Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Chapter 626 Don't give face

This arrangement is also in line with the characteristics of this time. Although it is said that men and women are equal, the rule of the older generation is that women do not go to the table.

I don't eat at the same table with men. Needless to say, this is the case at this time, even during Chinese New Year holidays in rural areas of later generations.

So such an arrangement is just right, and no one can be guilty.

Of course, there is one exception in the middle, and that is Zhao Xinyi's cousin.

Although he was young, he was already an adult. He should be allowed to stay at the main table, but Zhao Gang didn't mention it, and directly asked him to follow his mother to the deputy table.

Obviously, Zhao Xinyi's behavior at the door just now made Zhao Gang a little unhappy.

Looking at the pile of women on the table, it was not only that he couldn't hold back his face, but even Ms. Zhao Xinyi's face couldn't hold back.

"Liu Tao, we have a bunch of women here, what are you doing here, go to that table to pour wine and food for your uncle, and why do you come to this table."

Her sister-in-law looked at her son and said loudly.

"It's okay, here is full of people, Taozi just sit there." Zhao Gang said, looking at his sister.

Since my sister knew that Zhao Xinyi was going to be engaged to an ordinary family, she opposed it and kept persuading herself.

I also told her, don't worry about this matter, I have thoughts in my heart, but she didn't listen to anything, she wanted to introduce her daughter to the son of their unit leader.

Before coming from home, I screamed for her, but at the door of the restaurant, Jiang Xiaobai was still prevented from coming to the stage.

Who is Jiang Xiaobai? Earn a huge family business at a young age, although this is nothing compared to Long Gang.

But they were all earned from scratch, and they belonged to them.

And Longgang itself is a manager, and the property belongs to the public.

What's more, what Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about is the strategy in his chest and his grasp of current affairs and politics.

The future of such a person is limitless.

As for the issue of family history, it is just a joke. It goes without saying that Zhao Gang's family has been counted three generations up.

The previous generations are also mud-legged, that is, I went to university and later had this fortune.

So, Zhao Gang is determined to let this be spoiled by him since he was a child, but the younger sister who has been supporting her will look at her determination.

After Zhao Gang said that, he stopped talking and started talking with Jiang Tieshan.

Liu Tao sat at the table of women a little awkwardly, but he was even more dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai in his heart.

The dishes came up soon, they were all ordered by Jiang Xiaobai, the dishes were still very rich, two soups with eight cold and eight hot.

"My family, what we should have mentioned this time is that our family is rude."

Jiang Tieshan said.

"The children live well together. These things don't matter. I want to discuss this meal with my brother and see if I decide a date and when to get married."

Zhao Gang said with a smile.

"My family, just mention what you have. If our family doesn't say it, it will definitely be satisfied."

Jiang Tieshan said, this is also the righteous meaning, the wife's family has to set conditions for marrying a girl.

"Our family has no conditions. Xiaobai now, I know, is also in Zhangxuan County and does not live in Longcheng, until they get married. You can clean up a room for them at home and come out."

Zhao Gang said with a smile, when someone else married a girl, it turned out to be three rings and one revolution, a bicycle, a sewing machine, a radio, and a watch.

Someone now mentions the three new items, refrigerators, TVs, and washing machines.

But Zhao Gang knew that these things were nothing to Jiang Xiaobai at all.

I heard from Zhao Xinyi that Jiang Xiaobai had already spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy two houses in Beijing, including refrigerators, washing machines, and color TV series.

And the car is not to mention, I heard it is a Citroen CX20,

Bit? My car is okay, what do you want a bicycle for?

Moreover, the people in Jianhua Village have such a large stock of property, and they want to buy nothing.

"Lao Zhao and I think so. You have cleaned up the house. We will call the buyer as a dowry."

Han Lin also spoke.

"This can't be done, our family can buy it..." Jiang Mu said.

In fact, regarding the bride price and the request, the two families discussed in a amicable manner, and even got into a fight.

"Uncle Zhao, if you want to buy me something, you might as well get me two cars." Jiang Xiaobai said next to Zhao Gang with a wine glass.

From now on, he will be his father-in-law. The old father-in-law is Zhao Xinyi, a girl, and Jiang Xiaobai is not embarrassed.

"Don't your kid own a Citroen car? Still not satisfied?" Zhao Gang asked.

"My car is not enough. The factory managers sometimes use cars. You can't drive the Jiefang truck as soon as you leave the house." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Haha, you kid, if you talk about this at other times, I can't do anything about it. I still drive a red flag myself, but now it's really a bit of a road.

But they are all smuggled cars, coming from the south. "

Zhao Gang said.

"No problem, just have a car to use, I won't say thank you."

Jiang Xiaobai took a drink and returned to his seat with a smile.

In the end, the Jiang family still hadn't competed with the Zhao family, and decided that the Zhao family would call the buyer.

The wedding was held in May of this year.

Jiang Xiaobai's wish to delay another year was lost.

"Xiao Bai, come to me to toast you a glass of wine." Liu Tao didn't know when he came over with a glass of wine.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai and said, as if I was toasting you to give you face.

Jiang Xiaobai had just finished two cars. He was in a good mood and didn't care about it. He picked up the wine glass and was ready to fill it up, and had a drink with Liu Tao.

"In the future, you will treat cousin Xinyi well. If you are not good to cousin Xinyi, our Zhao family will not let you go."

Liu Tao continued, and the wine bottle Jiang Xiaobai had just picked up was put down again.

"Sorry, I can't drink enough to drink."

After Jiang Xiaobai clicked the cup on the table, he didn't want to give it any face.

Something, I repeatedly forbeared it, and in the end, I kicked my nose on my face and threatened me.

Which green onion are you? If Zhao Gang says it, or Liu Tao, you and I will say it when you get acquainted with it.

Saying this now is purely looking for something.

"You won't give me face?" Liu Tao drank two glasses of boring wine just now. Now that Jiang Xiaobai is not giving face, he is even more angry.

"Your last name is Zhao?"

"No, my last name is Liu."

"Yes, your surname is Liu. What can I do to give you face? Today is the engagement banquet of Zhao and Jiang's family. It's not Liu's surname."

Jiang Xiaobai squinted at Liu Tao and said.

"You..." Liu Tao was about to break out when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

But Zhao Xinyi's uncle persuaded her.

"Taozi, if you drink too much, Xiaobai don't care about him." Zhao Xinyi's uncle looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"How can I, uncle." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)