Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2556

Chapter 2556

Chapter 2556 Do whatever you want

Soon the villagers were organized, and everyone was very enthusiastic. They went up to help with luggage and furniture.

Jiao Shanjun is a villager who was relocated this time. When he was about to reach out and put a table on his shoulders, he suddenly reached out and lifted it up with both hands.

"Thank you, at this age, it's really hard to carry alone. Either I can't carry it, or it's inconvenient..." Jiao Shanjun said, suddenly looked up and saw the helper, and he couldn't continue his words. Now, his hands trembled, and he almost threw the table to the ground.

"Director Xiaobai, you, how are you..." Jiao Shanjun saw that Jiang Xiaobai was helping, and he was speechless.

Gu Jun, He Lianghua and the like are big figures in his opinion, Wang Ze is needless to say, and Jiang Xiaobai, that is a figure that can only be seen on TV and newspapers.

Although he said that he saw Jiang Xiaobai when he was talking just now, but with so many people present at such a distance, it is completely different from this face-to-face and helping himself to carry the table.

"Hey, why can't I help you? When you come to Jianhua Village, then everyone is a family. Work hard, where can you find the house you're assigned?" Jiang Xiaobai said while carrying the table.

"What I can find, the one who came here to see the house before is... In fact, I can handle this table by myself, I really don't need help." Jiao Shanjun said hesitantly.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go, we have to go upstairs." Jiang Xiaobai moved the table without any explanation, and Jiao Shanjun quickly followed.

The two of them carried the table while walking. Jiang Xiaobai asked about the situation at Jiao Shanjun's house. Jiao Shanjun slowly relaxed as he spoke.

"Director Xiaobai, I really didn't expect you to help us move things." Jiao Shanjun said with some emotion.

"This is normal. Jianhua Village has this tradition. I think when we first came here, the village brought people to help us move things.

Later, when I started making canned food for educated youth, the delivery truck could not come that day and stopped halfway. It would still rain in the middle of the night, and the villagers helped us move it back. This is a spiritual inheritance from generation to generation.

When you come to Jianhua Village, you are a family. When others come to Jianhua Village in the future, they will help those who can help and pass on this spirit. "

Jiang Xiaobai said that he was really touched. Looking at this scene, he remembered that stormy night. They brought back more than 15,000 cans, and fifteen educated youths stumbled to the village in the rainy night. It was raining at night, so they moved back and forth one by one.

In the dark night, I don't know how many people fell and got up again, got up and fell again, stumbled forward, and finally Huang Fugui came with people.

Jiang Xiaobai remembers what Huang Fugui said so far.

"Xiaobai, you come to Jianhua Village to jump in the queue, that is my Jianhua Village people. Although our Jianhua Village is poor, if anyone has something to do, the villagers don't have the habit of watching."

Jiang Xiaobai has memorized this sentence for a long time, for a long time, and has always remembered this sentence in his heart.

So now that these new villagers have moved here, Jiang Xiaobai will not let the villagers of Jianhua Village stand and watch.

Jiang Xiaobai started to help with moving things, not to mention others, one by one, they all started to help. After Jiang Xiaobai finished the first trip, it looked almost the same, so he didn't go out to help move things. .

Instead, he sat at Jiao Shanjun's house for a while and chatted with Jiao Shanjun. During this period, reporters also came to interview. Seeing that Jiao Shanjun was a little nervous, Jiang Xiaobai got up and left.

Wang Chao slapped the dust on his body, and Wang Meng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Haha, how is it? You haven't been exercising for a long time. Where did you go? I think we were carrying the cans back when we walked back. It was so difficult that night. If you are too close, you will die." Jiang Xiaobai joked with a smile.

In fact, he is almost like this now. He can't compare with the original. He is too busy with work, and sometimes he will unconsciously ignore physical exercise.

After Wang Ze took the people out of the house, he saw Jiang Xiaobai with a cracked bosom, sitting on a row of chairs in the community activity area, smoking a cigarette and bragging with Wang Meng, Wang Chao, Zhang Weiyi and others.

Really doesn't have any scruples about the image, it's the kind of freewheeling, one hand rests on the back of the row of chairs and the other holds a cigarette.

The other Wang Chao, Wang Meng and others are similar, and none of them are particular about it. Jiang Xiaobai is like this, and they are still particular about their farts.

A few people got a little dirty on their bodies, that was when they were moving things.

Wang Ze looked very envious. Even if the reporter was not far away, Jiang Xiaobai was still so casual, and he didn't care if the reporter would photograph it or not, he just lived so casually.

But you can't do it yourself. You need to pay attention to your image and your words. If you dare to do this, the reporter will be able to take a photo right away, and then you will be held accountable by your superiors.

But as for Jiang Xiaobai, first of all, no reporter dared to take pictures. If the reporter took these pictures, the leaders of the newspaper office would not do it after taking them back. What would Jiang Xiaobai do to provoke others?

Of course, the main reason is that Jiang Xiaobai is in business, and these things have no impact on others.

Wang Ze sighed, then walked towards Jiang Xiaobai and others.

Seeing Wang Ze coming over, Jiang Xiaobai became more formal. After all, he had to show some respect for others.

"Jiang Dong, this ceremony is almost done, and I think it's almost moved." Wang Ze said.

Jiang Xiaobai turned to look at He Lianghua: "What's the arrangement for today?"

"After a while, there will be the last one left, that is, a few village representatives and reporters who have relocated here will visit the educated youth courtyard and learn about the history of our Jianhua Village." He Lianghua said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and turned to look at Wang Ze: "Why don't you go and have a meal together after you're done."

Of course, Wang Ze didn't disagree. There were media reporters following the whole process. Why didn't you agree to show your face? There are clips of Jiang Xiaobai, not to mention the provincial newspapers and the like, which will be broadcast normally and will not be edited. After all, Jiang Xiaobai Where is his status, and even some other TV stations will broadcast this news and so on. If you can mention yourself by the way, it will be very beneficial to yourself.

(end of this chapter)