Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 641

Chapter 641

Little Huihui's actions Narant did not notice, nor did he have time to take it into account.

This time, his firepower was full, and he went directly to kill the group of monsters.

He didn't expect that this blazing forest was so unfathomable, and there were so many intermediate-level monsters.

Now he only hopes to solve this group of low-level monsters who have been forced to jump over the wall as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he waited for the few intermediate-level monsters in the forest to come out, then he and his subordinates would definitely not be so good at parrying.

It is even possible for these low-level monsters to wreak havoc on the edge of his territory, threatening the safety of the serfs in the lucky village.

"Tulip Knight, fight with all your strength, charge!"

At this time, Stella also noticed the problem, and immediately issued an order to the Tulip Knights.

In the battle of knights, only by rushing up can they exert their greatest fighting power.

"Yes, Tulip Knights, charge!"


Immediately, the hoofs of the horses were like thunder, and both the Tulip Knight and the Storm Knight were galloping with all their strength, launching wave after wave of attacks on the beasts.

hoo hoo hoo!

And these monsters are not good, maybe knowing that they will die if they go on like this, they are asking for help from the rest of the monsters in the forest.

"Yeah, my lord, those monsters are looking for help in the forest. They said that they are willing to surrender to the monsters in the forest. I hope they will come soon, and the tempting fragrance is here, and we will take it away later! "

Just as Narant was fighting, Little Loli hurried over.

"Wise monsters really can't look at them from the perspective of beasts."

hoo hoo hoo!

At this time, there was a response from the forest.

"Sherry, you go to Vinnie and Bessie right now, and hide in the carriage with them."

Narant is also helpless. Even if he knows that these beasts have other thoughts, the current situation can only destroy them as soon as possible.

In order to prevent accidental injury to his lucky daughter, he planned to let the three daughters take refuge in the carriage first.

After all, his carriage is excellent, and even the golden knight's attack can be resisted a few times.

But just when Narant began to plan for the worst situation, Xiao Huihui had already penetrated two or three miles into the jungle.

"Huh? That's too bad, isn't it? So few monsters as weak as wild beasts have to be taken as younger brothers, and I'm not afraid of losing face if I say it."

"Also, having said that, since I'm here now, Bear Bear, this is my site. You want to take my little brother in my site. Have you asked Bear Bear about me? Today, I must let you know about Bear Bear. prestige."

The little bear in the walking room also heard the communication of the group of monsters, and while contemptuous, vowed to establish his authority on this new site.

Whoa! Whoa!

And just when Little Bear's thoughts fell, there was a sound of swaying branches and leaves in front of him.

When Xiao Huihui saw this, the small figure immediately stopped and looked forward leisurely.


Just a moment later, the swaying sound of branches and leaves came close to Little Bear.

Immediately, a huge figure appeared in front of Little Bear.

This turned out to be a sixth-order flaming python, with an astonishing fifteen meters in length, a waistline at least as thick as a bucket, and a huge head larger than a millstone.

This flaming python was still moving fast, but suddenly encountered a little bear who was blocking his way, and immediately stopped on alert.

The flaming python felt a sense of threat that seemed to exist on Xiao Huihui's body, but he found that his body was so small, not enough to take a bite, and he was uncertain, and immediately let out a low roar to test.

"Little reptile, roar again, believe it or not, bear bear, I will peel off your snake skin now, and swallow it alive!"

Facing the flaming python, although Little Bear did not return to its original form, the domineering aura of that subordinate was undoubtedly revealed, and he immediately threatened the flaming python.

"What kind of monster are you, why have I never smelled you in the forest?" Facing the rude words of Little Bear, the flaming python did not attack immediately, but was still testing.

"Little Bear I am a powerful and wise giant bear, little reptile, although I am here for the first time, from now on, this place will become my territory!"

"And now you only have two choices, either obey my little bear, and be my little brother in the future."

"Either I will rip off the snake skin and turn into a dead reptile!"

The little bear bear raised his head with a domineering look on his face.

"Become your territory, be your little brother? Small, isn't your tone too loud! You are an outsider, and you want to invade our territory!" The flame python's orange-yellow eyes narrowed slowly He got up, his tongue kept sticking out the letter.

