Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 614

Chapter 614

Lin Yi was completely unaware of this.

At this moment, Lin Yi's attention was all on his ears, all kinds of news from the robot.

At this moment, several strong young men quickly approached Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi reacted, several people had already come to Lin Yi's side.

This made Lin Yi stunned for a moment, looked at a few people with some doubts and asked:

"What's the matter, what do you guys have..."

However, before he could finish his words, several people looked at each other and rushed up together with a smile.

This made Lin Yi startled, thinking that the other party was going to attack him, so he subconsciously prepared to fight back.

But when the corner of his eye looked at the group of smiling eyes around him, he suddenly stopped moving.

It was just such a pause, several people had already rushed to Lin Yi, and grabbed Lin Yi's body with all his hands.

The next moment, Lin Yi was thrown directly into the air.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Yi reacted and knew what the other party meant. He was celebrating with himself.

When thinking of this, Lin Yi shook his head with a helpless smile.

Feeling his body being tossed around in the air, Lin Yi was speechless in his heart.

He has accepted this kind of treatment more than once.

And the next consequence of Lin Yi was that almost half of the people in the field participated in this "Hydrangea Throwing" activity.

Even in the middle of the air, Lin Yi glanced at a few gray-haired old men who also ran over to join in the fun.

This made Lin Yi very helpless.

It seems that the joy of men is ageless.

And even those who did not join in throwing the hydrangea stood in the distance and kept applauding.

No way, this time they were too excited.

Although this time the moon landing is not a manned moon landing, the significance of this time is completely different from the previous one.

You must know that this time, you have to build your own base on the moon!

When the base is built, will manned moon landings still be difficult?

It's a joke, there is even a base, let alone a simple landing on the moon, I'm afraid I will live there for a long time.

This kind of behavior that leads all mankind to take a big step forward, can have their participation, how can they not be excited?

Of course, when the celebration was so excited here, there were many people on the other side of the ocean with frowning faces.

As for the reason, of course, it is because all 14 of their satellites have set off fireworks.

At the last moment of entering their airspace, they not only failed to regain control of the satellite, but also failed to get in touch with Lin Yi.

In desperation, they could only choose long-range sniping.

Fortunately, the other party did not play any tricks, and did not control the satellite to perform any evasive actions, but honestly let them shoot down.

In this way, although so many satellites have been lost and so many resources have been lost, it can be regarded as a reluctance to complete their work.

For a while, the other side of the ocean was completely plunged into chaos.

With all 17 satellites gone, many of their activities will be severely restricted.

Including their navigation system will also be greatly affected, which is a technological step backward for them.

If you want to re-develop and supplement these 17 satellites, let's not say how much funds and resources are needed.

In terms of time alone, it will take at least five years.

During this blank period, they didn't know how to explain this matter to the people, how to explain their satellites to everyone, and why they suddenly couldn't be used.

This gave those politicians a headache for a while.

In the Black Palace, an urgent meeting was held to deal with this matter.

And after a tense meeting, these individuals miraculously came up with a solution.

Just when Lin Yi held a press conference and announced his successful moon landing, a press conference was also held on the other side of the ocean.

And the host of this press conference is the woman who talked to Lin Yi on the phone, and also the first deputy of Lao Baitou "Hala Shao".

At this press conference, Hara Shao did not talk about the disappearance of the satellite this time.

Instead, it directly disclosed a secret.

That was the investigative report on the Roswell incident.

Maybe many people don't know much about this report and don't know what it is, but if I tell you that this is something related to aliens, it seems that you can understand it, right?

Yes, this incident is about an alien incident that happened on a farm in Roswell that year.

It is said that that night, the farmer of this farm heard a very loud explosion in his sleep.

By the next morning, the farmer had found many particularly strange metal fragments on the farm.

He then called the police.

According to the reconnaissance survey at the scene, the remains of a metal dish-shaped object were found.

Not only that, but within this mutilation, there are several corpses of aliens.

According to reports at the time, these aliens were very thin, only about one meter tall.

The weight is only about 30 pounds, and there is no hair or any hair all over the body.

The head is very big, the eyes are very big, and the mouth is very small.

And this is the alien form we all know today.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time, but the beautiful side blocked it for the first time, not allowing anyone to enter.

At the same time, it was announced that this incident was not true, it was just a crashed weather and since then, this incident has spread all over the world.

All kinds of speculation continued for a while.

However, they insisted that it was not true.

This also makes it still a mystery to this day.

And this time at the press conference, Master Hara actually brought this matter out.

This can be said to have earned enough attention, and all the media reporters present all perked up their ears.

On the Internet, the vast number of netizens who were concerned about this matter were even more quarreling, waiting for Harrah's next sentence for a while.

Not only that, when the press conference was held, it was also reprinted on the Internet on the Huaxia side.

There is no way, the influence of this matter is really too great, and its popularity has even overshadowed Lin Yi's moon landing for a while.

[To be continued. . . .