Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 891

Chapter 891

Chapter 891 This is multi-win

Dinner, still in the familiar small restaurant.

Father, Gobrev, Wang Ye, and Medev sat around the dining table, eating and chatting happily.

No one mentioned the failure of the Duma vote today, because everything that should be discussed has already been discussed in private.

Gobrev simply said that the Kremlin will soon conduct a second nomination, and asked Wang Ye to urge the Duma to hold a voting meeting.

Wang Ye nodded and agreed, this matter is over.

Among the people present, Dmitry Medeff had the lowest position and qualifications, so he took on the role of "waiter", serving tea and water for the other three, which was very busy.

There is a tacit understanding, and Wang Ye and Medeff did not show much acquaintance here.

The two of them just chatted occasionally, just like before.

Father talked a lot today, chatting with Wang Ye about the economy, people's livelihood, college students' employment, and low-rent housing...

In the speech, he was full of praise for the work of Wang Ye and the National Economic Commission.

He even joked: "Actually, I think that if it really doesn't work, the government's Z manager position can be cancelled. It is enough to have your National Economic Commission, and your work is more efficient in comparison!"

Wang Ye hurriedly waved his hands and said modestly:

"That's definitely not possible. The function of the economic committee is actually very single, and it focuses on the country's pillar industries and leads major projects.

The work of the government is all-encompassing. Economic development is just one job of the government, and it is not the most important one.

I have always believed that economic work is really important, and this is the basis of everything.

However, while developing the economy, there are still many important tasks to be promoted simultaneously.

Such as people's livelihood, education, medical care, etc.

These are also very important, and they are the key elements for the happiness of the people..."

While Wang Ye was talking to his adoptive father, Medeff sat aside and listened intently, nodding frequently.

He also knows in his heart that in many aspects, he still needs to learn and improve.

Even if you don't look at your qualifications, but just look at your current ability, you are actually not qualified for the Z position.

It was just a coincidence that I was pushed out of the shelves...

But if you want to secure this position and even perform well, you need to work harder and learn from better people.

As for who this "better person" is, obviously, there are two on the dining table now!

Especially Mikhail, who is the most dazzling one in the political arena in the past two years. What is even more rare is that he has risen so fast, but his reputation among the people and the political arena has always been very good!

There is no such thing as making enemies everywhere. When most politicians mention Mikhail, they are full of praise.

This point makes Medjeeff particularly admired!

Father Wang Ye was quite satisfied with what Wang Ye said.

Obviously, Wang Ye is still very measured in his work. Even though the National Economic Commission has great power, he knows how to "restrain".

The positioning of this committee is also very clear, that is, it only leads economic work and some major economic projects, and will not extend its hand to other fields.

It will not replace the role of the government...

this point is very important!

When talking about Rosiana, the adoptive father is also very concerned about her recent situation.

also specifically asked Wang Yedao: "She has just formed a faction, and there should be many things that she doesn't understand. You should give her more advice and don't let her take a detour."

Wang Ye smiled knowingly, "Well, I have had in-depth communication with her almost every few days recently. Their faction still has some potential, but it is destined not to make great achievements! Nationalist sentiment will only be in a certain area. There is a folk foundation in the first stage, but when the economy develops and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, that foundation will disappear..."

Gobrev agreed, and he said with a smile: "That Dugin is too radical! But I have to say, his theory is quite deceptive, and it can attract people who are dissatisfied with the status quo."

"Yes, in the final analysis, the country has been too difficult these years, and the lives of ordinary people are not easy. But these situations will change. After Medjeve takes office, our economic committee and the government will join hands and cooperate closely. , then the economy will improve quickly, haha." Wang Ye said with a hearty smile.

Medev nodded quickly and said: "I will definitely cooperate with the Kremlin and the Economic Council, and resolutely implement specific policies and orders."

Don't say it, although there are very few people having dinner together tonight, only four of them.

But it is no exaggeration to say that this is already the highest level of state power!

The Kremlin, the Duma, the government...

The three of them have a good relationship, and there is no suspicion or resistance between them. If we all work together and focus on developing the economy, then the future is really worth looking forward to!

The next day, the Kremlin sent an official document again, and it was still the nomination of Prime Minister, and it was still Dmitry Medev.

Gryzlov held a temporary meeting of the speaker to discuss this matter.

Because Wang Ye had communicated with Gryzlov and Zhirinov in private, the three speakers unanimously agreed to hold another meeting to vote.

As for Kolov, although he raised objections, it was useless, the minority obeys the majority!

This time the voting meeting was obviously much smoother than the first time.

The three speakers have done their work in private. According to the plan, there will be 80 votes for the first faction, 120 votes for Wang Ye, and 70 votes for Zhirinov. Guaranteed, and there are five scattered votes from small factions.

This adds up to two hundred and seventy-five votes.

Far more than the two hundred and twenty-five votes required to pass!

Of course, the final voting result will be somewhat different from the expected one. After all, it is a secret ballot. There may be some councilors who promise to vote for it, but vote against it when they actually vote.

This happened to me the first time I voted.

The results of the second voting meeting proved Wang Ye's conjecture.

The final vote in favor was 262 votes, 13 votes less than expected!

There are still some "inner ghosts" appearing, but it is not clear which faction they are from.

Fortunately, he prepared enough votes so that he would not capsize in the gutter...

The results of this vote also allowed Kremlin and Medjeev to see the power of Wang Ye and his influence on the Duma.

When he really wants to push something through the Duma, there is almost no one or faction to stop him!

Of course, if he disagrees, there is nothing that can pass smoothly in Duma...

The second faction controlled by Wang Ye and the third faction controlled by Zhirinov are his most solid backing. This adds up to a total of 230 votes, more than half of the seats in the Duma!

