Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Chapter 595

"Sit down, how can you make yourself like this?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Brother Xiaobai, I..." Bai Hang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and didn't dislike it at all. He was busy pouring water for the two of him. He rushed all the way, panicked all the way, and endured all the way, and suddenly felt particularly moved.

Both eyes are red.

"By the way, don't say anything, so do you want to eat first or take a bath first." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Bai Hang's words.

If someone asked about this, Bai Hang would definitely think that they disliked him for being dirty, but Jiang Xiaobai would not.

Because he pulled his clothes with one hand, watching.

"Let's take a shower first, I'm not hungry." Bai Hang said.

"In this way, you two will take a shower first, and change into clean clothes after the shower. Then I will let the cafeteria prepare meals. If you have any questions, we will talk while eating."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, Brother Xiaobai." Bai Hang nodded and gritted his teeth.

"Wang Chao, Wang Chao." Jiang Xiaobai called to Wang Chao and asked Wang Chao to take the two to take a bath.

Educated youth cannery has a bathroom and even baths.

went to the cafeteria personally again and ordered to hurry up and make a table.

After half an hour, wearing Jiang Xiaobai's new clothes, Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang came out of the bathhouse comfortably, and they almost didn't fall asleep in the bathhouse.

Several days of running around and tired, not to mention sweeping away, it also eliminated a lot.

"It's about the same body shape as you and me. That's okay. I will send you these two sets of clothes. Let's go and eat."

At the door of the bathroom, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two with a smile and said.

"Brother Xiaobai, why are you waiting here." Bai Hang looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and he didn't know what to say.

I didn't listen to dissuasion, and came with difficulties. I didn't mention the hardships along the way, but it was not easy. After he came, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dislike him at all, and even waited at the entrance of the bathhouse himself.

What is affection? This is affection. Bai Hang has always thought that he is righteous, but now, he feels that he can only rank second.

"Okay, don't say much, go, eat." Jiang Xiaobai took the two to the cafeteria.

Jiang Xiaobai personally arranged, the staff in the cafeteria, how dare you neglect.

In less than an hour, eight dishes, three cool and three hot were already on the table, and there were two bottles of Erguotou next to it.

Wang Meng and Wang Chao are already waiting.

"Let me introduce to everyone, this is Bai Hang, my little brother in Beijing, life-long friendship." Jiang Xiaobai said.

This is not a false statement. When he confronted Brother Wolf, Bai Hang almost gave his life there.

"This is Wang Meng, Wang Chao, and my good brother."

The three shook hands.

"Bai Hang is this brother?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he looked at Xiao Zhang.

"This is my little brother who ran out with me." Bai Hang said.

ran out with three words, Jiang Xiaobai and the others were taken aback, Wang Meng and Wang Chao were a little confused, but the three eyes did not change.

Jiang Xiaobai actually had a guess when he saw the appearance of Bai Hang in the office.

Wang Meng and Wang Chao are because Jiang Xiaobai said that this is a brother who has had a life relationship with him.

"Brother Xiaobai." Xiao Zhang also called out.

"Okay, Bai Hang's brother is my brother, you are welcome, come here to be your own home, and sit down quickly." Jiang Xiaobai greeted enthusiastically.

A few people sat down and started to eat, of course Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang were the main ones.

The two of them have been hungry and full on the way in the past two days. They were already starved, and the eight dishes on the table are delicious.

Twenty minutes later, when the two of them were 80% full, Jiang Xiaobai poured wine on everyone.

"Come on, welcome Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang to Jianhua Village." Jiang Xiaobai offered a glass of wine, and then Bai Hang talked about his experience during this time.

"Really, Brother Xiaobai, I especially regret not listening to you..."

Listening to Bai Hang's words, Wang Chao and Wang Meng were shocked. The severe attack in Beijing has reached this level.

Is it so strict? How many people have to be arrested, it feels terrible to think about it.

"Okay, come to Jianhua Village to avoid the limelight. During this period of time, you two will live here in Jianhua Village with peace of mind. When will it pass, let's talk about other things."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai." Bai Hang said.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai." Xiao Zhang on the side also followed.

"You're polite with me, it's not like you slap me in the face. Come on, let's go one more time, and have a good night's sleep after dinner."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Just when Baihang found a place to stay.

A county town in Shimen City, Li Sanjia was broken into.

At that time, Li San's home radio was playing the song "Sweet Honey". He was reported by neighbors, messed up, and danced naked.

In fact, it's just a kind of duet dance that is very popular at this time. As a result, Li San was arrested on the spot, and several girls who danced with Li San were also arrested.

Coincidentally, around the same time, a single lady surnamed Zhou in Chang'an was also arrested for reporting the dance at home.

And the people who went to her house to dance were also arrested one by one. They had **** with her, and none of them ran away.

involved a total of more than 300 people, and later became a major case that shocked the whole country.

The death penalty was the final result of a woman surnamed Zhou, but she finally left this passage: "The freedom of the surname is a way of life I chose. My behavior may be ahead of schedule now, but 20 years later, maybe you will I wouldn't look at it like this."

Indeed, in the era of continual fire in Jiang Xiaobai's later life, this is really nothing.

Even singles can't even count as ethical issues, but they can't do it now.

After eating, Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang slept in the dormitory arranged by Jiang Xiaobai.

The two of them slept very steadily this time, and they only woke up when they were on three poles the next day.

"Brother Xiaobai, who are you? Are you the director of this educated youth cannery? I remember that you are not the owner of the clothing store in Beijing?" Bai Hang asked while sitting in Jiang Xiaobai's office.

"No, I am not the director of this factory. Now the director is Wang Meng, but I founded this factory, so they are used to calling me the director."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and there was nothing to hide.

"You founded it?" Bai Hang asked in shock. The news was even more explosive than Jiang Xiaobai was the director of the factory.

Educated Youth Cannery is not too big, but if you want to establish a factory, Bai Hang can't imagine it.

He thinks this is much better than slashing people with a knife,

"Baihang, what do you want to do in the future? You have seen the current situation in the country, and you must not be able to continue to do it anymore. Otherwise, learning to drive will be considered a skill in the future?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

(End of this chapter)