Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576 Lesson Learned

If Huaqing Holding Company is a small company, you can do whatever you want.

But the key people are not. Public opinion media and the like can block everyone and prevent them from chaos.

It will be interesting then, and Dragon City will become famous all at once.

Haha, the power of private enterprises is now becoming stronger and stronger. If they really do this, they will be self-defeating.

Zhang Zhifeng was silent, and did not speak from beginning to end. It was this group of people last time, messing around.

Huaqing Holding Company is a big company, shouldn't some necessary respect be?

Why do you have to force people away to be reconciled?

Okay, people are leaving now, and you are not willing anymore. If you can't go without co-authoring, or if you can stay, do you have to toss to death?

Liu Chuanqi happened to be doing something in Dragon City, and he also came to attend the meeting.

Looking at the people in the conference room, I felt very refreshed. It made you look down on our private enterprises. Now you have been given a loud slap in the face, right?

Even if he and Jiang Xiaobai have an antagonism, he still wants to give Jiang Xiaobai a thumbs up.

Jiang Xiaobai is really gangster, and there is no place for him to stay here.

If you have an opinion on me, if you are against me, then I will leave and don't wait.

Awesome, but they also have real capital.

When will he be able to achieve this level, if anyone makes him unhappy, then he will also get up and go...

But think about it, it's impossible for oneself to go, can go by oneself, can the coal mine follow along?

"Zhifeng, aren't you familiar with Jiang Xiaobai? Could you please come forward to persuade you?" someone asked.

Zhang Zhifeng took a bite in his heart. I am familiar with Jiang Xiaobai, your sister, now considering that I am familiar with Jiang Xiaobai.

Before that, I wanted to say something for Jiang Xiaobai, why don't you think about me being familiar with Jiang Xiaobai.

But he is going to hang around in this after all. Jiang Xiaobai can go, but he can't go, so he can only nod and say: "I can talk about it, but I don't think the effect is too great."

"Okay, you go try it, if it doesn't work, you can only let them go, alas." The person in the middle theme said helplessly.

"No, just let him go, isn't it too cheap for him?" someone said unconvinced.

"Okay, we have already made mistakes before, do we have to make even bigger mistakes? Now we are paying for our previous mistakes.

How? Do you want to continue to make mistakes? Then who will pay the bill next time?

Comrades, our thinking and concepts have to change. Now the whole country is making every effort to develop the economy, and we have to change.

Don't just go online at every turn. It's useless. Can it invigorate the economy?

Everyone, take a walk and take a look. The outside world has changed a lot, and we can't just guard our three-acre land..."

The person in the central theme said, stood up, patted the table and shouted.

Everyone in the conference room was silent, and they didn't dare to say anything else at this time.

"Huaqing Holding Company really wants to leave, so let people go, and withdraw from the inspection team today. I will conduct an organizational review on this matter.

Huaqing Holding Company's thing is to teach us lessons. I hope everyone can remember the experience and education this time.

The lesson for everyone today is that we have lost Huaqing Holdings, but we have not yet lost the future. As long as we can change our thinking and concepts, we still have hope and opportunities in the future.

There will be the next Huaqing holding company, there will be countless Huaqing holding companies, but if we still have this old idea, old concept...

Then even if Huaqing Holding Company stays today, it will leave in the future. At some point in the future, many companies like Huaqing Holding Company will leave..."

Legend of Liu almost stood up and applauded. He said it was really good and changed his mind.

Huaqing Holding Company is gone, but our company is still there. Everyone can be better to our company in the future.

To train us into the next Huaqing Holding Company, our company will definitely not leave.

It's just that the faces of other people in the meeting room are very serious, Liu Chuanqi did not dare to be too happy, so as not to make others hate him.

But I was very happy in my heart.

(End of this chapter)