Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 278

Chapter 278

As soon as these words were spoken, several other people immediately followed.

"Don't talk nonsense about this kind of nonsense in the future!" The front desk looked at Du Dong and Feng Huan angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Du Dong couldn't believe it.

"Three years ago, there was a fire here, and the proprietress was burned to death on the spot." The front desk snorted coldly.

"Go to bed." The front desk walked away angrily.

Now they scared them all at once.

"Du Dong, I am afraid." Feng Huan fell into Du Dong's arms all at once.

Although Xu Shuiyao was afraid, she was still calm at this time.

"This is not a prank?" Du Dong suddenly said.

"Probably not." Xu Shuiyao shook her head.

"Then one of them must be telling lies."

There was indeed a problem with the front desk, but it was difficult for anyone to judge whether those words were true or not.

After all, the lady boss said that there was a problem with the front desk.

But the front desk also said that the lady boss died three years ago, which is a bit oozing.

In case what the front desk said is true, they just talked to the ghost again.

That's even more scary.

The two girls suddenly panicked.

"I think it's better to return to the car for one night." Luo Chen knew what was going on, but he found it troublesome.

"What are you afraid of?"

"With me, whether he is a man or a ghost!" Du Dong sneered at this moment.

"I said young man, you are so courageous." Du Dong sneered.

Hearing what Du Dong said, Feng Xin became more courageous.

Then he glanced at Luo Chen with disdain.

"That's right, with my Dong brother, whether he is a man or a ghost!"

"If you want to go, go by yourself." Du Dong was also a bit uncomfortable with Luo Chen, after all, Luo Chen disturbed his good deeds.

If Luo Chen was not there, Xu Shuiyao would definitely live with them tonight.

"Luo Chen, you have to stay with me." Xu Shuiyao grabbed Luo Chen at this moment, showing a pleading look.

Luo Chen looked at it. After all, Xu Shuiyao was a good person, and was willing to take him for a ride, so that she could not be dangerous, so he nodded reluctantly.

Then they went back to their rooms, and Xu Shuiyao was scared at this time.

But I still received a bucket of water, then threw the electric heating rod in, planning to take a bath.

But Xu Shuiyao just connected the water, plugged in the heating rod, and tripped with a click.

When Xu Shuiyao was about to open the door, Luo Chen stopped Xu Shuiyao with one hand.

Then shook his head to Xu Shuiyao.

Then there was a knock on the door.

It was just the room opposite Du Dong and the others lived in.

Bang Bang Bang.

Du Dong called out.


The room is basically not soundproof, so it can be heard clearly.

"Me, lady boss, did you trip?" The lady boss' voice rang at this moment.

Du Dong was about to open the door, and suddenly thought about it that something was wrong.

If the front desk has a brain problem, who the **** would use such a person?

So what the lady boss said is a lie?

Are the words at the front desk true?

Thinking about it this way, the boss is really a ghost?

Suddenly Du Dong broke out in cold sweat.

The knocking outside the door continued to ring.

Finally, Du Dong decided to open the door and take a look.

But he was also quite smart, and called Xu Shuiyao.

Xu Shuiyao had to open the door with Du Dong at the same time.

As a result, she saw the lady boss standing at the door holding a candle.

"You made an electric trip, I'll check it." The lady boss said.

"Wait, madam, are you a ghost or a human?" Du Dong asked boldly at this time.

"Young man, seeing that you look quite upright, why don't you speak human words?" The lady boss became angry all at once.

It can be seen that she is also a violent temper.

"No, didn't your front desk say you are dead?"

Du Dong was not afraid at this time.

But to say that, if there is a misunderstanding, it is a bit inappropriate.

As a result, just after the words were finished, the front desk came.

"When did I say that the lady boss died?" The front desk looked blank.

"Are you kidding us?" Du Dong got angry when he heard it.

"I'm full?" The front desk looked at Du Dong coldly, holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, knocking the melon seeds, and said.

"No, just when we opened the door, the lady boss cleaned the room inside, and then frightened us. Then your front desk went up and said that you were dead." Feng Xin also said at this time.

"Wait, little girl, when did I scare you in the room?" The lady boss was also dumbfounded, showing a look of stunned expression.

"When the front desk took you upstairs, I just came back, and after the front desk went downstairs, I sat with me at the bar until I just tripped. I didn't come up and knock on the door." The lady boss looked at Feng in a daze. Xin.

"During this period, I never came up with the front desk at all!" The lady boss looked blank.

"No, you must be lying." Xu Shuiyao was also a little confused at this time.

But she thinks things must not be that simple.

Obviously the lady boss came up there and said that there was a problem with the front desk.

And the front desk has also been there, carrying a knife, saying that the lady boss is dead.

At this time, he didn't admit it.

"Okay, there is monitoring downstairs, you can go to see the monitoring." The boss said angrily.

"Don't be scary in the middle of the night, okay?"

"When you look at the monitoring, you must look at the monitoring. This matter must be figured out." Xu Shuiyao also insisted.

Otherwise, could the receptionist and the proprietress they met just now be a ghost in Chengdu?

But this is obviously impossible!

"You go down and wait for us at the bar. I and the front desk will push the switch up first." The lady boss walked into the room and the front desk followed in.

Then a group of people went down the corridor first, leaving the lady boss and the front desk to get the switch.

"Luo Chen, do you think what they said is true or false?" Xu Shuiyao asked Luo Chen as he walked.

"It's all true, and it's all false. I still said that. If you don't want to make trouble, it's better to leave here."

"Humph, how come you are such a big man, why are you so timid?" Feng Xin sneered again.

"All the way to the present, I keep saying leave here, leave here."

"Young man, I'm not talking about people. Really, why do people like you travel?" Du Dong also sneered at this time.

Whenever something happens, he is scared. Du Dong can beat ten such people.

"Du Dong." Xu Shuiyao yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Sister Shuiyao, don't be angry, I'm telling the truth, and what's so scary?"

"Hmph, pretend to be a fool, I will wait to tear her down"

Du Dong's words suddenly stopped.

Because Du Dong and others saw it as soon as they got off the stairs.

The front desk was sitting upright at the bar, knocking melon seeds. "I said you didn't sleep well in the middle of the night and why did you come down?" The front desk looked at Du Dong and others impatiently and said.