Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3863

Chapter 3863

These words made people feel awkward, especially when looking at Shuiwei, the elder of the water minister also lowered his head.

"Eat it, it's not poisoned!" Mu Tian and others said, and then they should do what they should do.

The five elders looked at the noodles in front of them. Although they were able to indica, they still picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

The hot noodles warmed the hearts of the elders a lot. At least when they came to the world, they would heal their wounds and take them to eat.

These are no longer seen in their tribe.

After eating the noodles, Luo Chen took a few people back to the Palace of Heavenly Kings. After sitting down, Luo Chen had someone bring some coffee this time instead of drinking tea.

"What are you looking for from me?" Luo Chen said indifferently, with a calm expression on his face.

"We!" The Fire Chief hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to say it.

"We want to ask you to help me kill someone!" the elder Tu finally said.

"Kill who?" Luo Chen naturally asked knowingly.

"A person from the first era, Dali, is now in the Southern Universe."

"Yes!" Luo Chen's answer surprised the five elders.

"You don't talk about conditions?" the five elders asked in surprise.

"I think the five people who came to me to kill people should have already figured out what they want to give me."

"Why should I ask more questions?" Luo Chen asked.

And Luo Chen had already figured it out, or guessed it.

That is, if the elders of the five ministers can come to him, there should be no way to do it, that is to say, the king of the fifth department will not intervene or control this matter.

Otherwise, why would the five elders come to him?

After all, although they are old acquaintances, they are all enemies from a standpoint.

"If there is nothing for me, I can kill it."

"Come to the Fifth Era, if there is a request, as long as it is reasonable, I will help." Luo Chen said.

"Why?" The five elders asked in confusion.

"I am the uncrowned king of the fifth era, is that enough reason?" Luo Chen asked.

"You have come to the Fifth Era, I can regard you as people from the Fifth Era." Luo Chen said again.

This pattern opened up in an instant.

The comparison with the five kings also came out at once.

The five elders were shocked by these words.

"It's not that I want to sow discord."

"It's because you are all able to come to me, which means that the kings of the first era don't want to help you."

"I've heard about the matter. The water man dragon and fire man dragon from the Ministry of Water are dead, and the earth man dragon and gold man dragon are missing. You asked me to kill Dali, probably because you think that Dali is the murderer."

"I even thought about it. For various reasons, your king decided not to kill Da Li and not to take revenge. The wounds on the three of you should have been punished." Luo Chen said.

These words made the five elders silent for a while, it turned out that Luo Wuji had already guessed everything.

"The five have known me for not a day or two, so I'll just say something straight." Luo Chen looked at the five elders and said.

"Although we are hostile, you have also seen that what is the world, what is the fifth era, and what is your first era, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, and you can measure it yourself!"

"Mu Tian and his party, in your eyes, should be just children, more than a hundred years old, I don't think the five elders will be so cruel to betray them, or even let them die!" Luo Chen said again.

This is the truth. When the five elders dealt with the endless abyss, they sent geniuses to die. In fact, there was a deeper reason behind it. After all, some will of the king was involved behind it.

"Don't talk about right or wrong, how much the five of you have shouldered, these accounts are all on the five of you!"

"So what I want to say is, you five should really think about it, what is all this for, or what did you get?" Luo Chen said.

Anyone who does anything actually has a motive, or purpose.

"What I said is not to instigate you, I want you to join my world!" Luo Chen added again.

Luo Chen's words just planted a seed for the five elders, and deepened the gap between the five elders and the Five Elements Department.

"Then you want to?"

"I just want you to jump out and see, what are you doing?"

"For the Five Elements Department, for yourselves, or for someone else."

"Whether it's worth it or not, you can judge for yourself!" Luo Chen said.

This is actually implying the five elders, and the five elders should not be regarded as tool people by the king of the Five Elements Department.

The five elders remained calm, but they knew in their hearts what Luo Chen meant.

They have indeed considered this matter.

But they didn't make a choice, they just thought, ask Luo Chen to kill someone, and then the next one?

Do you continue to be a tool in the hands of others, or do something else?

But Luo Chen's words made the five elders somewhat aware.

What exactly are they doing now?

Invasion of the Fifth Age?

Bring disaster to the Fifth Era, but what about their Five Elements Department?

The five elders are not stupid. Big forces like the Heavenly and Human Dao Palace are actually more powerful than the Five Elements Department. If they really want to invade the Fifth Era, then the Heavenly and Human Dao Palace and other forces can take the lead.

But why did the Five Elements Department become the leader?

Because war needs cannon fodder, their Five Elements Department is cannon fodder!

It's like treating those more than a hundred geniuses back then!

The Five Elements Department was not favored by big forces such as the Heavenly Human Dao Palace.

Even Jiuyi and other forces have been trying to destroy the Five Elements Department!

Luo Chen's words directly named the key point, or why did Luo Chen take them to see Mu Tian and other children?

Because the situation of the Five Elements Department is exactly the same as that of those children.

Just cannon fodder!

In other words, in this war, the Five Elements Department is not a beneficiary, but a victim!

The war was won, and the Ministry of the Five Elements was almost exhausted because it took the lead.

At that time, Jiuyi or Tianren Dao Palace can destroy the entire Five Elements Department without any effort.

If the war is lost, the Department of the Five Elements is already dead, and it is enough for the big forces such as the Heavenly Human Dao Palace to take over again.

"Two kings died in Kibe, right?" Luo Chen looked at Elder Kibe.

These words made the elder Mushu tremble suddenly, which was to remind the elder Mu.

Kibe's overall strength has declined, and he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself.

"King, don't you know?"

"Maybe I know, I can't change it, maybe there is another possibility!" Luo Chen looked at the five elders and said.

"Maybe it's a deal?"

"The target of the transaction is you other members of the Five Elements Department?" Luo Chen sneered across the corner of his mouth.

This made the five elders break out in cold sweat instantly! "Selling a hundred people is selling, selling a thousand, ten thousand, and hundreds of thousands are also selling. Aren't they sold by Shui Ruo, so why do you think you won't be sold?"