Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 547

Chapter 547

Those dark creatures that are extremely difficult to kill and are not afraid of death will not only fly with their bones at the moment when they are drawn by the whip, but will also emit black gas in the first time.

Even the death knight and the headless knight armed to the teeth.

The long whip seems to be able to ignore the armor of the headless knight and the death knight. It only takes two or three knights to besiege them together, and they can be beaten powerless.

"This... what's going on?" Boris felt that his brain was not enough.

When was the dark creature so easy to deal with, to know that a skeleton soldier is comparable to an elite guard in the eyes of the nobles.

Therefore, even killing the elite guards is not so easy.

While Boris was stunned, several dark creatures below were dealt with under the siege of several storm knights.

Then came the skeleton soldiers. These skeleton soldiers were even more unbearable. They could only harvest one of the targets that moved at the beginning with every whiplash of the knights.

"Kill!" Soon, the dark creatures outside the city were cleaned up, and then the Storm Knight did not stop and rushed directly to the gate of the castle.

"Na... Narant!"

Ten minutes later, on the wall of Black Rock Castle, Boris's lips trembled as he looked at Narant who was slowly walking up the stairs.

"Haha, how is it, Boris, is my support timely enough?"

"Timely, really timely, thank you Narant! If it weren't for your support, I'm afraid my Black Rock Castle would not be here!" Boris nodded immediately after hearing the words, and almost cried, he was really there today He swam around the edge of life and death, as long as Narant was half an hour late, he would probably be finished.

After speaking, Boris suddenly turned his attention to Quick behind Narant.

"It turned out to be an iron chain, Narant, why can this iron chain invade and easily solve the dark creatures?"

"Haha! Boris, look what else is tied to that chain?" Narant knew that Boris would ask such a question.

However, he is not going to hide it. Anyway, there are not many dark creatures in the Glory Continent, and he is not afraid of being overly coveted by a group of nobles.

In addition, he now has a nurturer like Bessie, and he may be able to make a fortune from the sacred thorns in the future.

"Thorns... glowing thorns, how can the thorns of Narant glow?"

"Boris, this is not an ordinary thorn, this is a new species of thorn, called sacred thorn, it is the nemesis of dark creatures, it can **** away the dead energy from dark creatures!"

"Holy thorns, the nemesis of dark creatures, there are such magical plants!" Boris immediately became restless.

Although the frequency of dark creatures is not high, the dark creatures are still the existence that the nobles fear.

For example, this time, if there is no advance warning from the Count and Narant.

With the original level of defense, his castle probably wouldn't last night.

Now that there are such plants that can easily kill dark creatures, how can Boris not be excited and greedy.

"Okay, Boris, I don't have many sacred thorns. If there are more in a few years, I'll give you two!" Narant knew what Boris was thinking.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Boris immediately smiled when he heard the words, "Come on, Narant, we're going to the castle to have lunch now, I'll treat you well, thank you for your support!"

"Boris, lunch is over, I don't have time, I still need to rush to other territories, and other territories must also be invaded by dark creatures!"

"Do you want to rush to other territories?"

Boris looked at Narant strangely when he heard the words, and Narant came to support him. He felt that it was because the two sides were friends and had an offensive and defensive alliance contract.

But Narant is ready to support other nobles, this does not want the usual behavior of the nobles.

To know that the nobles are all unprofitable existences.

"Yes, no matter how everyone is a vassal of the same Tulip family, since I have the ability to solve important problems, I will support them!"

"Narant, you really are a noble with a big heart!" Boris was awe-inspiring when he heard the words, feeling that he saw a white light on the top of Narant's head, which was extremely sacred.

"However, Narant, you really should go to support. After all, you and Miss Stella have signed a marriage contract, and you will be half the owner of the tulip collar in the future!"

"Haha, Boris, I just think we nobles should help each other. After all, there are even bigger enemies in the north!"

Narant felt that the extra mission this time was really worth it. Not only could he get five energy points, but in the future, his little leader of the Storm Collar would probably get the title of a selfless and good nobleman.

"Narant, then I will prepare now and go to other territories with you to help you!"

"Okay!" Narant did not refuse.

Although he doesn't look down on Boris's subordinates, Boris himself also has high-level bronze strength, which is also a big help if he encounters a dark creature that is difficult to deal with.

Immediately, Narant did not delay, and took Boris and his subordinates to start running towards the north again.

Because the further north you go, the more the population becomes, which also means the denser the aristocratic territory. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It took four days for Narant to support eight noble territories in a row.

And through these four days, he found a problem, that is, the farther away from the Storm Territory, the fewer dark creatures fell.

For example, his territory has more than 2,000, and Boris's territory has three or four hundred.

However, there are only more than a hundred dark creatures in the latter territories. As for the terrifying guys like the three-headed dog of hell, they have not seen them.

Although more than 100 dark creatures are also great enemies for a baron, the losses in these territories are not particularly serious because of precautions.

At least the castles of the nobles were not breached.

In this way, Narant is quite at ease, thinking that there should be no major problems with my father and Tulip City.

"Ding, the last dark creature has disappeared, congratulations to the host for completing the extra task of the main line."

"This time, the host has helped nine noble territories to eliminate dark creatures in total, and forty-five energy points for the extra task reward have been issued!"

"Haha, at 45 o'clock!" With the sound of the system in his head, Narant suddenly smiled.

These forty-five energy points are a good deal. The less dark creatures that will be dealt with later, the more than a hundred dark creatures he really doesn't pay much attention to now.

Although when they helped the fifth noble territory, the sacred thorns in the hands of Quick and others were invalid due to withering.

But with the strong support of ranged attack squads and longbowmen, Narante's has long been able to quickly take down a host of dark creatures.

"Ding, a new mission in the main line of the system: please drive all dark creatures out of the Holy Land!"