Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 637

Chapter 637

"Cough! Thank you Miss Natasha, Stella, there are armors here, come and see too!"

Women's armor is naturally different from men's armor, and the craftsmanship of the Black Tower is not comparable to those of the human blacksmiths in the Glory Continent.

As soon as the armor was taken out, Stella's attention was drawn.

"It's so beautiful!" Stella couldn't help but praise her.

Because of the incorporation of mithril, the material has better ductility, and because of the inscriptions, the overall armor can be thinner and lighter.

In this way, the streamlined shape of the armor is not comparable to the cumbersome armor forged by pig iron alone in Glory Continent.

There is no need to try it on, the three of them all know how heroic and valiant this armor is when worn.

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"Narant, thank you!" Stella did not reject Narant's gift, although she knew that the armor must be very precious.

If they were sold in the royal capital for auction, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of gold coins would also be bought and collected.

But it was a gift from her lover, and she really liked this set of armor.

"Stella, we don't need to say thank you!" Narant returned with a gentle smile.

Stella nodded and said no more.

"Your Excellency Narant and Miss Stella really have a deep relationship!" At this moment, a meaningful word came from Narant's ear.

"Damn it, I forgot about this chick, I'm jealous!"

Fortunately, Narant had already anticipated it when he took out the gift money.

He immediately said, "Miss Natasha, the cooperation with your Frank family has made my Storm Leader earn a lot of gold coins, and, in order to express my gratitude to you for keeping the secrets of the Fiery Prairie for me, this extra detail I'll give you the rapier!"

"Really? This is very precious!" Natasha's eyes flashed a happy color, but she pretended to be indifferent.

"Although it is very expensive, I don't use the rapier, so I gave it to Miss Natasha, and this armor should also be given to Miss Natasha!"

After speaking, Stella, who was beside Narant, was shocked, raised her head and looked suspiciously at Narant and Natasha.

"Giggle, Your Excellency Narant is so generous, but I'm not your fiancee, so I wouldn't dare to accept such a gift!" Natasha smiled, "However, the rapier and armor are really beautiful. , even if I'm not good at fighting, I'm very tempted, so why don't you just think I bought it from Lord Narant!"

"I paid five hundred gold coins to buy it from Lord Narant!"

"Okay!" Narant paused for a moment and nodded.

At this time, Stella looked at Natasha, and the suspicious look on her face faded slightly.

Narant actually felt a cold sweat on his back, which was so deadly in front of Stella. It's really exciting.

Of course, this wasn't because he was full and was looking for stimulation.

But such female armor is probably the only two in the entire Glory Continent. Even if he secretly gave it to Natasha afterwards, there is a possibility that something will happen to the public.

Unless Natasha never takes it out and wears it.

But taking it out now, with the cooperation of a smart woman like Natasha, it can perfectly eliminate such hidden dangers.

Just like the current situation, Natasha took out five hundred gold coins, and in the future, she can justifiably own this thin stabbing sword and armor.

As for whether or not the five hundred gold coins will remain in his hands at that time, everything is easy to say.

"Sir, your hot water is ready, you can start washing at any time!" Just as Narant finished distributing the gifts, Thomas carefully came to the entrance of the hall.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Narant was a little nervous in the living room, so he just found an excuse to leave first.

Greeting Stella and Natasha, Narant walked out of the hall.

"Thomas, why didn't you tell me in advance that Natasha was also in the castle!" After leaving the hall, Narant asked Thomas with a sullen face.

Unpredictable, he almost capsized in the gutter.

"My lord... I just wanted to say something, but Miss Stella has been there all the time, there is no chance!" Thomas looked aggrieved.

Not to mention Narant, his housekeeper is also worried these days, for fear that the affairs of his own adults will be revealed, and I am afraid that it will not be easy for him as a housekeeper.

"Okay!" Narant recalled the way Thomas was hesitant to speak before, and found that Thomas really didn't have a chance to speak, so he couldn't blame him.

At the moment, Narant went directly to the bathroom on the third floor to wash up. After washing, he received the news that Stella and Natasha had gone to Maiye Town to hang out. Narant simply greeted Quick and others.

Because five Storm Knights were sent to guard the space rift, there were only twenty Storm Knights in the Storm Leader at the moment.

When he distributed twenty sets of mithril armors, Quick and others were naturally surprised.

"Thank you for your gift!" The storm knight team wearing brand-new armor improved to a higher level, and each one of them thanked Narant in high spirits.

"Well, don't thank me empty-handed. What my lord needs is your hard work. Now that the threat to the Northern Principality and the Church is getting bigger and bigger, my lord needs you to charge forward!"

"Yes, my lord! The subordinates must work hard to cultivate. By the way, my lord, during the time you left, the younger ones have been able to use the flame spear secret skill!"

"Oh, can I use the knight's secret skills? Then show it to the adults now!" Hearing this, Narant was also interested.

Although the strength of Quake and others is still low~www.mtlnovel.com~, if they can use secret skills, under the collective charge, their combat power can also be multiplied.

After speaking, Narant led twenty storm knights towards the outside of the castle.

"Flame Spear!"

In the open space outside the castle, the storm knights lined up in a row suddenly exploded with vindictive aura, and then accompanied by a red light from the whole body of the horse.

When the red light appeared, the twenty knights rushed towards the wooden pier that was used as a target.

Boom boom boom!

With the continuous roar, I saw sawdust flying all over the field.

"Not bad!" After this round of charging, Narant looked at the wooden stake whose upper end had been smashed to pieces, and couldn't help but let out a satisfied voice.

Even though the group of Storm Knights were still bronze knights, these twenty people were sent to the battlefield, and with this secret skill, they were enough to rival thousands of ordinary guards.

"Thank you for your compliment. This is all because of the effect of the fruits bestowed by the adults. Since taking the fruits bestowed by the adults, we have found that the speed of cultivating vindictiveness or practicing secret skills has become faster!"

A group of storm knights came to Narant, and did not dare to be proud when they heard the compliments. Instead, they all took credit for their own adults.

"Hehe, Quick, although this also has the credit of the fruit, your efforts are also indispensable!" Although he knew it was flattering, Narant was still very satisfied.

"Come on, there are twenty-five strength-enhancing fruits here, you can distribute them, one for each person. As for the five teammates on the grassland, give them to them when they are exchanged in two days!"

"Yes, my lord, thank you for your gift!"

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