Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3862

Chapter 3862

"What way?" the elder Mu asked.

"If I say so, will you do it or not, or will you not avenge this revenge?"

"Report, the water man dragon and the fire man dragon died because of us, we don't have the power to take revenge, shouldn't we take revenge?" Minister Mu said harshly.

"Luo, Wu, Ji!" The elder of the soil minister suddenly said.

There was an instant silence.

"You also know that Luo Wuji is the only one we know who is capable of avenging us now."

"The kings of our various ministries don't need to look for it, because they will suppress this kind of thing anyway. The only one we can look for is Luo Wuji."

This is an obvious thing, because throughout the Fifth Era, when something happened, it was obvious that looking for Luo Wuji was the best solution.

And they did know Luo Chen, even if they didn't have friendship, at least they knew each other!

"Seeking skin from a tiger?" the elder of the Water Minister said in astonishment.

They all know who Luo Wuji is, he eats people without spit out bones, and they will never take advantage of Luo Wuji.

Ask Luo Wuji to make a move, the price will be extremely high.

"There is only one way!" The Minister of Land said harshly.

"Are you going to do it, or not?" The elder of the soil looked at the remaining four people.

The four people looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at each other, they were hesitating and struggling.

"If you don't do it, don't talk about this matter. You and I will pretend that nothing happened. If they die, they will die!" The elder of the soil minister said.

"Do it!" The fire department elder suddenly said.

"Do it, kill Dali, just kill him."

"We are the elders of the five divisions, but now we can't even protect the members of the five divisions, nor can we take revenge."

Some words can only be rotten in their hearts, and there is no way to say them out.

That is, Wang has now begun to not care about the survival and death of the five parts, Wang just uses them as tools.

Without the king, they were bullied, and they didn't even have a leader.

In doing so, although they were suspected of betrayal, they still decided to do so.

"Before we go, go to the kings of the various ministries for the last time, and make a final confirmation!" The fire minister suddenly said.

"If the king agrees to help revenge, then we will ask the king to take action. If he does not agree, then we will do whatever we want!"

"In this way, we have a clear conscience!" The fire department elder sighed.

"Okay!" The five elders took action.

Go back to the first era, go to the kings of the various ministries, and ask the king to help.


The Wooden King and Mudi King had already died in the previous battle of the Seven Kings.

At the moment there is only one Mu Tianwang, and the elder Mu is kneeling outside, and has already informed Mu Tianwang of the matter, hoping that Mu Tianwang can strike and kill Da Li.

"Da Li can't die now, he still has a mission, let's talk about it after the mission is completed." Mu Tianwang's voice sounded coldly.

"Understood." Minister Mu stepped back at this moment.

He had no extra words, but he was disappointed.

There is also a task that cannot be killed, and after the task is completed, what Mu Tianwang gave is to talk about it, not to kill the other party!

On the other side, the news received by the elders of the Fire Minister, the Chief of the Earth and others is similar.

The elder soil minister knelt on the ground and wept.

"The overall situation is the most important thing, send someone to find the native dragon, maybe he is still alive." The voice of the native king came, cold and heartless.

There are many people in the Tube, the Turenlong is very important, but it is important to be alive, a dead person is not important!


"Go and get the punishment, you didn't do well in this matter."

"Understood!" The soil minister went to receive the punishment.

It was the punishment of thunder and lightning, constantly beating the Elder Tu.

But the old land minister didn't say a word. Although he knew the result, he still felt inexplicable anger and disappointment!

big picture?

What the **** is the big picture?

Could it be that one day he died, and it was also the same sentence that the overall situation is the most important thing, let it go?

Although the elder Huochang was not punished, he also felt uncomfortable in his heart.

The Water Minister, like the Earth Minister, returned with injuries all over his body.

He was also punished.

After all, this matter was their dereliction of duty and they didn't handle it well.

As for asking the king to kill Dali?

This seems to be a joke.

Elder Jin also returned with scars all over his body.

"I have been born and died for the Ministry of Finance for so many years, I have worked so hard for the Ministry of Finance, and I have dedicated my life to the Ministry of Finance!"

"I only want one thing, only one such thing, hahaha!" Minister Jin said with a wry smile.

The five elders knew the answer from the beginning, but they still went to ask the king for instructions.

This can be regarded as the utmost benevolence.

"They're all back. It seems that everyone's results are the same." The elder of the soil minister looked at everyone.

Except for Elder Wood and Elder Huo, the other elders were also punished.

"Come on, let's do what we choose."

"Maybe it's hard to get off this boat once it's on board, but at least we have a clear conscience for what we've done." The five elders sighed.

Then the five elders left, quietly left the first era, went to the fifth era, and then quietly went to Dongdazhou to find Luo Chen.

"Father, five bad old men are here." The prince was a little surprised.

"Bring it in." Luo Chen was also curious, what did the five elders ask him for?

The five elders lowered their heads, and then walked into the Hall of Heavenly Kings.

"How did it happen?"

"Our people made things difficult for you?" Luo Chen asked.

"Luo Zun, don't laugh at us." The elder of the soil said.

How could Luo Chen fail to see that these injuries were definitely not caused by the secular world, and even the secular world has a certain respect for the enemy.

"It's rare to see the five of you like this." Luo Chen laughed.

But then Luo Chen spoke again.

"Get some medicine, bring some quick-acting ones."

"Don't let other people see them like this, show them some face." Luo Chenping retreated the others, and at the same time went out by himself.

Soon the five elders tidied up, and then took the medicine that should be taken, and rubbed the medicine that should be rubbed on.

After tidying up for a long time, the five elders finally looked less embarrassed.

"Have you eaten yet? It's just in time for dinner."

"Eat something together?" Luo Chen was very casual.

"Then respect is worse than obedience." The minister of soil said with a smile.

Luo Chen took the five of them to the secular street.

"Let's eat at that noodle restaurant."

"It just so happens that you can see acquaintances." Luo Chen said with a smile.

"Boss, ten bowls of noodles, add some beef to them, and I'll just have a bowl of plain noodles." Luo Chen found a table and sat down.

At this moment, the elders of the five ministers were stunned.

Because the waiters in the store are Shui Ruo and Shui Zhi, Mu Tian is also here to help.

Several pairs of eyes meet each other.

"Bring you here to eat, so you don't have to worry about me being poisoned." Luo Chen said with a smile.

Mu Tian and the others did not speak, and soon brought the beef noodles to the five elders.

Mu Tian and the others knew what to say and what not to say, but they didn't mention Jin Renlong anyway.

"Here, how are you doing?" Minister Mu looked at Mu Tian in embarrassment.

"Very good, very good." Mu Tian said with a smile. "It's much better than following you and selling me out." Mu Tian said with a cold face.