Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 594

Chapter 594

Chapter 594

When they walked into Jianhua Village, Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang were stunned. The rows of new brick houses and the tiles on the exterior walls were shining with golden light in the afterglow of the setting sun, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"Fuck, where is this? Who told me this is a village, what are you kidding me?"

Bai Hang stared at the scene outside the truck with a stunned look.

Xiao Zhang is the same. At this time, the truck stopped abruptly.

Looking at Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang in the village of Jianhua Village blankly, they squatted in the truck compartment.

"Hey, we are at the place, get off." The driver patted the car and looked at the two and said.

"This is Jianhua Village?" Bai Hang asked in a strange way.

"Well, otherwise, you two will find someone's house, I will show you the way, otherwise you will get lost again in the village spreading in all directions, then you will be at home and change into clean clothes and eat a full meal..."

The truck driver looked at Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang and said lightly.

I don't know why Bai Hang and Xiao Zhang always feel that the truck driver speaks with arrogance and ruthlessness, and they look at themselves like a hillbilly.

Why is this so? The two of us are from Beijing, do you know where? That is the capital of the whole country.

Who is from the country? But looking at the rows of brick houses that looked like villas, and then looking at the clothes on my body, I didn't want to talk about it, and they were all tears.

"We are looking for Jiang Xiaobai." Bai Hang said.

"Who are you?" Bai Hang did not expect that after Jiang Xiaobai said the three words, the originally arrogant driver immediately changed his expression.

looked at them warily and asked.

"We are... Brother Xiaobai's friends." Bai Hang thought for a while and said.

"What are you doing?" the driver continued to ask.

"It's okay, just find Brother Xiaobai." Bai Hang didn't want to say, and couldn't say, how to say, he escaped.

"Let's do it, I'll take you there." The driver thought for a while and said, watching the two of them like this, but he didn't want to be a good person under cover.

In case of an accident with Director Xiaobai, these two people were brought back by themselves, but they could not be held responsible, so I was by the side to take them down in time. It can be regarded as a meritorious service.

If these two people who look like beggars are really friends of the director of Xiaobai, the one who pulls them back by himself can also show his face in front of the director of Xiaobai.

"That's too polite." Bai Hang said.

"It's okay, let's go." The driver locked the pull door, and then walked towards the educated youth cannery with Bai Hang.

The parking place is a parking lot leveled out in Jianhua Village, where cars pulled by companies outside and Jiefang trucks from the educated youth cannery are parked here.

"What is this house in our village?" Bai Hang asked while pointing to the rows of new houses not far away.

He was too curious, and stomped the concrete road under his feet vigorously, as if he wanted to test if it was true.

But I stamped my feet, and my feet were numb, nothing else happened.

The cement road in this village and the cement road to the village are wide on one side, and even wider in some places.

Such a village, to be honest, they have not seen it. It seems that people say that it is like this abroad.

"Ancestral." The driver didn't know who these two were, and he didn't want to talk to them for fear of leaking the situation in Jianhua Village.

"Haha." An ancestor, your sister, if such a new house is handed down from the ancestors, I would eat it all.

Bai Hang slandered in his heart, but didn't say more. He also understood that he probably didn't want to talk to himself.

speechless all the way, went to the door of the educated youth cannery.

There is still some distance from the educated youth cannery. The driver looked back at the two and said, "You two will wait for me here."

After speaking, the driver walked toward the door of the educated youth cannery.

"The two people I pulled from the township said they came to Jianhua Village. After they came, they said they wanted to find Director Xiaobai. I didn't look like a good person, but I was afraid that in case they were really friends with Director Xiaobai. Isn't it will happen for a while."

"This seems to be a cannery. It is not easy to have a cannery in the village. It seems that the benefits are not bad. Brother Bai, is the little white brother you are looking for working here?"

Xiao Zhang looked at Bai Hang and asked.

"Well, it's very possible to work here." Bai Hang nodded and saw the driver waving at them.

Then the two walked over and smoothly entered an educated youth cannery.

It's just that there are two more security officers behind him.

"What's your name?" the person from the Security Section asked.

"...My name is Bai Hang." Bai Hang thought for a while and said, thinking that now he is far away from the capital, but Xiao Bai asked himself to come here, and he certainly couldn't cheat himself.

"Bai Hang, how about you?"

"My name is Zhang Youfu," Xiao Zhang said.

The security officer nodded, saying nothing.

In the educated youth cannery, the workers are busy, that is, when they enter the office building, the workers all use the trotting speed office.

He looked in a hurry and panicked, and none of the expressions on his face looked at leisure, which was completely different from the kind of factory they had seen.

"Bang bang bang." The driver brought the two of them to an office door and knocked on the door.

As soon as Bai Hang looked up, he noticed that the director's office was written.

I was wondering, Jiang Xiaobai's voice came in from the room.

"Come in."

Bai Hang was overjoyed and was about to walk into the house, but he was stopped by the guards of the educated youth cannery.

It turned out that the two did not know when they were separated by the driver and the two security guards.

"Director Xiaobai, these two people said they were your friends and came to you."

The driver spoke, but he stopped in front of Bai Hang.

"Look for me," Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, and the two black ones looked like Africans, like people from Europe.

"I don't recognize..." As soon as Jiang Xiaobai spoke, the driver and the two people in the security department tightened their bodies.

"Brother Xiaobai, I am Bai Hang." Bai Hang quickly said, just surprised by what others call Jiang Xiaobai.

"Bai Hang? Wait a minute." Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, stood up from behind the table, and took a closer look. It was not Bai Hang's fault.

"Okay, it's okay, you guys go out first, thank you." Jiang Xiaobai waved and said.

The driver and the security personnel were taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at Bai Hang again.

Unexpectedly, these two people actually knew the factory manager Xiaobai. Fortunately, these two people who looked like beggars were not dealt with directly or thrown to the Public Security Bureau.

Otherwise, that would be a real joke.

But how could Director Xiaobai have such two beggar friends.

(End of this chapter)