Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Boom! Boom!

After the death knight and the headless knight rushed across the bridge, they did not hesitate to start slamming against the castle gate. The deafening sound of the crash could be heard clearly by Narant and the others a mile away.

Fortunately, Quint's castle gate is extremely strong, even in the face of the brutal collision of several headless knights and death knights, it can last for a while.

If it was replaced by the old wooden door of Narant Castle, he believed, it would definitely not last a few seconds.

"It seems that the repair of the castle is really going to speed up!" Narant saw the intensity of the siege battle in this world, and also thought of his old castle.

While his thoughts were flying, the melee on Quint Castle became more and more tense with the banging sound.

The roars and screams resounded for miles in this silent night.

As time went by, Quint paid a considerable price, and it seemed that the skeleton soldiers on the city wall were about to be solved, but at this moment, the castle gate below began to creak.

Obviously, even this iron-clad city gate won't last long, and the small shock has turned into a sway.

Quint also noticed this problem, and quickly ran to the top of the gate with the guards, and then the watermelon-sized rolling stones were thrown down desperately.

However, the vitality of second-order dark creatures is obviously stronger than that of skeleton soldiers. Although the hellhound will bark in pain after being hit, it is not enough to kill him with one blow.

The same is true for the Headless Horseman, some of them stood up after being smashed off their horses and continued to slam into the city gate.



Two minutes later, the dark creature paid the price of two hellhounds and a headless knight falling apart, and finally broke through the castle gate.

This last blow was made by the death knight. With a roar, it sprinted towards the city gate with all its strength from more than ten meters away, and a door panel of the city gate fell to the ground.

"Hoo! Death is coming! Tremble! Lowly creatures!"

The city gate was knocked open, and the death knight swung his sword into the castle with the only remaining dark creatures.

"They're finished!" Boris sighed when he saw this scene.

This scene tonight was too shocking for them, just dozens of dark creatures broke into a baron's castle with complete defense facilities without any equipment.

"It's no wonder that people in the entire continent are extremely afraid of dark creatures. When they regain their combat power, they are really a group of terrifying beings." Narant also secretly smacked his tongue in his heart.

"Narant, what should we do now?" Boris lost his mind and looked at Narant.

If all the people in the castle are killed, the dark creatures will continue to hunt them down

"This group of dark creatures must be wiped out, otherwise they will still target us after they sack the castle!" Narant replied.

"Okay!" Boris's face showed bitterness, and the only fluke disappeared.

He also knew that what Narant said was the only option. If he wanted to live with his guards, he could only destroy them completely.

Fortunately, these dark creatures were consumed a lot during the siege, so that they would not have to bear so much pressure next.

"Boris, we have to make some arrangements in advance!"

"Narant, what do you want to do?"

"Let's go to the river to make arrangements!" From the moment he stopped to rest, Narant was already thinking about how to end it.

He finally chose the battle site on the banks of the river outside Quint Castle.

Boris looked at the tidal flat on the river bank, puzzled for a few seconds, and then reflected, his eyes lit up immediately.


Next, the two quickly took the team to the tidal flat, and then began to arrange it.

Speaking of this arrangement, it is actually very simple, and it is still enough to dig out enough horse traps.

At this time, the main combat power of the dark creatures is the headless knight and the death knight, so digging the horse trap can greatly limit their movements.

In addition, there is another reason why Narant chose the tidal flat. Because of the erosion of the river, the soil is soft and muddy, which makes it more difficult for horses to move.

"Quick, take out the iron hooks you are carrying."

After arranging everything, Narant spoke to Quick again.

Quick and the others immediately untied several iron hooks from their waists.

These hooks each have two claws, the size of a little finger.

"Narant, what are you using this iron hook for?" Boris was a little puzzled.

"For those headless knights and death knights!" Narant smiled slightly, and took off a large bundle of ropes from the saddle.

The rope was then cut into sections and tied to the end of the hook.

In this way, the hook becomes a hook, and the guards can throw the hook far away, trying to hold the headless horseman and the death knight in place.

"You are ready for this!" Boris' eyes widened.