Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 623

Chapter 623

Chapter 623 40th Wedding Anniversary

The next day, all the Jiang family members arrived.

Jiang Xiaobai first announced the 40th anniversary of their marriage for his parents.

Everyone is in favor of this matter. There are 7 children in the Jiang family.

The three girls have already married. The eldest sister's family, Li Haidong is now following Liu Fei, an agent of the educated youth cannery Longcheng, to buy canned food.

Although the business has not been good in the past two years, it is a lot stronger than before.

I can't get big money, and small money is definitely not bad.

Second sister and couple need not say, Jiang Honglan is a formal worker at Longgang Factory, and the second brother-in-law is Zhang Shoujun, a college student cadre at Longgang, who Jiang Xiaobai took a lot of effort to get.

The situation of the third sister's family is a little bit more difficult. Jiang Hongxiang has no formal job, and the third brother-in-law has no formal job either.

But in the past two years, after the third sister-in-law Wang Zhenming and the third sister resigned and opened a small restaurant.

Although I have worked a little harder and tired a little bit, I still make a lot of money.

It's just that the third sister-in-law and the third sister are accustomed to low-key, unlike the eldest brother-in-law Li Donghai.

Next, the eldest brother and his family needless to say, two formal Longgang employees, and the second brother Jiang Zijian has already graduated.

Now I work in politics and work in government departments. Although I don't earn much in a month, I have good benefits.

Then there is Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaomei.

Except for Jiang Xiaomei, one of them has no adulthood, the other Jiang's children are all grown-ups, and the conditions of adulthood are pretty good.

So, Jiang Xiaobai mentioned about giving his parents a wedding anniversary, and no one disagrees.

"Let's do it, I am the boss, I will pay for the clothes for my parents." Jiang Hongmei said.

"Eldest sister, that will allow you to pay..." Jiang Honglan on the side also said.

"Let's do it, we three sisters will pay the money for clothes." Jiang Honglan said.

"No, the third child, your family's conditions are not very good, and the New Year is about to come again, let's come with the second child and I." Jiang Hongmei said.

She didn't mean anything else, she was sincerely thinking about her sister.

It's just that this is a bit ill-considered.

"Okay, eldest sister, let's just three of you, whether your third sister's family is poor or rich, this time is for your parents' wedding anniversary, let the third sister stand aside and see what's going on.

If you talk about the amount of money and the size of the official, I am now the director of the factory. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai spoke, Zhang Shoujun on the side hurriedly said, "Yes, what Xiaobai said is the truth, and we will come out together with the three of us."

Jiang Honglan beside gave Zhang Shoujun a little speechlessly.

She and Zhang Shoujun had a rough road to marriage, but they were still together after all, and Zhang Shoujun did a good job of making up for her after the marriage.

He is handsome and highly educated, but Zhang Shoujun never speaks about Jiang's affairs.

The only exception was when Jiang Xiaobai was there.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai said, he would support it.

"Yes, let's come with the three families." Wang Zhenming, the third brother-in-law on the side, also said.

Things are settled like this, set for the New Year's Eve dinner, New Year's Eve.

"After talking about this, there is one more thing, tell everyone."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"What's the matter?" Li Donghai asked.

Ding Xiaorong and Jiang Zijun could not wait to be excited.

They live at home every day, and they heard the news yesterday.

I have been excited all day, and my family is going to be married to Director Zhao's family.

There are only three girls and son-in-law who still don't know.

At this time, Ding Xiaorong even waited to announce the news for Jiang Xiaobai.

"In fact, there is no major event. It is the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. I may be engaged. At the Longcheng Hotel, if you have time, please go there."

Jiang Xiaobai said with lack of interest, even though he is engaged, he is not yet married.

But according to the rules at this time, it may be three or five tables, and the two relatives will take care of the matter.

At that time, you will lose your free body.

" Engagement, real or fake, good thing, with whom?"

Li Donghai asked with a smile, he is really happy for Jiang Xiaobai, he and Jiang Xiaobai, the brother-in-law, are still very close.

Although it is a bit ostentatious to make money now, but his heart is not bad, Jiang Xiaobai's help to him at the beginning is also in his heart.

At that time, he was still working as a temporary worker in the unit, and Jiang Xiaobai came back during the Chinese New Year. It was food stamps but also money.

Although it doesn't seem to be much now, it was a huge sum of money at that time, especially for my own family.

So Jiang Xiaobai wanted to get engaged, he was very happy.

But as he said, what suddenly came to his mind?

"No way, really with that girl Zhao?" Li Donghai asked.

As for Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi, their daughters and son-in-law don't know much about it, but they have heard about it.

Zhang Shoujun beside was already short of breath.

If Director Zhao's house is really on the list, then his future will be bright.

It is the third sister, the third brother-in-law and her husband, with a smile on their faces, happy for Jiang Xiaobai, but not excited.

They just guard their own small restaurant to live their lives, whether it is Factory Manager Zhao or Old Man Zhao, it has no effect on them.

Before Jiang Xiaobai spoke, Ding Xiaorong on the side couldn't help but nodded.

"Fuck, Xiao Bai, you are really awesome." Li Donghai couldn't help but explode.

People living in Longcheng, how can they not know what kind of monster Longgang is.

I just don't know and have heard of this factory, let alone.

Jiang's parents are both retired workers of Longgang. Jiang Xiaobai still has several people who are workers of Longgang.

and Longgang are inextricably linked.

"East China Sea." The eldest sister Jiang Hongmei on the side said.

"I know, I know, it shouldn't be swearing, but this news is really shocking."

Li Donghai said excitedly.

"Congratulations, Xiao Bai. I will definitely be there by then."

Although Zhang Shoujun beside was also excited, he was still a college student and was able to control his emotions.

However, the hand holding Jiang Honglan trembled slightly.

Jiang Xiaobai married Zhao Xinyi, so he got in touch with Director Zhao.

Although there are many people in the Jiang family, are they all in Longgang?

A total of four people, including himself, Jiang Zijun and Ding Xiaorong, although they are in Longgang, they have no culture.

Even if the two of them have a relationship, there will not be much development, and there is not much relationship between them.

But I am different. I am a college student, and if it matters, it will take a few years before I can go straight up.

(End of this chapter)