Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Published at 7th of October 2022 11:23:49 AM

Chapter 169

"Okay." Shi Sheng nodded helplessly, facing the powerful Jiang Xiaobai, he didn't have much room to turn around.

Because the educated youth cannery is Jiang Xiaobai alone who has the final say, although there are several other deputy directors.

But after this period of time, Shi Sheng also probably understood that the deputy directors of the educated youth cannery are basically looking forward to Jiang Xiaobai.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai made the decision in the educated youth cannery, no one opposed it.

But he is different. Not to mention that there are so many housekeepers on top of his head. Even in the clothing factory, he also has so many deputies and all kinds of miscellaneous voices.

Since there is nothing to say about it, Jiang Xiaobai stopped mentioning the joint establishment of the factory, and greeted everyone for dinner.

After Shi Sheng returned to the garment factory that afternoon, he held a factory-wide staff meeting overnight.

Although it is a factory-wide staff meeting, it is also a group of leaders.

All the workers without others are prisoners. They only have the right to work in the factory, not the right to speak.

At the meeting that evening, Shi Sheng unified the thoughts of all employees in the factory.

Everything else can be discussed, but the factory's shares and the garment factory have to occupy the sixth floor of the joint factory, and the factory director must be their own person.

On January 3, Jiang Xiaobai came to the garment factory with someone.

Shi Sheng had already led someone to greet Jiang Xiaobai at the door.

The other deputy directors of the garment factory opened their mouths in surprise when they saw Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Shi Sheng told them before that the director of the educated youth cannery was very young, but they just thought that they were in their 30s and 40s were young compared to others.

But I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so young, and he would only die about 20 years old.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai to get off the truck with someone, or if it wasn't for other people to crowd Jiang Xiaobai in the middle.

Several deputy directors of the garment factory almost thought Jiang Xiaobai was fake.

Compared to them, they are really too young, and a bit too young.

"Director Shi." Jiang Xiaobai held Shi Sheng's hand.

"Director Jiang." After the two sides introduced each other, a group of people came to the meeting room and sat down.

The Educated Youth Cannery is also fully deployed this time, and several deputy directors have arrived.

"Director Jiang, we have discussed your proposal. The first prison garment factory should occupy the sixth floor, and the position of director must be held by our person..."

Shi Sheng sat on the main seat and said with a smile.

But Jiang Xiaobai interrupted before finishing the words.

"Director Shi, we came with sincerity, so don't make these jokes." Jiang Xiaobai no longer had the kind of affection of an old man in the office, and his serious expression made everyone a little uncomfortable.

"Just kidding..." Shi Sheng couldn't react.

The faces of the people in the other No.1 Prison Garment Factory also showed anger. This was decided by their co-workers, and Jiang Xiaobai is now talking about it as a joke.

They also feel that they have no face.

"Everyone." Jiang Xiaobai stood up, holding the table in both hands, leaning over and looking at everyone.

"I don't know how you met to study, even if the issue of shares is open to discussion, is there still a choice for the director of the factory?"

"I'm asking you, if you can guarantee to make money by yourself, what are you doing in jointly setting up a factory with us? My Jiang Xiaobai, as the factory director, can guarantee the factory's annual net profit of 300,000 yuan. Can you do it?

Whoever works, whoever stands up, I will let him be the director of the factory. If you say you are joking, it's all about giving you face. To put it bluntly, you play this set of pediatrics. You just want to seize the power. Did I use the money to play with you? "

Jiang Xiaobai was a bit aggressive, his sharp eyes swept across the people in the clothing factory.

No one in the garment factory dared to look at him.

They wanted to resist, but no one dared to guarantee 300,000 yuan a year in profit like Jiang Xiaobai.

Needless to say, 300,000 a year, it is a profit of 100,000 a year, they can't guarantee it.

"Then, what if you become the director of the factory if your annual profit is less than 300,000 yuan?" Someone spoke weakly.

The historians who watched were speechless for a while. What a peculiar group of old things, when they challenged themselves, one by one was very tough.

Now talking to other people, he looks so solitary, and he doesn't get angry when he sees it.

"Not enough, not enough profit, I'll make it up for you." Jiang Xiaobai said, and put the black bag in his hand "Bang" on the table.

With a beep, he unzipped the zipper of the black bag, grabbed the bottom of the bag, turned it over, and raised his hand.

Bundles of great unity were scattered on the table unprepared.

Heavy breathing sounded in the conference room.

The leaders of the garment factory looked at the bundles of great unity on the table and couldn't open their eyes.

It's not that they haven't seen money, but that they haven't seen money like this.

Just as Shi Sheng and Section Chief Liu were stunned by money in Jiang Xiaobai's office, they were also suppressed.

One by one, no one could say a word.

"This is 60,000 yuan. Since I want to jointly set up a factory, I am not stingy. I need money to build factories and so on. Our educated youth cannery pays 60,000 yuan, which accounts for half of the shares. I will be the director of the factory. I agree. We cooperate, we disagree, we turn around and leave without saying anything."

Jiang Xiaobai said in a loud voice, in fact, at the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai had prepared a joint factory with 60,000 yuan.

The reason why it was 30,000 yuan at the beginning was also to give a bargaining room.

But I didn't expect that these people would just stare at the position of the factory director, and didn't even mention the amount of money.

But if the people in the clothing factory didn't mention it, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to take 30,000 yuan for half of the shares.

These are not two private enterprises doing business, as long as you like me, you can do it whatever you want.

This is doing business with state-owned enterprises in the prison system. They provide space, manpower, even production lines, water and electricity, and so on.

He only paid 30,000 yuan, and Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that someone would poke it out when he was liquidated.

If you were to convict yourself of embezzlement of state-owned assets, you would not be able to afford it.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai did not want to engage in joint ventures with these state-owned enterprises.

But in this era, it is impossible for private enterprises to survive without relying on state-owned enterprises.

One of the simplest examples, fabrics are needed to make clothes.

But at this time, cloth tickets are needed to buy cloth. It would be nice to say if my family makes two clothes for my family.

But if you want to open a garment factory, you need more cloth.

If you don't associate with state-owned enterprises, where are you going to get fabrics?

Although Jiang Xiaobai was involuntarily throwing the 60,000 yuan, the leader of the garment factory did not know.

It is 30,000 yuan, which is directly thrown out 60,000 yuan, directly doubled.

(End of this chapter)