Although he felt the slightest threat from Xiao Huihui, the flaming python had ruled in this blazing forest for decades. How could it be possible that he could be regarded as a younger brother by just one sentence and handed over the territory.

Whoa! Whoa!

dong dong dong!

At this moment, there was another movement not far from Little Bear and the Flaming Python, not only the sound of the branches shaking, but also the slight tremor of the ground.

"Hey, thin fire snake, why are you still here." Not long after, two figures slowly appeared behind the flaming python.

It was actually two silver-horned rhinos.

The two silver-horned rhinos are fifth-order monsters, about two meters tall and more than four meters long.

Unlike ordinary cows, the skin of the two buffaloes is more luminous and fairer.

Other than that, the most peculiar thing is the horns on their noses.

This horn is not as gray and black as an ordinary rhinoceros, but shiny silver, like horns forged from iron.

"Two silly cows, you came just right. There is a little one here who wants to be the king on our territory. Would you like to?"

Although in the past, he had never dealt with the two silly cows, the flaming python is now ready to win over them and let them deal with the never-before-seen little bear who looks weak but gives him a sense of majesty.

"Oh?" The two silver-horned rhinos immediately looked curiously in the direction the buffalo pointed, and only then did they find the little bear.

"Is that it? Well, it feels a little strange, it seems a little dangerous, but why is it so small?" The two silver-horned rhinos are not as high-level as the flaming python, so naturally they are not as sensitive as the flaming python in terms of spiritual sense. .

"Two silly cows, you are still smart, this little bear is indeed a bit weird. Now we three beasts have joined forces to solve it first and then go outside the forest to compete for that attractive thing, how about it?"

"Okay!" The two silver-horned rhinos are not stupid. It's obvious that the little bears are weird, so they naturally agree with the outside world.

After finishing speaking, the three beasts did not delay, and immediately made an attacking stance, preparing to give Little Bear a thunderous blow.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you three poor reptiles don't even know how powerful I am!"

When the three beasts discussed joining forces, Little Bear did not make any movement, but listened to their conversation very calmly, and even crossed his short hands on his chest quite anthropomorphically.

In the eyes of Little Bear, in front of the absolutely powerful self, any means of these three beasts are powerless.

And seeing them in an attacking stance, Little Bear is ready to teach them an unforgettable lesson.

"Since you are so unwise, then become Bear Bear my food!"

"Little one, go to hell!" Facing Little Bear's disdain, the flaming python took the lead in launching an attack, spitting out a terrifying column of fire towards Little Bear.

The temperature of the pillar of fire is very high, and it is not even worse than the fireball technique released by the human magician.

This is also the terrifying of the monsters. Just for these sixth-order monsters, the golden knight will also hate the last one who is not careful.

"Too weak!" But facing the hot pillar of fire, Little Bear was contemptuous, "Ignorance of the worm, let's see how strong Little Bear is!"


After speaking, the little bear roared, and a huge flame suddenly rose from the whole body to cover the whole body.

And in the horrified eyes of the flaming python and the two silver-horned rhinos, the little bear in the flames is getting bigger.

In the blink of an eye, Little Bear Bear's doll-like body, which was originally more than half a meter tall, has grown to more than ten meters.


After the big bear, he looked down on the three beasts like an insurmountable mountain, and the pillar of fire was about to hit the foot of the bear. He only heard the roar of the bear, and a flame spurted out of his mouth, and immediately blasted the column of fire. disappeared without a trace. .

"This...this...what kind of monster are you?"

The flaming python and the two silver-horned rhinos were stunned.

Born and raised in the Flame Forest, they used to be the overlords of this world. In the thin magical environment of the Glory Continent, it is already the limit that they can grow to level 6. I have never seen such a terrifying squat.

"Little Bear, I am a seventh-order flaming giant bear, and I will become the king of the bear clan in the near future, an eighth-order giant bear!" Xiao Xiongxiong looked at the three beasts with a playful look.

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"Seven... Seventh order! Giant bear, I am willing to..."

"It's too late, Little Bear just gave you a chance and you're not sure about it, and Little Bear has not eaten meat for a long time, so it's just a good meal today!"

After the flaming python knew the horror of Little Bear, he immediately prepared to surrender.

Little Xiong Xiong didn't give it a chance at all. After speaking, Little Xiong Xiong's huge figure rushed forward like a tank.

