Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 640

Chapter 640

These include two backstab pigs, three monster wolves, a swift jackal and a three-colored deer.

These beasts obviously lost their alertness due to the temptation of the potion. They didn't find that there was an ambush outside the jungle. When they sprang out of the forest, they stopped in place, and then looked at the crowd.

"There are so many!"

Both Stella and Natasha were slightly surprised to see so many monsters with their own eyes!

It was Narant who responded the fastest. These beasts obviously showed signs of preparing to escape, so he quickly ordered his subordinates: "Give it to me! Don't let them run away!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Storm Knights, kill!"

"Wolf Knight, kill!"

The next moment, twenty storm knights and eighteen wolf knights led by Quick immediately surrounded the beasts.

As for the ten wolf knights such as Big Stone, they temporarily guarded Narant and performed their duties as personal guards.

"Tulip Knights, kill!" Seeing Quick and others start, Stella did not hesitate, and immediately sent ten Rose Knights.

"Hanny, go and kill, since Baron Narant is so generous, I want to bring back some more monster meat, miss!" Natasha saw that Stella's people had already appeared, and she did not neglect at all, and immediately issued the order to her guard. command.

A young lady like her is naturally protected by an extraordinary knight.

Although there were only three people, Hanni, who was leading the team, was also a silver intermediate knight.

Immediately, there were bursts of shouts of killing and the roar of monsters from the edge of the forest.

Of course, because the number of demon beasts was too small, they were quickly defeated by the siege of a group of titled knights.

In just two or three minutes, two heads were beheaded.

Of course, this situation did not last long, and soon there was another big movement in the forest.

This wave is the real beginning.

hoo hoo hoo!

Sure enough, at the next moment, a head of monsters flew out of the jungle.

"There are more than ten heads, Narant, there are too many monsters on the edge of your territory!" Natasha was surprised again.

Counting the original seven, this is already twenty monsters.

If you count it, the number of these beasts is already more than what she has seen since she was a child.

"Haha, Miss Natasha, it's better if there are more numbers. At least for a while, we will no longer worry about running out of monster meat!"

Narant was naturally not surprised when he saw these beasts. The strongest among these beasts was the third-order low-level beasts, and they came to deliver the food properly.

"Stella, Miss Natasha, now it's our turn!"

"it is good!"

After speaking, the two women did not hesitate, directly pulled out the thin stabbing swords around their waists, and walked towards the front of the battle circle.

When Narant saw the turn, he immediately winked at the big stone, and then the guards were divided into two, and they followed Stella and Natasha without a trace.

Stella's sense of touch was still relatively keen, and she immediately felt the movements of several guards.

Immediately cast a faint smile at Narant. ,

This made Narant's heart skip a beat.

At this moment, the pig had been stabbing the back all the time, perhaps because he was absent-minded, and immediately ran towards him with his hooves, trying to poke two holes for him with his sharp fangs.

"How courageous!" Narant suddenly became angry, this is to treat his lord as a soft persimmon.


Narant's arm trembled, and a cold light appeared in front of him.


The next moment, a crisp sound of meat piercing came from in front of Narant, and the backstab pig rushing towards him didn't even have time to scream, so his head was sharp and fell to the ground with a bang.

As for the long sword in Narant's hand, it wasn't even stained with blood.

"Good sword!" This was the first time Narant fought with his dragon teeth.

When he slashed into the backstab pig's body before, there was no sense of obstruction, which gave him an unprecedented experience.

"Haha! Then come and kill!" Narant immediately charged towards the group of beasts with his long sword again.

And when they beheaded, there were more and more monsters rushing out from the forest.

From twenty to thirty...forty, fifty...

"So much!" Although he knew that there must be a lot of monsters in the forest, and Narant's battle this time was also hearty and refreshing, which was unprecedentedly comfortable.

But when there were already a lot of beasts outside the forest, even more than his subordinates, Narant couldn't help being surprised.

How did he know that although the Fire Forest could not be compared with the northern prairie, the living monsters were also difficult to count.

After all of them entered the blazing forest, the number was naturally astonishing.

"Shirley, put away the things!" Narant made a decision the next moment, temporarily putting away the potion.

Although he can fight with twice as many monsters, there will definitely be a lot of casualties.

Moreover, looking at this situation, Narant doubts whether there will be some difficult guys.

He can't be overjoyed and sad about losing a manpower.

"Yes, my lord!"

When the little girl Xue Li heard the words, she immediately ran towards Xiao Huihui, ready to cover the potion.

hoo hoo hoo!

However, at this moment, there were several roars in the forest again.

And this roar is obviously more powerful than before.

"Middle-level monsters, and they must be more than 5th-level monsters!" Narant was suddenly startled~www.mtlnovel.com~ After visiting the Sacred Forest, he was also well-informed and heard these words. The roar of the beast is clearly not comparable to these simple characters around.

"Storm Knight, use secret skills to fight quickly!"

"Catherine, Vivian, help!"

Narant immediately gave orders to his subordinates.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, the storm knights who were only engaged in melee to sharpen their combat experience immediately pulled away and gathered in the distance.

"Flame Spear, kill!"

When they reached enough distance to charge, the Storm Knights turned their horses and started charging.

As a loud roar came out, twenty storm knights formed a cone-shaped cavalry formation, blazing red and rushing towards the group of beasts.

Boom boom boom!

hoo hoo hoo!

As the storm knight's secret technique charged, three or four monsters who were stabbed suddenly turned their backs and lost their breath.

However, this also aroused other wise beasts and began to besiege the Storm Knight.

"It's still too slow!" Narant frowned, not because he was worried that Storm Knight might not be able to deal with the siege of these monsters, but because he was worried about the powerful guys in the forest rushing out.

"Roar! There are even sixth-order monsters here, and they dare to roar. Don't you know that this is my territory, Little Bear?"

But just as Narant frowned, Little Bear, who had temporarily left Shirley's arms, was talking to himself and secretly aiming at Little Loli.

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