Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 136

Chapter 136

When the team reached the gentle **** a mile away from the castle, Narant stopped the team and let the guards rest in place.

The guards still had lingering fears at this time, and their faces were indescribably pale.

"Everyone, take out water and dry food for a simple replenishment now! The threat has not dissipated." Seeing the Boris guards who were paralyzed on the ground and didn't want to move, Narant commanded.

These people have not been trained for long-distance running in the past, and their current state is really different from those of Quick and others.

And the dark creatures have been successfully led to Quint Castle, then the next plan is to be a oriole and complete the main task of the system. After all, ten energy points can represent ten elves.

"Narant, look, the death knight is here!"

It didn't take long for Narant and the others to rest, and the dark creatures came one after another. The first dark creatures to arrive were the death knight and several headless knights.

"Narant, do you think Quint can hold it?" Even though it was more than a mile away, Boris still had lingering fears.

"This is not easy to say!" Narant naturally hoped that Quint would be unlucky, but it is really impossible to judge now.

Quint's castle was not built on a mountain like Stormland, but on a flat land near a river.

Of course, although the castle was built on flat ground, the defensive ability of Quint Castle was absolutely standard.

A moat more than ten meters wide was dug outside the castle, and the only passage was a four-to-five-meter-wide suspension bridge.

After crossing the drawbridge, there is still the towering city wall and the strong gate wrapped in iron, which is really impregnable.

At present, the only shortcoming of Quint Castle is the loss of too many guards this time, and only forty or fifty guards escaped with him.

If the Gwent guards can reach hundreds, then defending the castle should not be a problem.

Time passed, and after a few minutes, the slower-running hellhounds and some skeletons finally arrived.

"Roar!" When all the dark creatures were gathered, the death knight finally raised his long sword, and following his orders, all the dark creatures rushed towards the castle.

And Quint's castle also responded immediately. As the dark creatures approached, a lot of arrows were immediately shot from the city wall, and there were even several fist-sized rubble along with them.

The arrows were shot in the skeleton group, except for a few unlucky skeleton soldiers who were shot in the head, most of them were painless to the skeleton soldiers, and at most a few broken bones were knocked out.

However, the fist-sized stones were different. They crossed an arc in the air and smashed into the dark creatures, directly smashing many skeleton soldiers to pieces on the spot.

Often a single stone can hit two or three skeleton soldiers, the only drawback is that the catapult is slow to launch.

"It turned out to be a trebuchet, a small trebuchet!" Boris exclaimed with wide eyes.

Narant was also a little surprised.

There are also trebuchets in this world. However, trebuchets are a very difficult craft in this world, and only the great nobles can play them.

Small vassals and nobles like Narant and the others simply don't even think about it.

The reason is very simple, this thing is a strategic weapon in this world, and it is indispensable when attacking cities and castles.

Therefore, the big nobles will not let the technology of the trebuchet flow out, and the finished products are also strictly controlled.

Quint Castle has a small trebuchet, apparently because of his status as the earl's son.

Whoosh whoosh!

Bang bang bang!

While Narant and the others were still surprised, the battle on the other side continued.

Because of the existence of trebuchets, those skeleton soldiers became living targets.

After approaching the city wall for a hundred and fifty meters, the staff continued to be reduced, and even a hellhound and two headless horsemen were unfortunately hit by the stones of the trebuchet.

The hellhound wailed directly, and his head was sunk and his brain was splattered.

As for the two headless knights, one of them was directly smashed to the ground and turned into black smoke, and the other was lucky but lost an arm.

Since it can become a strategic weapon in this world, the power of the catapult is not small, and it is not much weaker than the solid artillery of the past and modern times.

It's just that the catapult is inconvenient to ship and not flexible enough.

The charge of the dark creatures continued, and finally some skeleton soldiers and **** dogs came to the moat, but the moat did not seem to constitute an obstacle to these dark creatures.

I saw the skeleton soldiers and hellhounds thumping into the river, and after about ten seconds, their figures appeared on the other side.

"It turned out to be amphibious!" This is the first time Narant has seen a dark creature attacking a city. If it is a human race, even if it is wearing leather armor, don't even think about swimming over it. The heavy armor is soaked in water and can be used as a lead ingot. .

However, what surprised him even more was still to come!

After the skeleton soldiers reached the bottom of the city wall, they began to climb the city wall with their bare hands.

The city wall made of stone is also very smooth~www.mtlnovel.com~ The stone joints are all glued with special clay.

But the skeleton soldiers abruptly used Bai Sensen's fingers to dig out the clay in the stone crevices, and then began to climb up through these crevices.

Narant only felt his scalp tingle when he saw this scene. He finally knew how the dark creatures broke through the castle without siege equipment.

The Quint guards also discovered the actions of the skeleton soldiers. After a brief confusion, the guards hurriedly lifted the rolling stones and smashed them at the skeleton soldiers.

But the number of people in Quint Castle is too small, some of them still need to operate trebuchets, and there are longbowmen suppressing the skeleton soldiers below, which is actually unable to effectively block the climbing of the skeleton soldiers.

Soon, the first skeleton soldier climbed to the top of the wall, followed by the second, third, and fourth skeleton soldiers. As more and more skeleton soldiers climbed the city wall, the sound of fighting and mourning began to be heard from the castle.

"Narant, look, it should be Quint, he played in person!"

At this moment, a ray of vindictiveness lit up on the city wall. Seeing that the skeleton soldiers had already climbed up the wall, Quint also knew that he could no longer hide.

Although his cultivation was based on the accumulation of monster meat and fighting spirit spar, it was still easy to deal with skeleton soldiers.

With the addition of Quint, it seems that the skeleton soldiers will gradually be pushed down.

"Roar!" At this moment, the death knight who had come to the edge of the moat roared again.

With this roar, the skeleton soldiers seemed to have received some instructions and immediately approached the top of the city gate.


Boom! !

Hearing a muffled sound, it turned out that the skeleton soldiers went to break the ropes that fixed the suspension bridge together, and the suspension bridge that was retracted instantly was put down.

"Roar!" Upon seeing this, the death knight immediately took the five headless knights across the moat.