haven't seen them before, but, Quick, you go and call Shirley right away!" Narant actually vaguely thought of this possibility.

But the problem is that he has never seen two silver-horned rhinos before!

If he knew that there are silver-horned rhinos in the fire forest, he would not be so happy today.

And now if you want to find out what's going on, you can only turn to Shirley for help.

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon, Shirley came over under the leadership of Quick.

"Ah, Little Bear, where have you been just now, but you scared me to death!" However, the little girl paused in the middle of the road and hugged Little Bear in surprise.

He also tried to find the little bear after he found out that the bear was missing.

But in the end, Little Bear was nowhere to be seen. When she was dragged by Winnie and Bessie to the carriage, she could only ask Little Grey to help her find it.

Now that Little Bear is safe and sound, Little Loli is naturally very pleasantly surprised. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!