Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 140

Chapter 140

"Come on, throw the rope at me!"

At this moment, Narant took the lead in rushing up with a long sword, and ordered the guards while running.

"Drink!" Quick and the others heard the words and immediately threw the ropes in their hands towards their respective targets.

At this time, Catherine also moved her dexterous and swift body to quickly approach a headless horseman who fell to the ground.

Seeing her approaching, the headless knight wanted to get up and attack.

But three guards threw the hook and rope on him, he just moved, the guards tried their best to pull back, and the headless horseman stumbled again and squatted on the ground.

"Go to hell!" Catherine naturally wouldn't let go of this good opportunity, she jumped high and stepped on the headless horseman's chest with a bang.

Then a long sword stabbed directly from the headless knight's neck.


The warhorse of the headless knight on the side felt the damage, and screamed, and the death energy from the body began to overflow in an instant.

"Good job!" Narant couldn't help cheering when he saw Catherine's victory.

He hadn't rushed to the death knight at this time. The death knight is not comparable to the headless knight. Even if he was just thrown away, he could control his body in mid-air and didn't fly very far.

After the applause, Narant withdrew his gaze and stared at his target.


The death knight also has three hooks to restrain him, but his strength is surprisingly large.

With a roar, he started to move, and instead of dragging him down, the three guards stumbled.

"Flame Triple Slash!" Narant did not dare to underestimate the strength of the death knight, and took advantage of this opportunity to directly use his secret technique.

With the vindictive movement, Narant's long sword instantly burst into flames, and then swept towards the death knight.


However, it was the first blow, and his horizontal slash was blocked by the death knight.

As the two swords clashed, Narant suddenly felt a counter-shock force in his hand, which shook his tiger's mouth to the point of pain.

"Narant, here I am!" Boris finally arrived at this time, "Go to hell! You evil thing!"

Boris has no secret skills, but the strength of his bronze high-level knight is not covered. A light green light is attached to the long sword. His long sword seems to be equipped with a booster, but the sword light flashes to death. on the knight's shoulder armor.


However, what is surprising is that Boris's blow just cut a gap on the shoulder armor. Except for a little spark, it did not hurt the death knight.

"His grandmother's, Narant, the death knight's inscription armor still works!"

Boris was shocked and scolded.

"Then stab the gap in its armor!" Narant also cursed inwardly.

The armor of the dark knight is basically inscription armor.

But most of the time, these armors have been damaged and invalid. The last time Narant encountered it was lucky, but I didn't expect it to happen again this time.

After speaking, Narant roared again, "Second cut!"

Afterwards, the fiery long sword spun around and slashed towards the death knight again.

Hearing this, Boris also changed his strategy and stabbed the death knight with his sword along with Narant.


Facing the siege of the two, the death knight felt threatened, and with a roar, the momentum became more tyrannical, and the green light even overflowed from the gaps in the armor.


After the death knight's strength increased slightly, Narant's second slash still failed and was blocked again.

This time, the death knight even took aim at Boris. At the moment when Boris was about to stab him, he kicked Boris's stomach and directly kicked Boris's fat body three or four meters away. Far.


"Ah!" At the moment when Boris fell to the ground, a miserable howl came from under him.

It turned out that this guy was so immortal that he just hit Quint who was lying on the ground and pretended to be dead.

"The third cut!" Although Boris's assistance was lost, Narant's attack was still the same.


However, what he did not expect was that at the moment when the third slash collided with the death knight's long sword, his long sword could not withstand the collision and broke into two pieces.


When the death knight saw that Narant was without a weapon, he immediately raised his long sword and slashed towards Narant's neck.

Narant was about to roll away with a donkey, when a voice suddenly came from beside him, "Sir! Be careful!"

It turned out that Catherine, who had already dealt with the second headless horseman, found the situation here and rushed over without hesitation.


The sword that slashed at Narant was blocked by Catherine.

"Sir, you step back first and let me deal with him!"

"Be careful! I'll be right here!" Even if Catherine didn't come to help, he could have avoided the blow just now, but he still didn't let himself roll around and kept the majesty of Lord Lord.

Narant immediately stepped aside and walked towards a guard.

Soon, Narant took a long sword from the guard, and then he directly opened the system panel.

"System, exchange for an agility fruit for me!"

The speed of the death knight was too fast, and it was a bit embarrassing that Narant and Boris were beaten together like this.

Therefore, Narant was going to spend his last energy point, which was exchanged from the last time Warcraft spar, and has been reluctant to use it.

"Ding, the exchange is successful!"

The next moment, a system sound came from Narant's mind.

Hearing the words, Narant gently grasped the palm of his hand, and a small agility fruit appeared in his hand, which he swallowed directly into his mouth without a trace.

"Give me death this time!" The medicinal effect of the agility fruit was immediate, and Narant instantly felt that his speed had increased by at least half.

This is the second time he has taken agility fruit, so the effect is still strong.

Seeing that the death knight over there was evenly matched with Catherine and Boris, Narant seized the opportunity to roar, and swung his sword directly into the battle circle.


I have to say that in the world of martial arts, it is only the truth that is fast and unbreakable.

After increasing the original speed by half, and finding the time to cut in again, Narant's sword pierced into the gap of the death knight's armor quickly and accurately.


However, this blow was stabbed at the waist, which was not fatal. Instead, the death knight who was injured for the first time rioted.

"Boris, Catherine, hold him down and give me another chance to stab me!"

Seeing that the death knight was about to go berserk, Narant immediately greeted Catherine and Boris.

The two heard the words without any hesitation, Boris directly gave up the long sword in his hand, and hugged a bear on the waist of the death knight.

And Catherine also moved, and the long sword in her hand blocked the death knight's long sword like a snake, and then gave up holding the sword and held the arm of the death knight instead.


The death knight was suppressed by the two, and instantly roared and twisted.

"Go to hell!" Knowing that the opportunity was inevitable, Narant stretched out his left hand to hold the blade directly, and then, like a spear, shoved the tip of the sword into the gap in the armor of the death knight's neck with both hands.


Under the combined force of both hands, the tip of the long sword sank halfway down the gap.

It wasn't over yet, Narant made a ruthless attack, then took advantage of the situation to hold the blade and pushed it to the side, the long sword slashed directly from the middle of the death knight's neck to the side.


The death knight let out a shrill roar, and the green glow and death energy on his body began to dissipate continuously.