Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 2094

Chapter 2094

Chapter 2094 Jiang Xiaobai's Strength

Entrepreneurs at this time all rose from rashness, and everyone is very confident about themselves.

Among so many entrepreneurs in China, everyone has his own characteristics and ability. Everyone does not say that the boss refuses to obey the second, but they are all unwilling to subdue others. So Jiang Xiaobai is called what business outside. Godfather, many people don't take it seriously, don't they think Jiang Xiaobai is doing a bigger business?

How about doing a bigger business? They are very confident in their hearts and feel that they will reach the height of Jiang Xiaobai sooner or later, and there is nothing that can be called the godfather of business.

At the time, Li Jingwei had this idea in his heart, but today Li Jingwei is completely convinced.

Jiang Xiaobai's abilities need not be mentioned, but the key is his tolerance. When he said he wanted to help himself, then he would help himself. The two billion funds would be lent to himself, and he had to come forward to help him prove the source of funds.

This kind of tolerance, really, he now understands why Jiang Xiaobai can be called the godfather of business in the country. If you just talk about doing business, they may be able to reach the level of Huaqing Holding Group in many years, but the key is Jiang Xiaobai's tolerance.

Li Jingwei feels that it goes without saying that after a few years, just waiting for the day when he is old and dead, he may not have the grace of Jiang Xiaobai.

Business godfather, this is a well-deserved reputation. I am convinced, and how many people in the country are convinced. It is conceivable that Jiang Xiaobai's position has been, and the business godfather, this time I have completely realized it.

Li Jingwei was thinking wildly here, the car has already reached the place.

Jiang Xiaobai, Li Jingwei and Song Xin got off the car, and then walked into the conference room.

At this time, there was already a mess in the conference room. Li Jingwei left and saw that there was no one to restrain Liberty's senior management. It was a trivial effort, and the county leaders were not used to it. The two sides were fighting each other. .

This involves specific interests. The two sides will not give in to each other. At this time, no matter what the leader or the top of the company is, the words are very rough.

Soon the two parties started to quarrel as they talked. At this time, they were almost overwhelmed, and both parties were very angry.

Seeing that it was about an hour away, Li Jingwei hadn't returned yet, and some leaders were ready to leave, but at this time Li Jingwei opened the door of the conference room.

Suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's energy was also concentrated. Li Jingwei is here, and this matter will have a result.

However, to everyone's surprise, Li Jingwei did not come in after pushing the door open. Instead, he respectfully invited a young man to come in. The young man was also followed by a young woman, and the beautiful woman was outrageous.

Now the leaders in the conference room are a little unhappy. This is about seeing Libao and Sanshui County. Why should you invite an outsider to do? And this person looks like a young man, and he also brought a beautiful man with him. Woman.

Jiang Xiaobai is well-known in China, but not everyone knows it, not to mention being able to know Jiang Xiaobai. First of all, Jiang Xiaobai is not a long and distinctive person, and the media at this time is not as developed as later generations.

So the county leaders in the meeting room didn't know Jiang Xiaobai. So I misunderstood it and didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

However, although many people were unwilling at this time, they didn't say anything. They just looked at Li Jingwei and asked, Mr. Li, how are you thinking about it?

Li Jingwei did not answer. First, he moved two chairs and let Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin sit down. Then he sat down slowly in his seat, coughed slightly, and slowly said, "I've thought it over. The county proposed it. We saw that Liberty accepted this plan. The two billion funds were paid in one lump sum. And it was proved that the source of the two billion funds was not purchased by us with Liberty funds."

Li Jingwei's voice fell, and the entire conference room exploded. The county leaders suddenly looked at Li Jingwei one by one in amazement.

How is this possible? Two billion, paid in a lump sum, can also prove the source of the funds.

"Mr. Li, it's not that I doubt your strength, but that the 2 billion fund is not a small amount after all. Can I ask, where does the 2 billion fund come from?" the county leader asked.

Li Jingwei did not hide it, nodded and said: "Yes, I borrowed it from Jiang Dong of the Magic Capital Huaqing Holding Group. I also want to thank Jiang Dong."

After Li Jingwei finished speaking, he got up and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai. Everyone from Li Jingwei who was around Li Jingwei also got up and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai.

Lend them two billion, not to mention bowing. If you change someone else, you just kneel down. People don't necessarily lend you so much money.

Of course, I just want to lend, but I don't have the funds and strength.

At this time, the leaders of the county were already dazed, and they looked at Jiang Xiaobai one by one in amazement.

They all heard Li Jingwei's words. They didn't know Jiang Xiaobai, but they had heard of Jiang Xiaobai's name and Huaqing Holding Group.

also knows the strength of Huaqing Holding Group. After all, it is needless to say that I have been to the magic city. I have seen the two towering buildings, which are worn by people around me, and can feel the influence of Huaqing Holding Group.

This young man turned out to be Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai from Huaqing Holding Group, he is too young.

It is the first time many people have met Jiang Xiaobai. At this time, the first thought was that the famous Jiang Xiaobai was so young.

"Leader, are you relieved now?" Li Jingwei turned his head and looked at the county leader.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's get ready to sign the contract in three days." The county leader said directly. They had already stated the good things before, and the plan was put forward by them. At this time, it is impossible to go back.

And it really took two billion at once, and they have nothing to regret, after all, this is two billion.

"Well, that's it for today. Let's go back and prepare." Li Jingwei showed a smile on his face, and finally succeeded. The Jianlibao that he worked so hard to create is finally going to be his own.

Jiang Xiaobai also stood up and prepared to leave. He didn't speak from beginning to end, but as soon as people sat here, all the problems were solved.

This is the energy represented by the three words Jiang Xiaobai. When Li Jingwei uttered the three words Jiang Xiaobai, no one at Sanshui doubted whether Jiang Xiaobai had the strength for the two billion funds.

(End of this chapter)