Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 55

Chapter 55

"Ding! The system task of beheading the enemies in the camp or driving them out of the buffer zone has been completed. The system rewards basic fighting skills and information about the two elves have been released!"

"Ding! Two heroic guards were wounded fighting for you. As a lord, you must do something!"

"System side mission: Rescue two seriously wounded and let them recover again!"

"Mission reward: Warning of a possible crisis in the territory once!"

At this moment, the voice of the system also sounded in Narant's mind.

"A warning of a possible crisis? This reward is not bad!" It was a vain task again, and Narant was very happy.

It is certain to treat the wounded. Although he does not dare to guarantee 100% that he can save the two subordinates, he will not give up easily.

So Narant looked at Quick with a serious face: "No, Quick! I won't give up any of you easily, I still want to give it a try!"

This world has very limited means of dealing with sword injuries, especially for ordinary civilians.

Apart from tying the wound with cloth strips and herbs, there is only one primitive method for large-scale wounds, which is to directly scald with a soldering iron. This method was also very popular in Europe in the previous life.

Of course, when the wound is large enough, this method will not help, and in this case, the injured person basically has only one way to die.

However, for Narant, a transmigrator, there are actually more effective ways to stop the bleeding and cause less damage to the wounded.

"Quake, go look for needles and threads immediately, by the way, and quickly boil some pots of water for me! Put the needles and threads in and cook at the same time!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing that his lord still insisted, Quick did not persuade him any more, but moved his lord to the guards, so he immediately took the guards to do what Narant ordered.

Not long after, Quick returned again.

"My lord, the boiling water is already being boiled, and the thin thread has been found, but... there are no needles in the camp!"

As a camp, water and iron pots are naturally available, and the thread can also be removed from the clothes, but Quick and the guards searched for the needle for a long time, but they could not find it.

"Grass!" Hearing this, Narant couldn't help but scolded, the two seriously injured guards at this juncture could not wait to return to the castle.

"My lord, I have a thin needle here!" At this moment, Vivian's voice came over.

After the battle, Vivian went to the camp to pick up Shirley according to Narant's instructions. At this moment, she heard the conversation and ran over immediately.

"You have? That's great!" Hearing Vivian's words, Narant immediately exclaimed with joy.

Afterwards, Vivian came to him, digging out her fair neck, and a small pendant was pulled out.

This is a slender small piece of porcelain, the kind that is very cheap to hold perfume. The small piece of porcelain was tied around the neck by Vivienne with a twine and hung as a pendant.


Seeing that the porcelain bottle was taken down from her neck, Vivian pulled the cork and pulled out an iron needle from it.

After taking out the iron needle, Vivian was embarrassed to explain when she saw Narant's face, "My lord, this is the thin needle that my mother used to teach me to sew clothes. I have kept it since I came to Storm Collar. Go!"

"Thank you! Vivian!" Narant solemnly took the needle.

With the needle and thread, Narant immediately gave it to Quick to cook, and then ordered the other guards to carry the two seriously wounded into the house.

Although the guards didn't know what their lord wanted to do, they swiftly followed the instructions and started to move.

Soon, the two guards placed wooden boards on the table in the room.

Because of the excessive blood loss, the guard who was still slightly conscious has fallen into a coma.

"Quake, are you ready?" Although he knew that he was in a hurry, he had to wait for the water to boil, but Narant couldn't help urging.

"Sir, I'll be fine soon!"

Quick had already worked hard to add materials to several fires, and at the same time let his subordinates blow the bonfire hard, making the bonfire burn even more violently.

Fortunately, after more than a minute, the first pot of boiling water finally boiled.

"Quick, take off their clothes too."

"Yes, my lord!" Several guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately removed the wounded's shirt, and then a wound more than ten centimeters long in the abdomen was exposed.

Losing the suppression of the cloth strips, blood flowed out again.

Resisting the discomfort, Narant hurriedly started wiping the guard's wound with a boiled towel.

"Sir, do you want to come down and help!" Quick, who was cut to the side, saw this scene, and his eyes were full of strange expressions.

The nobles are all self-proclaimed noble, let alone treating the wounded by themselves, just like Narant was nervous about the wounded before, that is very rare, eh.

After all, the names of civilians and guards are not valuable, so you can continue to recruit.

"No, you can't help!" Narant concentrated on wiping the guard's wound, not caring that the injury had already stained a lot of blood.

After wiping two pots of hot water in a row, he put down the cloth strip.

"Vivian, needle and thread!"

"Sir, here it is!" Vivienne handed Narant the needle and thread she had already worn.

The other guards were very shocked when they saw this scene.

What are you going to do, sir? Is it...

At this moment, in fact, the guards have already guessed something vaguely. After all, such obvious items as needles and threads are in the hands of adults.

The next moment, Narant raised his hand and placed the needle directly beside the wound.


Later, in this silent wooden house, the guards saw the craziest thing in their lives.

The adults in my family actually sew wounds on the human body like sewing clothes.

The guards never imagined that the human body could be sewn like this. Even after the battle of life and death, the guards couldn't help shivering.

In their view, this is more frightening than fighting the enemy for life and death.

The guards held their breaths and watched quietly as their adults kept waving needles and threads over the wound.

And Vivian looked at everything in front of her at a loss. She was good at sewing, but she never thought that needles and threads could be used on people.

Narant didn't have time to pay attention to what his subordinates were thinking. At this time, there was another seriously injured guard waiting for him to be treated, so his hands were very fast, stitching stitches through the flesh on both sides of the wound and sutured it. together.

Narant was not a doctor in his previous life, so he didn't care about beauty or not at this time~www.mtlnovel.com~ just wanted to stop the bleeding, so the stitched wounds were crooked and ugly.

After more than a minute of sewing, the wound on the guard's abdomen was finally sutured.

"Okay, unplug the other one's clothes too!" After tying a knot in the fine thread, Narant directly started to treat the next one.

"Yes... yes, my lord!"

Hearing Narant's words, the guards woke up like a dream.

"Vivian, clean the needle and re-thread a finely cooked thread!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon, Narant began to treat the second seriously injured guard.

The guard was injured on the waist.

Although his wound was not as deep as that of the previous guard, the length of the wound was longer, directly extending from the waist to the back.

Wiping the area around the guard's wound, Narant started stitching again.

As a few minutes passed, the wound was finally sutured. Although the thread on the wound was still crooked, his blood was stopped.

"Your majesty!" When the dead knot of the thin line was tied again, the surrounding guards finally couldn't help cheering.

Because, they felt that they had witnessed a miracle, and they could never stop the bleeding from such a big wound in the past, but with their own adults, they could do it miraculously with only the needle and thread of the tailor.

"It's not the time to be happy yet, continue to sew me, and I'll sew up the other slightly larger wounds!"

Although the most deadly wound has been stopped, in order to increase the survival rate of the two as much as possible, Narant is still ready to continue stitching other wounds.

After more than ten minutes, the seven or eight wounds on the two guards were finally sutured completely, and Narant's forehead was already sweating.