Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 4243

Chapter 4243

The first era, the Kuji universe, is a very special universe, the universe is mixed in two normal universes.

Here, the time flow of the universe is completely different from other universes, and the speed is much faster than other universes.

In other words, maybe only one day has passed in the normal universe, but ten years may have passed in this universe.

Someone once tried to go in and explore, but all he saw were dead planets, dead stars, icy black holes, and endless bones of the dead!

This is the second special place in the Kuji universe. No one knows why there are so many bones here. These bones don't seem to belong to the human race, but they also belong to the human race, and the bones are too old to be restored.

Some people have speculated that this place might have once been a huge battlefield, and a monstrous battle broke out here.

Some people also speculate that this may be the land of the dead, and many creatures will choose to come here at the end of their lives.

And that person finally went back after delivering some news, but not too long later, he committed suicide!

It is said that before his death, he seemed to have encountered a great horror. His death was very miserable, his cheeks were distorted, and his fear was infinite. If only one person is like this, then there will be no problem, but it is not a person, but all creatures that enter this withered universe will eventually either return to the withered universe to die, or they will automatically die after they come out.


This is the third special place of the Kuji universe.

And the time flow inside is extremely fast, even affecting the junction of two normal universes.

The emperor at this moment frowned, because the scouts had just reported that the main force of the Eternal Family's army had been lured into it.

It was startling, he didn't even issue any orders.

However, the army of the Eternal Family has now disappeared close to the dead universe.

This was the main force, and it disappeared just like that, along with the opposing Human Emperor's army.

This is the latest battle situation and battle situation.

At this moment, the emperor was still thinking about how to set up a game, but they took the first step, and they fell into the game of the Human Emperor's Department first.

The avatar Long Yi is standing with Luo Chen in the forbidden area of the Ministry of Fire at the moment, where the eighteen battle flags are shining brightly, and the light soaring into the sky is constantly changing.

Like a huge labyrinth formation, it temporarily trapped the two unicorn knights.

The vast beam of light will also displace time and space.

"There's trouble outside!" Long Yi said with a frown.

"What's the matter?" Luo Chen asked, as long as the situation here is opened up, it will be easy to deal with later, maybe he can swallow the entire army of the Emperor's Ministry in one go!


Not only do you have to think about **** more enemies, but you also have to think about how to save your own people as much as possible.

Otherwise, if you kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, then this is not a win!

This is why Luo Chen's methods are more ruthless.

"The army of the Eternal Family outside has fallen into a trap." Long Yi said.

"Fall into a trap?" Luo Chen frowned, then looked at Long Yi.

"The Kuji universe is a well-known terrifying universe. There may be a powerful curse in it, which is very terrifying and extremely difficult!" Long Yi said.

"Did the main force of the Eternal Family fall in?" Luo Chen wondered.

"Yes, it is said that there is still an army of the imperial army inside, it seems that they were deliberately lured in." Long Yi said seriously.

"With this kind of universe, no one pays attention to it in advance?" Luo Chen asked in surprise.

"It's not that I didn't pay attention, it's that this universe should be here at all!" Long Yi said.

"The Kuji universe is terrifying, but it will never appear in the jurisdiction of the Human Emperor's Department!" Long Yi used sand to draw a map of the universe of the entire world.

Whether it is the Five Elements Department or the Ghost Department, these universes of Jiuyi are closely surrounding the universe of the endless abyss.

Because the universes are almost next to each other, they are very close.

And all these areas are actually within the jurisdiction of the Human Emperor's Department.

The Eternal Human Court has its own jurisdiction, so it is not very familiar with the jurisdiction of the Human Emperor's Department.

But a universe like Kuji is definitely a forbidden area, and no one will bring their own army into the Kuji universe when marching.

After all, time flows fast inside. According to this situation, a minute outside may pass, but a year, ten, or even a hundred years have passed inside.

The flow of time inside is not fixed, and there are no rules, so it is impossible to figure it out.

But this will definitely lead to the collapse of the battle situation, so it is impossible for the army of the Eternal Family to make such low-level mistakes.

"You mean someone moved the lonely universe?" Luo Chen asked.

His idea is very bold, it is not impossible to move the universe.

At least it is possible for top creatures like Tianren Daozhu.

Long Yi glanced at Luo Chen in admiration, it was indeed very Luo Wuji.

Ordinary people dare not think about such a question at all, but Luo Chen's first reaction was this.

"Move the lonely universe over and disguise it as an ordinary universe, and the army of the Eternal Family accidentally entered it by mistake while marching." Luo Chen pondered for a moment and made a guess.

The real situation was similar to what Luo Chen had guessed, the army of the Eternal Family had no defense at all!

In an instant, he fell into the dull universe just like that.

"Don't send anyone to rescue it yet!" Luo Chen said.

They will gather around to fight for help, and the opponent will also use this trick.

"I have already discussed with the emperor, we will not go for the time being!"

"But the troublesome thing now is that we are immediately passive!" Long Yi said with a frown.

The beginning of the Eternal Human Court was quite smooth, but the Human Emperor's Department used the confrontation as an excuse, a large army was taken to the border, and under the guise of secretly hiding the old warehouse, they directly came up with a trick to deceive the world!

"The army build-up and big moves ahead are just a feint, and the original purpose is to swallow the army of the eternal family!" Luo Chen said.

Long Yi nodded!

"I'll go out and have a look, you help me look here, take care of that bronze mask, that mask is very important!" Luo Chen said.

When he landed Chinese, he had already retreated, and after a few ups and downs, he had already reached the edge of the forbidden area.

But at this moment, a ball of fire suddenly rushed out and jumped onto Luo Chen's shoulder!

It was a humanoid flame creature. It was kicked away by Luo Chen and seriously injured by the unicorn knight. Now it looks only the size of a palm, like a small flame, but it was not destroyed!

"Are you okay?" Luo Chen asked.

"Do you think I'm alright?" Little Flame asked angrily.

It told everyone to stay away from him, but Luo Chen kicked him and flew away.

But it didn't care about it, and instead jumped onto Luo Chen's shoulder at this moment. "Are you going to the lonely universe?"