After the voting results came out, Medjeeff slammed the gavel, stood up and announced loudly:

"Vote to pass! Congratulations to Medeff... Z!"

This time, the applause in the conference hall was obviously much louder than last time.

Wang Ye took the lead and stood up, applauding and congratulating Medev.

Seeing Wang Ye's action, the several speakers stood up one after another whether they were willing or not.

Members of Parliament also stood up.

Medjef kept bowing to everyone excitedly, saying "Die Xiba..."

Oh, he is not cursing Xiao Xiba to die, but thanking everyone and saying "thank you".

The nomination turmoil subsided smoothly, and the Kremlin's face was also restored. Medjef also got his wish and went straight to a big step. Wang Ye showed his "muscles" without showing any signs and won the Medjeve Husband's friendship...

It can only be said that this is a win-win situation!

Perhaps the only loser is the Moscow faction led by Konov.

They really don't want Medjeev to get this position.

It's a pity that their strength in the Duma has declined too badly, and no one cares about their opinions anymore.

This is the case in the political arena, the winner is king, and the winner takes all!

"Boss, our Joy City has been in operation for a while, and the operating conditions are basically stable now, so I can finally report the results to you."

Zhang Xiaoxi's tone on the phone was full of joy.

Don't ask, Joy City's performance must be very good, otherwise, she wouldn't take the initiative to call to "take credit".

As for the asset company managed by Zhang Xiaoxi, Wang Ye usually doesn't get involved, that is, at the end of each month, Zhang Xiaoxi will send him a work report by email, reporting on the company's business progress for the month.

Joy City is the first big project operated by the company. Basically, Zhang Xiaoxi's work has been focused on this for a while.

When Wang Ye returned some time ago, Joy City was preparing to open, but unfortunately he was short of time and returned to Moscow before the time came.

According to Zhang Xiaoxi's report, Joy City caused quite a stir in the capital city when it opened.

Don't say it's an empty alley, but it can also be called a crowd!

After all, Joy City is unique in terms of business area, shopping mall positioning, decoration grade, and brand introduction.

More importantly, its location is really good.

That's the Xidan business district!

The capital's locals, especially the young people's favorite shopping district.

In the capital, there are three traditional business districts, namely Wangfujing, Qianmen and Xidan.

However, the first two business districts are basically places for foreign tourists to visit. Only Xidan is the favorite of locals.

In 2004, Internet shopping had just started, and most people still preferred offline shopping and the feeling of shopping.

Not to mention weekends and holidays, even on weekdays, the Xidan business district is crowded with people!

Joy City is the first large-scale shopping center in the Xidan commercial district, with a business area of 100,000 square meters!

The brand-new business format is different from traditional department stores. It is positioned as young and fashionable, and is highly sought after by young people in the capital.

On the opening day, the sales reached an astonishing 50 million!

It is said that on that day, more than 100,000 customers flooded into the shopping mall, and many of the products in the stores were sold out...

Of course, that is the halo blessing of "opening big bargain".

To really look at the revenue, we still have to wait until it stabilizes. Now that the shopping center has been open for almost two months, Zhang Xiaoxi also showed a beautiful report card to claim credit for Wang Ye.

"In October, Joy City's revenue reached 220 million, which is the highest among all shopping malls in the capital!

In November, although it was a little worse than last month, it still had a revenue of 170 million, still the highest in the city.

In the next December, because the Spring Festival and various festivals are approaching, the shopping center will launch many activities, and the revenue is expected to exceed 200 million!

Following this trend, our Joy City is undoubtedly the No. 1 of all shopping malls and shopping centers in the capital! ..."

Zhang Xiaoxi reported with a smile.

To be honest, Joy City's achievements far exceeded her expectations!

Although she is optimistic about the prospects of this kind of large shopping center, Zhang Xiaoxi originally thought that after the opening of Joy City, the annual revenue will reach about 500 million, which is already a very ideal result.

Never thought that this annual goal will be achieved in only three months!

Don't forget that the Joy City project is not just a shopping center. There are two buildings next to it that have not yet been renovated. One of them is a high-end office building, and the other is planning to rent a five-star hotel.

Including the shopping center, the three properties are all owned by the company itself. In the future, just collecting rent will be soft!

At this point, she felt that it was right for Wang Ye to entrust the management of the asset company to herself!

I won't be ashamed when I get a high salary

The data reported by Zhang Xiaoxi surprised Wang Ye a bit. He knew that Joy City would be very popular, but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

But he has seen the world after all, so this little money is nothing.

But Wang Ye is very clear that this is just a Joy City project, if he and Zhang Xiaoxi have communicated before, the Joy City project will be rolled out!

What if every major city in the country had a Joy City!

Not much to say, 20 major cities were selected across the country, and one or two Joy cities were built in each city, with a total scale of about 30.

Zhang Xiaoxi's asset management company is amazing...

The achievements of Xidan Joy City cannot be replicated, and it is unlikely that projects in other cities will reach this height.

But even cut off half, or even two-thirds!

The total revenue is still amazing!

The annual revenue of Xidan Joy City alone is expected to reach about 2 billion yuan for the shopping center project, plus a high-end office building and a five-star hotel, the total revenue will exceed 2.5 billion!

If projects in other cities are also built according to this model, assuming that on average, each Joy City's annual revenue is one billion yuan.

Thirty Joy City projects are 30 billion!

It seems that there are not many...

But Wang Ye knows that this is calculated based on the consumption level in 2004. With the rapid development of the domestic economy, the revenue of these large shopping centers will increase along with the rapid growth of the national economy for at least ten years!

More importantly, these projects are all their own property rights...

(end of this chapter)