Before the flaming python could react, Little Bear held its seven inches with its huge hand.

hoo hoo hoo!

After the flaming python was pinched by seven inches, it was so frightened that it twisted its body frantically, and kept roaring in its mouth.


When Little Bear saw this, he spewed a scorching flame directly into its mouth.


With a bang, the flame python's head was instantly enveloped in flames.

When the flames disappeared, I saw that the mouth of the flame python was already charred black, and the twisting body gradually stopped.

When Little Bear saw this, he raised his sharp claws and directly cut open the body of the flaming python, and then began to enjoy it as if he was holding a delicious cucumber.

"Gudong! Gudong!"

At this moment, the two silver-horned rhinos on the side were already frightened, their stout four hooves were constantly swaying.

The reason why they appeared on the edge of the blazing forest was only because they noticed that there were many low-level magical beasts on the edge during this time.

I originally planned to bring these low-level monsters under my command, but I didn't expect to encounter such a terrifying existence.

And that flaming python had the same purpose as them, but he didn't expect to be an old enemy for decades, so he served this terrifying giant bear as a delicious meal.

When the two silver-horned giant rhinos were trembling, Little Bear had already swallowed the flaming python into his stomach, and then his eyes slowly turned to the two beasts.

"Powerful giant bear, we are willing to surrender, willing to surrender, please don't kill us!" The knees of the two rhinos softened and they knelt directly.

It wasn't that they didn't want to run just now, but at that time they could feel that although the giant bear had eaten a lot, a lot of attention was actually focused on the two beasts.

If there is any change, the two beasts will end up with the flaming python as far as they can run.

"Why did I keep you?" Little Bear asked solemnly.

"I... we can hunt for you, the giant bear, and guard the territory for you!"

The beasts with wisdom actually have a social structure similar to that of the human race.

The powerful monsters also like to take some subordinates after occupying the territory. Not only can they help themselves hunt food for free, but they are also useful in combat when they encounter an invasion.

"Guarding the site... I can feel that this piece of land is different from the Sacred Continent. The magic power is too thin, so there is no possibility that there is a stronger existence than me!" Little Bear said slowly.

Hearing what it said, the two silver-horned rhinos shivered with fright, thinking that their lives would be in danger.

Fortunately, Xiongxiong changed the conversation next, and gave them hope of life again, "However, in terms of food, we really need a few younger brothers!"

After Little Bear followed Shirley, although the honey was enough, he could also strengthen his strength.

But the only thing that makes it uncomfortable is that there is too little meat.

Whether it was Shirley or that idiot lord of the human race, they regarded it as an ordinary beast bear.

Therefore, the meat fed every day is less than ten pounds.

This kind of meat, or it was trying to pretend to be hungry and begging for that girl. At first, it was only two or three pounds a day~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although it has become smaller, its food intake can be reduced to 10% of normal. One, but ten pounds of meat is far from enough, it can't fill its stomach at all.

The encounter with these few monsters today made him think of a good way.

"Powerful giant bear, how much food do you need, we will help you hunt every day in the future!" The two silver-horned rhinos immediately grabbed the life-saving straw and promised to speak out.

"I don't need you to hunt, because even if you hunt, you can't give it to me. I need you to surrender to a human... Then, give me half of the meat you will get in the future!"

That's a good idea for little teddy bears who are no less intelligent than ordinary humans.

These two big guys must have a lot of food normally, so if they are allowed to return to the castle, their own food can be exploited from them.

This not only solved the problem of hunger, but also continued to pretend to be a beast and follow the girl to improve his strength.

"This... surrender to the human race?" The two silver-horned rhinos were a little dumbfounded.

"Why, you don't want to?" Little Bear Bear immediately showed a fierce light.

"Yes, powerful giant bear, we are willing!" In the face of the threat and the appearance of the flaming python becoming a delicious meal, the two beasts did not have any will to resist.

"Very good, then you can rush out of the forest for me now!" Little Bear nodded with satisfaction!

Immediately, when the two silver-horned rhinos rushed out of the forest according to his instructions, it regained its small body and followed with small steps leisurely.

Those few monsters were frightened out, and Narant was startled. Later, he realized that the monsters ignored him and ran away. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!