Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Chapter 221 Heavy burden

Most of the assets that Abu currently holds are not his own.

It was his "teacher" and friend Berezov who entrusted him to manage it!

As for why Berezov entrusted him with hosting, of course, the relationship between the two of them was very good, and Berezov also trusted Abu.

On the other hand, it was also because he was forced to help, Berezov had already fled abroad...

"So, if I want to buy Siberia Oil Company, I need the consent of both Berezov and Abu. Berezov's side said that as long as the price is right, he is now willing to realize the assets in Russia. But Abu's side is much more troublesome, and his appetite is not small, hehe."

At the end, Khovchenko smiled and seemed a little dissatisfied with Abu.

In terms of "generation", Khovchenko and Berezov are the same generation, and they are all seven oligarchs!

As for Abu, at that time he was still a little brother who "carried a bag" for Berezov. Without Berezov's support, there would be no Abu today.

It's just that Abu's eyes are more sinister, and he hugged the emperor's thigh tightly. Now he has become the one with the best relationship with the emperor among many oligarchs.

Of course, this is also because the old oligarchs like Hovchenko were not convinced by the emperor and could not let go.

Wang Ye thought for a moment and asked cautiously: "Then, uncle, have you been negotiating acquisitions with Berezov? Is it now settled with Berezov, and then Uncle Abu's side is due to some procedural issues. The problem has been that it has not been able to really advance the M&A process.

Kovchenko nodded, "Yes, I sent a team to London a while ago, and we have reached an agreement with Berezov to acquire 7% of Siberia Oil Company at a price of $6 billion. Ten shares. I also flew over and met him personally. But because he has no way to return to China, you know the reason. So it is a bit troublesome to walk in the legal process in Russia. "

To Hofchenko's great headache, the acquisition process has now reached a dead end.

Berezov holds 70% of the shares of Siberia Oil Company and is without a doubt the largest shareholder.

But he was wanted by the state because he "committed a crime", and the Siberian Oil Company was also entrusted to Abu.

At the same time, Abu is also a shareholder of this company, but the shares are relatively small, only 10%.

Wang Ye seriously suggested: "Uncle, I think the key to this matter is Uncle Abu. Don't talk to Berezov anymore, it's useless. Just get Uncle Abu's side, the acquisition should be done. There will be no problem!"

Khovchenko glanced at Wang Ye in surprise, and asked with a smile, "Why do you think so? Abu has only 10% of the shares, and he has not decided on Berezov's shares. It's just an escrow."

Wang Ye said helplessly: "The key is that Berezov has already been exiled abroad, and now the real person in power of the Siberia Oil Company is Uncle Abu! As long as he nods his head, there will always be a way to transfer the equity. Don't nod, it won't help if Berezov says anything."

"You mean..., bypass Berezov directly and take his shares directly through certain procedures? That won't work, although there is a possibility, but in this way, my business reputation will be ruined." Hovchenko Shaking his head again and again.

They are all smart people. Although what Wang Ye said just now was vague, Hofchenko could understand what it meant.

It is nothing more than taking advantage of Berezov's exile abroad and not controlling the real power of the Siberian Oil Company, then "colluding" with Abu, giving all the acquisition funds to Abu, and asking him to cooperate with himself and take all Berezov's equity. "Snatch" come over!

This method can be done in Russia today!

But Hovchenko didn't want that

Wang Ye has no choice. He has already told Hofchenko the "best", "most effective" and perhaps the "only" method, but Hofchenko does not adopt it, so what else can he do.

"This country can't go on like this any longer. The military is ruthless, and corruption is rampant! The most basic people's livelihood cannot be solved well, and business is not prosperous. Look at the past few years, there has been no foreign investment. The ability of this government is not good. ." Hovchenko shook his head again.

Wang Ye was taken aback, is Hovchenko dissatisfied with the emperor?

Want to replace it? !

This idea is too dangerous, it's better not to think about it!

He didn't care much anymore, and quickly persuaded: "Uncle, we are businessmen, just do our own business well. Political matters have nothing to do with us, right... the emperor and the others should have confidence, give them more time. , everything is fine."

In the end, Khovchenko did not approve, but sneered: "Hmph, you may not know who helped him when he was able to sit in this position! As a result, after gaining power, he attacked us cruelly. I really want to. Let's see how long he can stay in this position if the economy can't work together and the public anger grows!"

Wang Ye didn't dare to answer this topic. The ghost knows if there is anything like a "bugger" in the private room where they are chatting...

You must know, what is the origin of the emperor!

I hope Hovchenko is just talking angry, but don't really want to do something small. In that case, not only Hovchenko's good days will not last long.

Even Wang Ye doesn't have the time and space for "vulgar development"!

The two were silent for a while, burying their heads in their own meals.

Perhaps, when Wang Ye came over for dinner this time, Hovchenko didn't even think about asking him to come up with any ideas, but it was not going well recently, so he just found someone to talk to.

After eating, Hovchenko put down his knife and fork, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth.

Looking at Wang Ye, he said, "I want to rest for a few days in the near future and go abroad to see my family, but I can't let go of the acquisition of Siberia Oil Company. Let's take over this matter for a while, and let Ivan assist you. He also knows a lot about this acquisition. No matter whether it can be done or not, you can also take the opportunity to get to know some more people, expand your interpersonal relationships, and let others know that there is a person like you, haha.

Wang Ye's hand stopped in the air and didn't react for a while.

Hofchenko What does this mean?

Take responsibility for the acquisition of Siberia Oil Company?

The problem is, I didn't participate in this from beginning to end, and now I join halfway, what effect can I play!

Is it really like what he said, just to let himself know more people...

(end of this chapter)