Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 611

Chapter 611

If the time is calculated according to the normal process in the past, the order must be issued three seconds in advance.

Because of the three-second error, it is inevitable in every launch mission.

Since the distance is too far, the delay effect must appear.

This is beyond the reach of today's technology.

It is precisely because of this that at this time, the commander in charge of this side made such a request to Lin Yi.

But after hearing this, Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

With today's technology, a three-second delay occurs all over the world.

But for him, the order is not delayed even a little bit.

Not to mention three seconds, not even half a second.

When he gives an order here, the robot over there will respond at the first time.

The timeliness of the order can absolutely be guaranteed.

This is something Lin Yi can guarantee 100%. After all, the production of the system is not comparable to today's technology.

It's just that I thought about it in my heart, but I still nodded to show that I understood.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three...

When the number on the big screen turned into three, he would only immediately look at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also gave the order to start the propulsion engine at the same time:

"Start the recommendation engine. All into lunar orbit."

Following Lin Yi's order, the six engines of the spaceship over there immediately turned on at full speed.

A spacecraft that originally floated in Earth orbit. Immediately there was a super acceleration.

In just an instant, its flight speed has exceeded the first cosmic speed.

Even more than doubled.

At such a speed, it only took a dozen seconds to leave the Earth's orbit and directly enter the lunar orbit.

this flight speed. And this reaction speed made everyone present stunned.

They stared at the various feedback data on the big screen, and their eyes widened for a while.

The commander opened his mouth even more, stepped on his mouth for a long time and murmured something like this:

"My God. How is this possible? No delay in the slightest??"

It was precisely because there was no delay that the spacecraft's engine started three seconds ahead of schedule.

Of course, if it is replaced by an ordinary rocket, then the three-second delay will definitely consume a part of the fuel kinetic energy.

Although three seconds is very short, you must know that in the sky, every little bit of kinetic energy is very precious.

If these three seconds of kinetic energy are wasted, it is very likely that the spacecraft will not be able to enter the lunar orbit normally.

And it should be noted that the spacecraft will not only be wasted, but the kinetic energy of these three seconds will also increase the distance of the orbit.

In three seconds, it is enough to fly a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

What he didn't expect was that even under such circumstances, despite his misjudgment, the spacecraft still completed this transfer orbit mission perfectly.

This also directly allowed him to refresh a new cognitive view of the aerospace field.

At the same time, it refreshed the limit cognitive view that the spacecraft can achieve. Valley

It was the first time he really knew that the spacecraft could still operate in this way.

It turned out that the spaceship that I was in charge of this time had such strength.

For a while, the tension that was still a little bit relaxed suddenly.

In his cognition, the flight mission this time did not seem as difficult as he imagined.

It cannot be said that this task will be completed soon.

And the truth was exactly as he thought.

For this spacecraft, landing on the moon is simply too easy.

In just a few tens of seconds, the spacecraft has already begun to pose on the moon's orbit and is ready to circle.

That's right, although the spacecraft at this moment has entered the orbit of the moon, it is not in a hurry to land.

Instead, it needs to fly in the orbit of the moon for a period of time, at least twice around the moon.

In this way, various geological information on the lunar surface can be learned, and the most suitable place to establish a base can be selected.

Due to the location of this base, it is a very important thing for future development, so it is not an easy thing to choose.

If you choose it well, it will bring great convenience to the future development of science and technology, as well as every landing and everything around it.

And the most important point is that Lin Yi knows that this moon landing technology, although only his family can achieve it, he is not sure that no one will land on the moon in the next 30 years.

At that time, although the surface of the moon is large, it will also be divided up by various forces.

And since he can lead to get here. So, why not pick the best place for a piece?

In the orbit of the moon, the spacecraft flew very smoothly and smoothly.

The ultrhigh-definition camera also captured the underlying landscape clearly.

Not only that, in the process of shooting, the mapping system on the spacecraft has already started mapping the lunar surface.

Including where there are craters, where there are craters, and its altitude, etc., are marked out.

Of course, in his annotation, there is no option of altitude, after all, there is no sea on the moon.

It is precisely because of this that the data map mapped on the spacecraft is changing all the time.

The height above depends on the average height measured today.

In other words, it is to measure all the heights of the entire lunar surface, and take the most average height as the base mark.

To determine whether it is a mountain or a canyon.

If this work is replaced by today's technology, it is a very difficult thing to do, UU reading www. But for this spacecraft, the world-leading surveying and mapping equipment carried on it can be easily achieved.

As the spacecraft continued to move forward in the lunar orbit, the large screen in the earth base also displayed the shape of the moon all the time.

All kinds of data are constantly scrolling on it, and all the scientists present are stunned. No one can imagine what kind of technology this is to achieve such a terrifying effect.

For a while, everyone looked at Lin Yi with admiration and enthusiasm.

This young man is really too strong.

Strong enough to make them admire them.

All of a sudden, a thought arose in their hearts at the same time, that is, do they want to join the nuclear group?

[To be continued. . . .

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