Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 548

Chapter 548

"Task reward: One energy point for killing a third-order dark creature, five energy points for killing an intermediate dark creature, and ten energy points for killing a high-level dark creature!"

(Note: This reward will be valid from the day the quest is posted until the end of the quest, and will be issued in real time after the corresponding dark creature is killed.)

"Hey, is there no nightmare prediction this time? Does this mean that Storm Territory will no longer be invaded by dark creatures in the future?"

"Also, how does the quest reward start from the third-order dark creatures? Are you looking down on thousands of skeleton soldiers, hellhounds, and headless knights?"

Hearing the main quest released this time, Narant was immediately a little surprised.

Because the news revealed by this main quest is worth pondering.

Not only is there no nightmare prediction of dark creatures invading the Storm Territory, but even the task has become to completely drive the dark creatures out of the sacred continent.

This means that Narant can no longer worry about the sudden attack of the dark creatures for a period of time, and secondly, he must work hard to strengthen himself to be able to complete this main quest.

After all, it was an existence that could beat most of the races in the Holy Continent to the point of losing their armor and armor, and he didn't know the day when Narant would be strong enough to drive away dark creatures in his life.

Of course, this main quest actually gave Narant the possibility to become stronger faster in disguise.

For example, its rewards are no longer issued after the completion of the task, but in real time.

In this way, if Narant really lacks energy points in the future, wouldn't he be able to hunt for monsters to fight like in the previous game.

"Uh, now I think the system can be invaded by a wave of dark creatures occasionally. Otherwise, how can there be so many dark creatures in this Glory Continent for me, or find a way to go to the Holy Continent earlier?"

"Baron Narant, what's the matter with you? Why don't you enjoy delicious wine and food? Thanks to your support this time, we have escaped the attack of the dark creatures. Please don't be polite!"

"Yes, Baron Narant, you are definitely the most selfless aristocrat we have ever seen. From now on, we will surely spread your good name throughout the duchy!"

At this moment, Narant did not return to the Storm Territory, but after eliminating the dark creatures in the last territory, he was invited by the baron of this territory into the castle to attend a dinner party to thank him.

When Narant came to this territory today, in fact, all the skeleton soldiers had died due to exhaustion of death energy, leaving only a dozen second- and third-order dark creatures.

Therefore, Narant also expected that this territory might be the last day of his extra mission.

So, he accepted the invitation to stay here.

"Taffy, don't you know Baron Narant as well? Come and enjoy Baron Narant with delicious wine and dishes. If Baron Narant is not served well, our Polly family will have no face to see other nobles in the future!"

At this time, the castle owner turned to a young girl beside Narant.

Coincidentally, the last piece of baronial territory that Narant helped to belong to the Taffy family.

As for Taffy, she was one of Nasya's five female classmates, the one who went to Stormland to participate in the harvest festival, and was rescued from drowning by Narant using artificial respiration.

Taffy was shy at the moment, and she was placed directly beside Narant after the dinner party started.

Of course, Taffy's father did this arrangement, not to match the two, after all, Narant is already engaged to Stella.

He just wanted to rely on Taffy to have a relationship with Narantra. After all, Taffy and Narant's sister were classmates and had a good relationship with Narant himself.

Even if the marriage contract cannot be used to form an alliance, the friendship between Taffy and Narant can be used to deepen the friendship between the two families.

"Baron Narant, Taffy toast to you, thank you for saving me and my family again!"

Hearing this, Tafei suppressed the shyness in his heart, raised the silver cup towards Narant, and said softly.

This girl has been lost for a long time since she heard that Narant and Miss Stella had completed their engagement some time ago.

She originally thought that she would gradually forget this handsome and mighty Baron Narant, but she did not expect to meet her again this time, and she was still here to help her family.

In this way, Tafina's heart, which had calmed down a little, rose again.

Although this wave may be useless, she feels that even if Baron Narant is engaged, he is still the perfect knight in her heart.

She even felt that the attraction of Baron Narant now was even greater than the previous meeting.

"Sorry everyone, I just lost my mind!" Narant heard a series of greetings, plus Taffy's invitation, and then recovered from the system reminder and apologized to everyone.

Immediately, he looked at the girl beside him,

Seeing the shy look of the girl next to her, Narant didn't know what she was thinking. After all, these young noble ladies were very timid. Express yourself.

But the age of these noble ladies is too young, and Narant is not the one who will harm the little flowers, so they all became ordinary friends at the beginning.

"Miss Taffy, don't be so polite, we are all nobles with tulip collars, and we should help each other!"

"And we are still friends, aren't we? Miss Taffy~www.mtlnovel.com~ I also respect you, thank you Potter family for the hospitality!"

"Yeah!" Hearing Narant's kind words, Taffy's reflection became a little dull, and he didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Narant smiled slightly and took a sip of the wine glass.

He found that this time, the girl was really shy than before, and he didn't know if it was because of drowning, but she used to ask all the time what type of girl she liked and whether they were pretty or not. .

After a cup of food, the atmosphere on the long table became more lively because of Narant's recovery.

Several nobles toasted Narant from time to time, while Taffy was considerately pouring wine and food for Narant himself, during which the nobles frequently said nice words to Narant, making Narant eat and drink quite a bit. for smoothness.

After three rounds of drinking, because the long-distance rush to Narant these days is also a bit tiring, I did not refuse the Porter family's retention, and simply stayed at the Porter Castle for the night.

At night, when the night was quiet, Narant suddenly heard a faint knock on the door of the guest room.

When he asked about the identity of the person who came, he found out that it was the noble lady Taffy.

And Taffy came to knock on the door late at night, and the meaning is naturally self-evident.

However, after thinking twice, Narant still did not open the door.

Not to mention other things, it is the age of this noble lady, which stopped his evil thoughts, after all, his three views are unreasonable.

When Miss Taffy heard the rejection, she was silent for a moment at the door, and then she left the door sobbing.