Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1571

Chapter 1571

Chapter 1571 Visit

The fleet stopped in front of Huaqing Building. For the customers of Huaqing Building, they are already familiar with the fleet of Huaqing Holdings.

is not unfamiliar at all, everyone just took a look, and then they should go shopping, shopping, and what to do.

Liu Shi and Director Nie got off the car and looked at the tall buildings in front of them, feeling a little bit emotional.

It's not that they were surprised when they saw such a tall building for the first time.

and was shocked that Jiang Xiaobai dared to build such a tall building in the 1980s.

A private enterprise, built the tallest building in the province, and successfully launched the first satellite in the history of private enterprise some time ago.

Now that a joint venture is going to build an automobile factory, the pace of Huaqing Holdings Company may never stop.

This Jiang Xiaobai's heart is also very big, but in normal times, he looks kind and does not show the mountains and dew.

Only standing in front of this high-rise building built in the 1980s can you truly feel Jiang Xiaobai's ambition and courage to swallow all directions.

At this time, it is impossible to have no guts, and Jiang Xiaobai is a person with guts.

I don't have the guts to make a canned food for plane business.

"Liu Shi, Director Nie, please." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Dong Jiang, please." A group of people walked into the Huaqing Building, and while walking toward the elevator entrance, Liu Shi and Director Nie were observing the situation in the mall.

Jiang Xiaobai felt their gaze and introduced: Huaqing Building has been developed to this day and it is already regarded as the largest shopping mall in Longcheng.

However, this statement is not correct. It should be said that it is a commercial complex integrating shopping, leisure, entertainment, and office.

can be regarded as basically fulfilling my original vision for Huaqing Building, but it is still not big enough. If it could be built higher at the beginning, it can be developed better now.

However, the company's capital flow was relatively tight at the time, and I was afraid that if the capital broke, it would become a mess... Well, I was still too courageous at that time. "Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

Liu Shi shook his head: "Dong Jiang is too humble. Looking at the country, which private enterprise has the courage to build the tallest building in the province like Jiang Dong..."

Touted, the two walked into the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company.

Jiang Xiaobai did not engage in any welcome ceremony, just let everyone clean up and work normally.

In a huge office, one station and one station are connected together, and everyone is busy.

The frosted glass office next to is equally ordinary, and it looks very energetic.

Jiang Xiaobai took a brief introduction.

"In the old days, all the subsidiaries under the company had their headquarters here, but unfortunately the planning was very good. In the end, it was found that it was not available, and the subsidiaries still had their own offices.

Even if the home and the beverage factory in Longcheng didn't come over, now the headquarters is here.

Of course, with fewer people, the office environment is relatively better..." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Very good, it is worthy of being a company led by Dong Jiang. It is very energetic, proud and powerful..." Liu Shi praised.

He has seen a lot of private companies, but most of them are messy, and few are as organized as Huaqing Holdings.

Just now, Jiang Xiaobai introduced that each department has clear responsibilities and the layout of the office area is also very reasonable.

Can a team like this be not efficient?

"Jingle Bell."

"Ting bell..." In the big office, there are phone calls from time to time, thinking about the desk document fax machine and the like, constantly working.

There are even a few computers, which are very modern and regular.

makes Liu Shi a little envious, if their government can also have such an efficient office.

"Liu Shi, do you think there is still time, why don't you go to your home and the beverage factory?" Jiang Xiaobai suggested after visiting the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company.

There is nothing good to see here at the headquarters, and I visited it soon, mainly because of the atmosphere.

"Okay." Liu Shi nodded, actually seeing the big from the small, you can see a lot from the atmosphere of their headquarters.

Although Huaqing Holding Company is a private enterprise, its scale, degree of formality, and strength are no less inferior to most state-owned enterprises.

The entrance of the home and the beverage factory was probably prepared. After the convoy arrived, firecrackers were set off, and banners were hung at the entrance.

"Liu Shi, let me introduce to you, this is the director of our home and beverage factory, Sun Jianyun."

"Director Sun, this is Liu Shi, Director Nie..."

"Good director Sun, he is young and promising. I have become the director of such a large factory at a young age. I know that his family and beverages are now very popular all over the country.

Under such fierce competition in the domestic beverage market, it is still possible to move forward bravely, suppressing CocCola, it is very powerful..."

Liu Shi praised, Sun Jianyun coped with it hummingly. This is not his credit, it is Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin.

In the production workshop, operators wear masks, headgear, and protective clothing.

"Our family and the beverage factory have paid special attention to food hygiene issues from the beginning of their establishment. This is inherited from the cannery. Jiang Dong has always emphasized that food production must not be careless. This is to be imported. Small problems will become big problems..." Sun Jianyun introduced.

"Our beverage factory has four branches across the country, which supply the national market according to different regions..."

"Here is our warehouse. The warehouse has strict management regulations. Outsiders are generally prohibited from entering. There are strict management regulations for entering and exiting. One is to maintain the temperature and environment in the warehouse, and the other is also for food safety issues..."

"In the warehouse, our storage time is generally not more than one week, and the longest is not more than half a month...After expiration, it will be destroyed directly..."

"This is the logistics department..."

"Our family and the beverage factory support two carton factories and one packaging factory..."

After some introduction, it is almost noon.

Liu Shi held Jiang Xiaobai's hand and called modern enterprises directly.

Assembly line operation, clean production workshop, strict management of warehouse, warehouse entry and exit system...

It was not the first time he saw these things, but seeing them in a private enterprise still surprised him.

It is much stronger than many state-owned enterprises, and it can compete with some joint venture factories, and even in some places, it is much stronger than joint ventures.

"Liu Shi has won the award. I always think that the most important thing for a company is product, not marketing. A well-marketed company may be booming for a while, but it won't be long-term..." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)