Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Land Division

"Comrades, please be quiet, comrades, everyone..."

Huang Zhongfu shouted three times in a row, and the yard of the brigade headquarters became quiet.

The villagers looked excited and looked at Huang Zhongfu excitedly.

Everyone knows what the meeting is about today. From today on, everyone will have land, and they will have their own land.

Although everyone only has the right to use the land, that's it, and the villagers are excited enough.

"Now, starting with the family as a unit, come up for lottery, whoever I call will come up." Huang Zhongfu took out his roster after speaking, and began to roll the names one by one.

The villagers quickly formed a long line.

"Zhang Baofeng...Li Gensheng..." Families sent representatives to take the lottery.

Jiang Xiaobai is in charge of supervision, of course he is only a part-time supervisor.

His main job is to take pictures of everyone.

From the beginning to the present, the camera in his hand has not rested, constantly shooting the scene of the division of the ground.

"Which pieces of land did you grab? The 23rd and 35th land I grabbed are not bad, but the others are much worse."

"The No. 2 land I grabbed was okay. The others are mountainous, but it doesn't matter. I will increase the fertilizer for the land. The harvest next year is not much worse than that of the good land."

"Yes, this land, we still have to take care of it. If we take care of it, the mountains can also be harvested..."

After catching the lottery, they talked about the land in their hands. They knew exactly which land was the number.

Most people are very happy no matter what the land is good or bad. Everyone is in the countryside with the loess and the sky behind.

They have been dealing with the land all their lives, and they have their own experience on how to farm the land.

are all confident that even the poorest land will be able to increase production and harvest in their hands.

But those who have not yet caught the lottery, all have nervous expressions on their faces.

Looking at the sun at noon, but the Jianhua Village Brigade did not mean to rest, whether it was the village officials such as Huang Zhongfu who divided the land, or the villagers who were caught in the lottery.

Even Jiang Xiaobai, who was taking pictures, did not feel hungry when looking at the expressions of everyone.

A total of 7,501 acres of land, on average, less than 10 acres of land per person.

If there are five or six people in a family, it is fifty or sixty acres of land?

In fact, the land in Jianhua Village is not too small, but the land is not good. In 7,500 acres of land, mountainous land accounts for about 90%.

In addition to eating big pot of rice, the big guys are not good at farming, so it caused the jingle of the poor in Jianhua Village.

After the land is over-completed, the policy of increasing people without increasing land and reducing people without reducing land will be implemented. The land on average for each person, or on average, the land for each family will definitely gradually decrease.

It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The village has prepared meals for the big guys. They eat and chat with everyone. If you want to change the land, seize the opportunity. After 6 o'clock in the afternoon, unified registration, the land in the village will remain unchanged.

Huang Zhongfu's voice came from the horn, accompanied by bursts of the smell of food, the villagers felt hungry at this time, and their stomachs groaned.

"Okay..." The villagers exclaimed loudly, and walked around the big iron pot.

At the same time, he kept wondering who he should exchange for land, which piece of land he should exchange for, and which piece of land he wanted.

Because the distribution is based on heads, the land of a family is not together, they are all small pieces of land.

So they are all going to replace the small plots of land in their hands with a few large plots. In this case, it will be much easier to plant the ground.

It's just that when it comes to land exchange, both parties must agree and be satisfied.

No one is a fool. You want to use the inferior land in your own hands to exchange the good land in the hands of others. Unless you exchange an acre of mountain land for 7 points of good land, you can't change it at all.

"Come on, take me a bowl, by the way, fat man, you can't change the land number 7 of your house, I will change the land number 26 of my house with you."

Zhang Baofeng stretched the bowl to the edge of the iron pan, turning his head to look at Fatty Shi and said.

"Land No. 26, that's a good place, how do you change it?" Fatty Shi narrowed his eyes, obviously tempted.

"Seven points of land will be exchanged for one mu of land for you. Land 26 is a total of 2 mu of land. I will change your land of 3 mu for No. 7 land." Zhang Baofeng said.

"Okay," Fatty Shi nodded again and again, and he would never suffer a loss for 2 acres of good land for 3 acres of mountainous land.

"Okay, then it's settled." Zhang Baofeng also said with a smile, No. 7 is next to the river, there is a big place nearby, and there are many wild vegetables.

Wait when you raise your own pigs, it will be very convenient whether it is to feed the pigs with wild vegetables or to open up wasteland.

Both of them left contentedly, and went to find another person to eat while changing places.

Thousands of land adjustments were agreed to end at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. As a result, after 7 o'clock in the afternoon, people are still making adjustments.

Huang Zhongfu had to announce that he would give everyone a little more time and wait until tomorrow afternoon before making a final decision.

In fact, Huang Zhongfu's own land has not been changed.

Jianhua Village was very lively that night, and the villagers kept coming to talk about changing places.

I waited until more than twelve o'clock in the evening, the sound of opening and closing doors still sounded from time to time, and the dogs in the village barked all night.

The next afternoon, all the villagers came to the Jianhua Village Brigade Headquarters with dark circles under their eyes, but the excitement and excitement on their faces could not be concealed.

Jiang Xiaobai handed the camera to Song Weiguo.

"Wash out all the photos inside." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Is it all washed out?" Song Weiguo asked. Jiang Xiaobai hadn't taken too many photos in the past two days, or the papers were almost used up later.

It is estimated that the camera will not be able to rest in these two days, and Jiang Xiaobai is always willing to take photos.

Many villagers wanted to take photos, but Jiang Xiaobai took the photo without saying a word.

Is there no money to hand in the paper? And what is good about these people and scenes?

Jiang Xiaobai is good, it is the blessing of the whole village.

"Yes, it's all washed out." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, these photos look nothing right now.

But after a few more years, these are all extremely precious old photos.

It's all commemorative. When you turn it out, you will find that it is your own memory, and it is also the memory of Jianhua Village.

It is estimated that by that time, these adobe houses in front of me will be gone, replaced by brick houses.

(End of this chapter)